According to the standards set by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), the total risk of radiation is 0.0165 / sievert, that is to say, the body receives a dose of radiation of one sievert (1 sievert = 1,000 millisieverts), which will increase the chances of cancer by 0.0165. By this reckoning, a patient with a broken rib would have an increased risk of about 3.8 parts per million.
And for other medical examinations, the general limbs to do an X-ray examination to receive the radiation dose of 0.01 millisievert, the abdomen for 0.54 millisievert, the pelvis for 0.66 millisievert, the lumbar spine for 1.4 millisievert, the upper gastrointestinal tract for 2.55 millisievert. To put this in perspective, the risk of cancer in a healthy population because of a medical exam is between one in 10 million and one in 100,000
Pregnant women and children are among those at high risk of radiation exposure
While most hospitals don't take any precautions when X-rays are given to ordinary patients, there are some concerns about pregnant women, who have their abdomens covered. Dr. Yu suggests that pregnant women, especially those in their first trimester, should avoid such tests. Because this is a critical period for the formation of vital fetal organs, X-rays may cause mutations in these undeveloped cells and tissues, and the incidence of congenital malformations in the fetus may increase. Studies have also shown that CT scanning of newborns with head injuries can have an impact on later learning and logical reasoning, while having little effect on spatial recognition.
In addition to pregnant women, children are also one of the high-risk groups for radiation damage. From the radiobiological theory analysis, a tissue radiosensitivity and cell division activity is proportional to the children are in the peak of growth and development, active cell division, more sensitive than adults, and the younger the more sensitive. If a short period of time to accept a greater number of X-ray irradiation, the harm will slowly accumulate, resulting in irreparable damage to the body's cells, the future of cancer and other diseases will greatly increase the chances of inducing. Therefore, the state regulations, under the age of 18 years old is strictly prohibited to engage in occupations related to radiation work.
If the affected party is only occasionally exposed to X-rays, then the medical staff of the radiology department, who are the medical side, are more likely to be damaged by radiation, even though they have taken some protective measures. The Ministry of Health Legal Supervision Department of Public **** Health Division responsible person said, the Ministry of Health has 15 provinces and cities in the country's hospitals to monitor, records show that the medical profession personnel to receive the degree of radiation in the top of the various industries, medical radiation is the main source of radiation contamination at present, the medical staff due to contact with rays of long time, high frequency, short distance, they are subjected to the intensity of radiation than the staff of the traditional nuclear industry is also high.
Medical personnel short-term exposure to large doses of radiation, acute skin burns, necrosis, radiation dermatitis, eye crystal turbidity secondary to cataracts; long-term low-dose radiation, the onset of the general in a few years or even a dozen years, may occur after leukemia, other tumors, fetal malformations and so on. However, for the hazards of medical radiation, many doctors themselves do not have enough protection awareness, although the hospital also provides the appropriate protective measures, but in practice, some medical workers will be reluctant to use because of the trouble. Many in the X-ray machine under the orthopedic surgery and manipulation of the reset of the doctor, the arm hair on all the sweat off, which shows that radiation has been harmful to the body.