Changhong portable bluetooth outdoor audio manufacturers where

Changhong Portable Bluetooth Outdoor Audio Manufacturer is Changhong Audio is Sichuan Changhong Electrical Appliances Co. Ltd. location in the address is located in Mianxing East Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, High-tech Zone, No. 35. Changhong audio is Sichuan Changhong Electrical Appliances Co., Ltd. was founded in 1958, the address is located in Mianxing East Road, Mianyang City, Sichuan Province, high-tech zone Mianxing Road No. 35, the company's business scope: household appliances, automotive appliances, electronic products and spare parts, communications equipment, lighting equipment, household products, computers and other electronic equipment, electronic and electrical machinery and equipment, electrical machinery and equipment, battery series products, electronics, medical products, electrical equipment, machinery and equipment, and medical equipment. Medical products, electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, refrigeration equipment and accessories, digital monitoring products, metal products, instruments and meters, cultural and office machinery, stationery and sporting goods, kitchen cabinets and gas appliances manufacturing, sales and maintenance.