Self-validation protocol and validity record sheet for equipment

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Effective Validity

Regulation Name General Rules for the Safe and Hygienic Design of Manufacturing Equipment

Document No. GB5083-85

Enactment Department National Bureau of Standards

Enactment date April 17, 1985

Implementation date March 01, 1986


General principles of safety and health design of production equipment

This standard applies to all types of production equipment * safety and health design.

Note * safety design of electrical equipment in accordance with GB 4064-83 "safety design guidelines for electrical equipment".

National Bureau of Standards 1985-04-17 issued

1986-03-01 implementation

This standard does not apply to air and water transportation and water facilities.

This standard is the production of various types of equipment safety and health design of the basic standards. Formulation of various types of production equipment safety and health design of special standards. Should be consistent with the relevant provisions of this standard, and make it specific.

1 Basic principles

1.1 production equipment and its parts and components, must have sufficient strength, rigidity and stability. In accordance with the specified conditions of manufacture, installation, transportation, storage and use, shall not cause danger to personnel.

1.2 In the process of use, the production equipment shall not emit more than the standard specified hazardous substances.

1.3 The design of the production equipment must fulfill the principle of safe man-machine engineering, in order to minimize the operator's physical and mental exertion, as well as mental tension.

1.4 The safety of production equipment, should be ensured through:

a. Select the best design, and in strict accordance with the standard manufacturing, testing;

b. Reasonable use of mechanization, automation, and computer technology;

c. The use of effective protective measures;

d. Installation, transportation, storage, use and maintenance of technical documents, should contain the following information. Maintenance of technical documents, should contain safety requirements.

1.5 The design of production equipment, safety assessment should be carried out. When the safety and economic interests of technical measures in conflict, it is appropriate to give priority to the safety of technical requirements, and should be in the following order of rank selection of safety and technical measures:

a. Direct safety and technical measures - the production equipment itself, should have the intrinsic safety performance, to ensure that there will not be any danger;

b. Direct safety and technical measures - the production equipment itself, should have the intrinsic safety performance, to ensure that there will not be any danger;

b. Indirect safety technology measures - direct safety technology measures can not or not fully realized, it must be in the overall design stage of production equipment, design one or more reliable safety guards. The design and manufacture of safety guards should not be left to the user to undertake the task. In addition to direct and indirect safety technology measures, but also in the equipment should be appropriate to use indicative safety technology measures.

1.6 The production equipment shall meet the safety and health requirements throughout its service life.

2 General Requirements

2.1 Adaptability

Design of production equipment, should specify its service life. According to the requirements of the use of the environment (such as temperature, humidity, air pressure, wind load, rain and snow, radiation, dust, load, shock, vibration, microorganisms, animals, corrosive media, etc.), the production equipment must have sufficient capacity to adapt to the environment, especially corrosion, wear and fatigue resistance.

2.2 Prevention of fracture

Production equipment, a variety of force zero, components and their connection, must be a reasonable choice of structure, materials, technology and safety factor, in the specified service life according to the specified use, shall not produce fracture and broken.

2.3 Materials

The materials of the production equipment must be able to withstand all kinds of physical, chemical and biological effects that may occur during the specified service life.

2.3.1 Materials that are hazardous to humans should not be used in the manufacture of production equipment. When they must be used, reliable technical safety measures must be taken to ensure the safety of personnel.

2.3.2 Production equipment parts and components, such as material aging or fatigue may cause danger, it should be selected aging-resistant or fatigue-resistant materials, and should be provided for the replacement period. The safe use of the period, should be less than the material aging or fatigue period.

2.3.3 Production equipment is easy to be corroded or cavitation parts and components, should be selected corrosion-resistant or cavitation-resistant materials, or take some kind of method to protect.

2.3.4 Prohibit the use of materials that can react with the working medium and cause danger (explosion, generation of harmful substances, etc.).

2.4 Stability

2.4.1 The production equipment must not be tilted or unduly displaced by vibration, wind or other expected external loads.

2.4.2 If the production equipment cannot or does not fully meet the stability requirements through the design of the form and its own mass distribution, some kind of technical safety measures must be taken to ensure that it has good stability.

2.4.3 Driving equipment that can be driven or maneuvered by the driver and may overturn must be designed to protect the driver and other personnel guards.

