What is the meaning of the number of emergency patients need to occupy emergency medical resources?

According to the health standard "Hospital Emergency Department Standardized Procedures" (WS/T 390-2012),

How much of the medical resources of the emergency department are occupied by emergency patients is the number of "medical resources included in the emergency classification":

1.Laboratory tests (blood and urine)

2.ECG, X-ray

3.CT, MRI, ultrasound

4.CT, MRI, ultrasound

5. Electrocardiogram, X-ray

3. CT, MRI, ultrasound

4. Angiography

5. Establishment of intravenous access

6. Intravenous, intramuscular, nebulized treatments

7. Consultation with relevant specialists

8. Simple operations such as catheterization, laceration repair

9. Complex operations such as sedation, analgesia

9. Analgesia

The number of emergency medical resources for "complex operations" in item 9 above is recorded as 2, and 1 for each of items 1-8.