Metal detectors, prospecting instruments, prospecting equipment, are these machines effective? Have you ever used it? Tell me about the actual situation of use!
Hello, I'm Xiao 'an from Hebei Geoexploration Company. The metal detector you mentioned is different from the prospector. When you say metal detector, you mean an instrument that detects metal particles or metal blocks. Generally, things with a surface of tens of centimeters are detected. Of course, if things get bigger, we can go deeper, but generally it will not exceed 3 meters. Prospecting instruments are used to detect deep mines such as iron ore and gold ore. The simpler one is the magnetometer, which can detect iron ore, but the depth can't be displayed. The detection depth is 30 to 50 meters. Then there is the electrical instrument, which can detect all kinds of minerals in deeper layers, but this instrument needs considerable professional knowledge.