2.4.4 If the required stability can only be achieved by special measures or defined methods of use at the place of installation or use, this shall be indicated on the production equipment and described in detail in the operating instructions.

2.5 Surfaces, corners and edges

Without compromising functionality, the production equipment and its parts and components shall be designed to be free from sharp corners, sharp edges, uneven surfaces and protruding parts which may cause injury.

2.6 manipulators, signals and displays

2.6.1 Manipulators

Design, selection and arrangement of manipulators should be designed to be compatible with the characteristics of the operating part of the human body (in particular, the functional characteristics), as well as the control task. In particular, attention should be paid to the following aspects:

a. Manipulators should generally have (electrical or mechanical, etc.) interlocking devices;

b. Manipulators that may be inadvertently acted upon, the necessary protective measures should be taken;

c. The function of the various manipulators should be clearly identifiable, to avoid confusion. If necessary, it should be supplemented by easy to understand the visualization of symbols or text instructions. The use of visual symbols should be consistent with the provisions of the relevant standards;

d. Manipulation force and manipulator stroke, should be based on human physiological characteristics and control tasks and manipulator category to choose, and should be in line with the corresponding provisions of the special standards for various types of production equipment. Recommended values of manipulation force see appendix B.

e. Manipulation action, equipment response and information display should be compatible. Manipulator should be as far as possible and the corresponding signaling device is located in an adjacent position or form a corresponding spatial relationship;

f. Manipulator shape, size, spacing and surface features, should meet the safety and reliability, maneuvering comfort and ease of operation requirements;

g. Manipulators are more in number, its installation and layout, should be able to ensure that the normal sequence of action or give a clear indication of the correct sequence of action on the equipment. The diagram of the correct sequence of action is clearly indicated on the equipment.

2.6.2 Signals and displays

The design, selection and arrangement of signals and displays should be adapted to human sensory characteristics. Particular attention should be paid to the following aspects:

a. The performance, form and number of signals and displays should be adapted to the characteristics of the information. Signals and displays, should be safe, clear, rapid principle, according to the process, the importance of the degree and frequency, arranged in the personnel easy to see and easy to hear the range. When the number of signals and displays is large, they should be arranged in zones according to their functions and types of displays. There should be a clear boundary between the district and the district.

b. The distance, angle and contrast between the signals and displays and the operator should be appropriate to ensure that they are clear and easy to recognize and accurate;

c. Production equipment prone to malfunctions or places of greater danger must be configured with sound, light or a combination of sound and light alarm devices. Accident signal, it is desirable to show the location of the fault. Dangerous signal, should be clearly differentiated from other signals.

2.7 working position

Production equipment for personnel to work on the working position, should be safe and reliable. The workspace should ensure that the operator's head, arms, hands, legs, feet have sufficient room for manoeuvre. Hazardous work point, there should be enough space to retreat.

Production equipment operating position height above 20m from the ground, it is appropriate to configure safe and reliable manned lifting equipment; in 30m (including 30m) above, must be configured with safe and reliable manned lifting equipment.

2.7.1 maneuvering position

Production equipment on the operating position, should be able to ensure that the operator alternates between sitting and standing. It is usually preferred to design the sitting position. If necessary, the operating position of sitting, standing and walking can be used alternately.

2.7.2 Seats

The seats provided by the production equipment shall be suitable for the needs of the human body and the performance of functions. If necessary, the seat should be able to adjust the height and angle appropriately. The structure and dimensions of the seat shall be in accordance with anthropometric data and shall meet the requirements of work needs and comfort.

2.7.3 Maneuvering room Maneuvering room must ensure the safety, convenience and comfort of the operator; it must be ensured that the operator in the seat can directly control all the operations, and make it a good view. The maneuvering room should be made of fireproof material. Its doors and windows shall be made of transparent, easy-to-clean safety materials and, if necessary, shall be equipped with wiping devices on the doors and windows. Maneuvering room should have a good defense against harmful effects of the outside world (such as noise, vibration, dust, poison and thermal radiation, etc.). When the manipulation of the working environment inside the room temperature is too high or too low, it is appropriate to configure the air conditioning unit or safe heating heating, cooling facilities.

