What harm does electromagnetic radiation do to the body? Electromagnetic radiation will harm the body what?

In the modern era of more and more electronic equipment, the use of electronic equipment produced by electromagnetic radiation will be more and more, and electromagnetic radiation is not only serious pollution of the environment will also jeopardize our human health, so in order to our bodies, we should try to avoid preventing electromagnetic radiation on the body. So what are the hazards of electromagnetic radiation on the body? Electromagnetic radiation can harm the body what?

A, electromagnetic radiation harm to the body

1, more and more bad face

The use of the longest time, the most harmful to the computer to the persecution of women's facial skin! After the computer will produce static electricity, adsorption of a large number of dust and pollutants particles, falling on the face will clog pores, the skin becomes rough, acne clusters; these dust and pollutants will be absorbed by the skin on the water, so that the skin is dehydrated and dry.

2, can not do electric eye beauty

Eyes in the lens is the most vulnerable to ionizing radiation in one of the organs. Staring at the computer screen for a long time, playing cell phones, psp, e-books before going to bed is a huge damage to the eyes - eye swelling, vision loss, dryness, and even lead to lens turbidity. China's 420 million Internet users, 63.5% of the computer radiation due to vision loss, cataracts and even blindness and other varying degrees of eye disease.

3, greatly increasing the risk of cancer

For women, the most harmed by electromagnetic radiation is the organ of the breast. A survey shows that the probability of computer workers suffering from breast cancer than non-computer workers 43% higher; the use of cell phones to increase the risk of malignant brain cancer 2-4 times, parotid tumor prevalence increased by 50% of the reason why electromagnetic radiation increases the risk of cancer because of its irreversible damage to the body's DNA, in fact, it is the genes mutated, think of it on the shudder.

4, neurasthenia to get into the body

The human body itself is the existence of magnetic fields and currents, electromagnetic waves and other external electric fields, magnetic fields will interfere with the biological clock of the human body, causing vegetative nerve disorders and dysfunction. Recently, there have been dizziness, fatigue, can not remember things, insomnia and other symptoms, these are the typical performance of neurasthenia Oh!

5, the mother-to-be killer

3 months before pregnancy is the baby's most fragile time, a variety of congenital diseases are mostly sloppy during this time caused by carelessness. This time radiation sensitivity is also the highest, electromagnetic radiation on the fetus is far more harmful than the harm to the mother. Fetus after birth may occur weak body, poor resistance, mental retardation, deformities and other varying degrees of damage, the most serious will also cause abortion.

Two, how to prevent electromagnetic radiation

1. Do not place household appliances too centralized, or often used together, so as not to expose themselves to the hazards of excessive doses of radiation. Especially TV, computer, refrigerator and other electrical appliances should not be centrally placed in the bedroom.

2. All kinds of household appliances, office equipment, cell phones and so on should try to avoid prolonged operation. Such as television, computers and other electrical appliances need to be used for a long time, it should be noted that at least once every hour to leave, look into the distance or close your eyes in order to reduce the degree of eye fatigue and the impact of radiation.

3. When the appliances are suspended, it is best not to leave them in standby mode, because this time can produce a weak electromagnetic field, a long time will also produce radiation accumulation.

4. The use of various electrical appliances, should maintain a certain safety distance. Such as eyes away from the distance of the TV screen, generally about 5 times the width of the screen; microwave ovens to leave at least 1 meter away after opening, pregnant women and children should try to stay away from microwave ovens; cell phone use, should try to make the head and cell phone antenna distance away from some of the best use of separate headset and microphone to answer the phone.

5. Male reproductive cells and sperm are more sensitive to electromagnetic radiation. Therefore, men should try to minimize and electromagnetic waves too frequent and intensive contact, and contact should also maintain a safe distance, generally more than half a meter.

6. Consumers who are involved in a long-term overdose of electromagnetic radiation in the environment should pay attention to the following self-protection measures:

(1) living and working in high-voltage lines, substations, radio, television, radar stations, electromagnetic wave towers near the people, wearing a pacemaker patients, the frequent use of electronic instruments, medical equipment, office automation equipment, as well as Living in the modern electrical automation environment of the crowd, especially the weaker resistance of pregnant women, children, the elderly and the sick, the conditions should be equipped against electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic radiation to the maximum extent possible to block the body outside.

(2) TV, computers and other electrical equipment with a display screen can be installed electromagnetic radiation protection screen, the user can also wear anti-radiation glasses to prevent the screen radiates electromagnetic waves directly on the human body.

(3) cell phone connected to the moment of the release of electromagnetic radiation is the largest, it is best to take the phone a little farther away from the cell phone connection and then take close to listen to, or wear radiation headset to receive calls.

(4) TV, computers and other electrical appliances screen radiation will lead to dry human skin dehydration, accelerate skin aging, serious skin cancer, so, after the use of the above appliances in a timely manner to wash your face.

(5) Consume more carrots, bean sprouts, tomatoes, greens, kelp, cabbage, lean meat, animal liver and other foods rich in vitamins A, C and protein, in order to help regulate the human body electromagnetic field disorders, and to strengthen the body's ability to resist electromagnetic radiation.