Philips returned from an interview and shared his interview experience

Philips came back from an interview and shared his interview experience

I applied for a position at the Asia Research Institute. I was scheduled for an interview at 3:30 in the afternoon. I arrived at the lobby early and changed into a visitor to board the plane. I was waiting in the lobby, looking at the employees coming and going. They were all dressed casually, basically casual clothes. I looked so out of place in a formal suit. When the time was almost up, I called HR. I went to look for her, and then she He took me to a conference room, HR left, and the person who interviewed me came in. He was very easy-going and said that we are a foreign company, so it is best for us to speak English, and then started to introduce ourselves in English, and then asked a lot about my resume and scientific research experience. , all in English, his speaking speed was okay, and it was not difficult to chat. From time to time, he messed up my resume during discussions. Later, he asked me about the greatest challenge in your research work. This expression was a bit stuck, and he said you can use Chinese, Chinese bla bla..., finally asked me if I had any questions, but before he could say much, someone knocked on the door outside. Half an hour later, there were people behind who wanted to use the conference room. The interview was over, and the conversation was okay. The interviewer is very easy to communicate with. All scientific research questions are spent more than half of the time in English. Come on, everyone. If you are applying for a research and development position, dig into your scientific research experience.