2.7.4 Anti-skid and fall prevention design work location, must give full consideration to the safety of personnel foot and standing. If the operator often changes the working position, the production equipment must be equipped with a safe walking board. The width of the safety walking board should not be less than 500mm. If the operator to operate, maintain, adjust the working position in the fall of more than 2m above the reference plane, it must be configured in the production equipment for the platform to stand, and fall prevention railings, safety rings and protection boards.

Design ladders, platforms and railings, according to GB4053.1-83 "fixed steel ladder", GB4053.2-83 "fixed steel ladder", GB4053.3-83 "fixed industrial guardrail" and GB4053.4-83 "fixed industrial steel platform". -83 "fixed industrial steel platform" and other relevant standards. Walking boards, ladders, platforms should have good non-slip performance. Production equipment should prevent leakage. For production equipment that may produce leakage, there should be suitable collection and discharge devices. If necessary, special flooring should be provided.

2.8 Lighting

2.8.1 The production equipment must ensure adequate illumination of the operating points and areas. However, it is necessary to eliminate all kinds of strobe effect and glare phenomenon. Lighting design according to TJ34-79 "Industrial Lighting Design Standards" and other relevant standards.

2.8.2 The parts of the production equipment inside the need for frequent observation, should be equipped with lighting devices or power outlets.

2.9 Lubrication

2.9.1 The relative motion parts of the production equipment should have good lubrication conditions, and as far as possible, centralized lubrication or automatic lubrication.

2.9.2 Heavy machinery and important equipment, should be forced lubrication and interlocking devices to ensure that only in the lubricating oil pump action and reach a certain oil pressure, can start the equipment. If necessary, should be configured in the key lubrication parts of the monitoring and protection devices.

2.9.3 The lubrication system should choose the right oil. And have a good oil filtering device.

2.10 lifting and handling

2.10.1 The weight of the production equipment or parts and components, should be easy to lift. If necessary, there should be lifting holes or rings. Design lifting position, must be able to avoid tipping during lifting.

2.10.2 The whole machine transportation or separate transportation of parts and components, should be consistent with the relevant requirements of transportation and loading.

2.10.3 Weight more than 1t parts, components and assembled transport parts, it is appropriate to mark the appropriate part of the weight. The number must be clear and indicate which part of the weight.

2.11 Inspection and maintenance

2.11.1 The design of production equipment must take into account the convenience of inspection and maintenance. If necessary, special inspection and maintenance tools or devices should be supplied with the equipment. The parts that need to be inspected and repaired must be in a safe condition.

2.11.2 The need to enter the internal maintenance of production equipment, there should be safety technical measures. For motion equipment, there must be an interlocking device.

2.11.3 When entering the oxygen-deficient or toxic equipment for internal maintenance, the necessary measures should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulations.3 Accident and occupational hazards prevention

3.1 Moving parts

3.1.1 Moving parts that are easily accessible to the personnel should be closed as far as possible in order to avoid contacting with them during operation.

3.1.2 When the equipment is in operation, the operator needs to approach the movable parts and components, must be equipped with the necessary safety guards.

3.1.3 In order to prevent the operation of the production equipment or parts and components exceed the limit position, should be equipped with reliable limit devices.

3.1.4 If the function or potential energy of movable parts and components (including their loads) can cause danger, then speed limiters, fall prevention or anti-reversal devices must be installed.

3.1.5 The design of safety guards shall meet the following requirements:

a. so that the operator can not reach the moving parts and components in operation;

b. in the operator close to the moving parts and components and there may be a danger of emergency, the equipment should not be able to start or immediately stop automatically, braking;

c. to avoid contact between safety guards and moving parts. Avoid contact hazards between the safety guards and movable parts and components;

d. Safety guards should be easy to adjust, inspection and maintenance, and shall not become a source of danger.

3.1.6 to the operator's operating position in the plane as a reference, where the height of 2m within all the drive belt, shaft, drive chain, coupling, pulley, gears, flywheel, sprocket, chainsaw and other hazardous parts and hazardous parts must be set up guards.

a. Infrequent adjustment and maintenance of movable parts and components, should be used fixed guard. Fixed guards should be designed to be durable;

b. Frequent adjustment and maintenance of movable parts and components, should be equipped with movable guards. If necessary, movable shield should be interlocking devices to ensure that the shield is not closed, can not start movable parts, components; once the shield is opened, it should be immediately shut down automatically.

