I heard that Hukang is okay.
Wheelchair is equipped with wheels can help replace the walking chair, divided into electric and manual folding wheelchair. It is used for the injured, sick, disabled home rehabilitation, turnover transportation, consultation, out of the important mobile tool, wheelchair it not only to meet the physically disabled and mobility impaired people walking, more importantly, it is convenient for family members to move and take care of the sick, so that the sick with the help of the wheelchair for physical exercise and participate in social activities.
Ordinary wheelchair is generally composed of foldable frame, front and rear wheels, left and right knee pads and footrests, left and right removable armrests, handle brakes, seats, backrests with medical imaging data bag, commode, catching bag hooks, electric stand and other parts. Hand crank wheelchair on the basis of ordinary wheelchair, increase the hand crank device.
Electric wheelchair on the basis of ordinary wheelchair, increase the electronic power system, reduce the user's physical exertion. Intelligent wheelchair on the basis of electric wheelchair, adding positioning mobility, standing mobility, remote control mobility and related Internet + assisted living.
Wheelchair maintenance:
1, first of all, we must fully understand the device, how to use, the function of the buttons everywhere, do not appear to buy something, the key moment can not be flexibly used, especially how to start and how to quickly stop, when encountered with the unexpected things can play a key role.
2, keep the body clean and put in a dry ventilated place to prevent rust and corrosion of accessories.
3, the wheelchair before use and within one month, should check whether the bolts are loose, if loose, should be tightened in time. In normal use, once every three months to ensure that all parts are good, check the wheelchair on a variety of solid nuts (especially the rear wheel axle fixed nuts), if found loose, need to be adjusted in time, tighten.
4, please regularly check the tire use condition, timely maintenance of rotating parts, regularly add a small amount of lubricating oil.
5, sometimes out of the inevitable muddy water, or wet by the rain, pay attention to timely cleaning and wiping soil, and coated with antirust wax, rain is too acidic, soil if not cleaned up in time and easy to be rusty wheelchair, at least from the visual impact on its beauty.
6, the tires to maintain adequate air pressure, can not be in contact with oil, acidic substances to prevent deterioration.
7, the wheelchair seat frame connecting bolts for loose connection, is strictly prohibited to tighten.
8, for electric wheelchairs to develop the habit of charging, is the battery power to keep full. Prohibit power loss storage; such as a long time not to use electric wheelchairs, power loss storage will seriously affect the service life, and the longer the idle time, the more serious battery damage.
The idle electric wheelchair should develop the habit of regular charging. The battery is in a "full state" for a long time. And avoid rain, light take light put and so on.
9, often check the activities, the flexibility of the rotating structure, and apply lubricant. If for some reason, need to remove the wheel axle, and then re-installed should ensure that the nut tightened, will not be loose.
10, the connecting bolts of the wheelchair carriage seat frame are loose connection, and are strictly prohibited to be tightened.
Wheelchair to open the lower body disability or mobility of the elderly, is their second pair of feet. And many people are like this, after the wheelchair to buy home, as long as the wheelchair does not break down, they generally will not go to the inspection and maintenance, they are very assured, in fact, this is the wrong approach.
While manufacturers can guarantee that the quality of the wheelchair is not a problem, there is no guarantee that it will not be a problem after you have used it for a period of time, so in order to ensure that the wheelchair is in the best condition, the wheelchair needs regular maintenance.
Reference: Baidu Encyclopedia - Wheelchair