Poster making background - PS how to make a poster background`s

Get poster background?

The poster screenshot, saved as a picture file.Word document for the poster set the background of two ways:

One, the picture will be set as a watermark, in the page layout inside the watermark;

Second, also in the page layout, select the page color inside the fill effect, select the picture.Word document for the poster to set the background of the steps:

The first step, the point of page Layout page color;

Second step, point fill effect;

Third step, pop-up fill effect dialog box, select the picture, click to select the picture;

Fourth step, select the need for the poster picture, click Insert;

Sixth step, complete the background settings. Note: This method can be set in a word document any customized picture background effect, the watermark effect is a light effect, hidden, mainly for internal documents such as the name of the company, and does not affect the normal reading.

Poster background image how to do _ poster production background image

First of all, in Photoshop will be all the materials needed to open, and a new "12cm * 8cm" white canvas.

Click to the character material, with the left side of the "Magnetic Lasso Tool" along the edges of the characters will be all boxed in, to be selected after the use of the "Move Tool" to drag it to the white canvas, and placed in a good position.

Next, a background material will be dragged to the white canvas, placed between the character layer and the background layer, and "ctrlT" command to change its size and direction.

After the adjustment, click on the layer board below the "Layer Mask" button to add a mask to the background material, and then click on the left toolbar in the "Gradient Tool", in the material on the picture a drag, you can see the background material of the gradient effect. gradient effect.

Set up after the other background material will be dragged into the canvas, and the same way to change its size, direction and gradient effect, so that it is coordinated with the previous background material.

After adjusting the background, drag the star clip into the canvas and place it in a suitable position.

Drag the trophy clip onto the canvas and adjust its size and position. At the same time, use the "Horizontal Text Tool" on the left to enter the desired text in the canvas, and use the "Bevel and Emboss" attribute at the bottom of the layer interface to adjust the text's three-dimensionality.

After the adjustment, we will just drag the pentagram into the text directly below, you can complete a simple character poster.

PS how to do the poster background `

1, open PS, a new blank document, background color set to white, the document size according to the realization of the need to define.

2, then select a picture can be used as a base and open the picture, the use of "mobile tools" to move the picture to the current document interface to create "Layer 1", and then press "Ctrl + T " on its size and location to adjust.

3, then click the "Layer" panel in the "Add Layer Mask" button to add a mask for the current layer. Then select the "Gradient Fill Tool" for its fill "black and white" gradient.

4, and then open a picture can be used as a base, at the same time for the application of masks and gradient fill. And adjust its transparency, so that it looks slightly darker.

5, and then insert a picture, because the picture has a background, so choose the "Magic Wand Tool", the background selected and deleted. Then set its "Layer Mixing Mode" to "Highlight".

6, and then select the "Text Tool", enter the content related to the theme of the adventure, such as "SecretAdvertuers", set the shape of the text, and apply the style, parameters, such as Figure.

7, a new layer, press "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E" to create a stamp layer. Implementation of "Filter" ?ú "Artistic Effects" ?ú "poster edge".

8, and then the implementation of "Filter" ?ú "Sharpen" ?ú "USM Sharpening", parameters and results as shown.

9, and then finally add some textual description of information, and the application of relevant styles. The final result is shown in the figure.

What do you want to do the content of the poster, publicity? The first to find a good theme of the material, and then do it. As for how to do, depending on your preferences, there can be many styles of ~ ~