3.2 Flyers

3.2.1 High-speed rotating parts, components, must be configured with sufficient strength, rigidity and the appropriate shape and size of the shield, if necessary, should be provided for the inspection and replacement of such parts of the period.

3.2.2 During the operation of production equipment (or sudden power failure), if there is a tool, workpiece, joints (including fasteners) or chips and other flying flinging hazards, it should be in the design, to take measures to prevent the loosening of the configuration of guards or protective nets and other safety protection devices.

3.3 cold and hot

The personnel may touch the cold or hot parts of the production equipment, must be equipped with anti-contact shielding. Production equipment that processes hot parts without affecting operation or equipment function must also be equipped with contact shielding. The shielding shall be fixed.

3.4 fire and explosion-proof

Production, use, storage or transportation in the presence of combustible gases, vapors, dust or other flammable and explosive substances in the production equipment, should be based on its different properties (ignition point, flash point and explosion limit, etc.) to take appropriate precautions: the implementation of the airtight, and prohibit the running, bubbling, dripping, leaking; according to the specific circumstances of the configuration of the monitoring and alarm, explosion-proof relief devices and fire safety facilities; avoid friction and impact. fire safety facilities; to avoid friction impact; eliminate sparks and static electricity accumulation.

Explosion hazardous areas of electrical safety design according to the current relevant standards, regulations.

3.4.1 boilers, pressure vessels

Boilers, pressure vessels should be in line with the relevant design requirements of this standard, but also must comply with (80) Labor General pot word No. 23 "Steam Boiler Safety Supervision Regulations," (81) Labor General pot word No. 7 "Pressure Vessel Safety Supervision Regulations," and (82) the oil set up the word 384, "Steel Petrochemical Pressure Vessel Design Provisions" and other requirements. Requirements.

3.4.2 Combustible gas combustion equipment

Combustible gas combustion equipment must meet the following requirements:

a. Avoid accidental discharge of gas (such as through the plug, opener, ignition device, pressure limiting device, etc.);

b. Ensure that the gas combustion equipment has reliable combustion safety (such as configuration of a reliable ignition device and perfect flame stabilization device, etc.);

b. Ensure that gas combustion equipment with reliable combustion safety (such as configuration of reliable ignition device and perfect flame stabilization device, etc.);

b. Stabilization device, etc.);

c. Combustion safety protection devices (such as load stop valve, safety valve, explosion-proof membrane, explosion-proof valve, automatic alarm, etc.) should be perfect and reliable.

d. Can prevent the delivery of combustible gases to the part of the flashback.

3.4.3 other fuel combustion equipment design of liquid and solid fuel combustion equipment, must meet the following requirements:

a. supply of fuel is not a danger;

b. flammable and explosive fuel storage fire distance, must be consistent with the provisions of the TJ16-74 "architectural design Fire Code" provisions;

c. Ensure that the air supply for combustion is sufficient;

d. Exhaust fumes should be consistent with the requirements of Gas or liquid combustion equipment, it must be ensured that the leakage of fuel in the equipment or in the vicinity of the equipment does not reach a dangerous level. Equipment using powered fuels (especially explosive substances) as energy carriers must be protected against accidental hazards.

3.5 Hydraulic and pneumatic pressure

Production equipment using hydraulic or pneumatic pressure should be able to avoid the discharge of pressurized liquids or compressed gases causing danger. Also isolate the energy device, must be safe and reliable.

3.6 control system

3.6.1 control and regulation control device, must ensure that when anomalies occur in the energy source (accidentally or artificially cut off or change), but also does not cause danger. If necessary, the control device should be able to automatically switch to alternate energy sources and alternate equipment systems. Automatic or semi-automatic switching and control programs shall be functionally sequenced in such a way as to ensure that hazardous crossings or overlaps are excluded and shall have the necessary protective devices. Complex production equipment and important safety systems shall be equipped with automatic monitoring devices. The control device of the production equipment shall be installed in a position where the operator can see the whole equipment action. For some start in the control point can not see the full picture of the production equipment, should be configured to start the warning signaling device. control line, should ensure that even if the line failure or damage does not cause harm. Control devices and clutches, brakes, or interlocks used as safety measures on production equipment must be mandatory. Automatic interlocking devices should be used in the regulating section to prevent misoperation and misoperation of the automatic regulation and manipulation, etc. Automatic interlocking devices should be used in the regulating section to prevent misoperation.

3.6.2 Emergency switch The production equipment must be equipped with an emergency switch if the following conditions exist:

a. In the event of an accident, the hazardous operation can not be terminated quickly by the stopping switch;

b. A general switch can not be used to interrupt a number of hazardous movement units quickly;

c. The emergency switch is not used because of an accident. p>

c. Other dangers can occur as a result of cutting off one unit;

d. The whole of the control cannot be seen at the console. Emergency switches shall be provided in sufficient number and shall be of a shape different from that of the normal switches and shall be colored red, the safety color. Emergency switches shall be accessible quickly and without danger at all control points and feed points. When the production equipment is stopped by the emergency switch and its kinetic or potential energy may cause danger, there must be a slowdown and anti-reversal device linked to it. If necessary, it must be braked quickly. After the production equipment has been stopped by the emergency switch, it may be operated again only when the accident has been removed.

3.6.3 Prevention of accidental startup For production equipment which, during adjustments, inspections or repairs, needs to look into the hazardous area, or which requires a part of the human body (hand or arm) to reach into the hazardous area, it must be prevented from being started accidentally. To this end, the following measures shall be taken:

a. Mechanical protection of the hazardous area shall be accompanied by a mandatory disconnection of the control and energy sources of the production equipment;

b. A master switch capable of multiple locking shall be designed;

c. The control or interlocking elements shall be located directly in the hazardous area and shall only be operated or stopped from this location;

d. Removable switch keys;

d. A switch shall be used to prevent accidental start-up. (e) Selectors on production equipment with multiple modes of operation and functioning shall be lockable in the position selected for the intended mode of operation. Each position of the selector shall correspond to only one mode of manipulation or operation;

f. so that the potential energy of the equipment is at its lowest value. Production equipment may endanger personal safety due to accidental start-up, must be configured to play a mandatory role in safety guards (some need to configure more than two kinds of interlocking safety devices), in order to prevent accidental start-up. When the energy is accidentally cut off and then reconnected, the production equipment must be able to avoid dangerous operation.

3.7 noise and vibration

The various types of production equipment, must be specified in the product standard noise (plus vibration, if necessary) permissible indicators, and in the design of effective preventive and curative measures, so that the noise and vibration indicators are lower than the provisions of the product standard.

3.8 Dust, poison and radiation

3.8.1 Dust, hazardous gases or harmful vapors Where the process produces dust, hazardous gases or hazardous vapors production equipment, should try to use the automatic charging and discharging devices, and must have inhalation, purification and discharge devices to ensure that the workplace and the discharge of harmful concentrations in line with the TJ36-0007, and to ensure that the workplace. Harmful concentration of substances in line with TJ36-79 "industrial design health standards" and GBJ4-73 "industrial" three "emission trial standards" of the relevant requirements. The closed system for hazardous substances should avoid running, bubbling, dripping and leaking. If necessary, should be equipped with monitoring and alarm devices. For highly toxic substances, there should be once the leakage of emergency measures.

3.8.2 Emission (radiation)

Wherever the production equipment can produce emission (radiation), must take effective shielding, absorption measures, and should try to use remote operation and automation. If necessary, there should be monitoring, alarm and interlocking devices. The design should be in line with the requirements put forward by the departments on the corresponding equipment.

4 Other

4.1 Safety Supervision

The dangerous production equipment (such as boilers, pressure vessels, cranes, mechanical presses, woodworking machinery, plastic injection molding machines, etc.) should be approved by the state-designated safety supervision agency for the design drawings and related technical documents.

4.2 Signs

4.2.1 Each production equipment must be labeled. Indicate the manufacturer, date of manufacture, product model, factory number and the main parameters of safe use and so on.

4.2.2 When designing production equipment, safety colors should be used. Production equipment is prone to dangerous parts, there must be safety signs. Design, according to GB2893-82 "safety color" and GB2894-82 "safety signs".

4.2.3 Signs, safety signs and safety colors, should keep the color sharp, clear and lasting.

4.3 Description

Production equipment must have instructions and other technical documents. Instructions include: installation, handling, storage, use, maintenance and safety and health and other relevant provisions.

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