Why do traditional professions such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers become more desirable the older they get?

The ****ing same characteristic of these professions is that they require experience.

Experience is difficult to standardize and mass produce, so it is valuable.

For example, doctors, why difficult cases to go to the old experts, because the disease is too rare, put in the medical school textbooks do not mean much, the student's time is limited, to learn the most versatile and most common


And the old specialist has seen countless patients in his many years of practicing medicine, and even if it is a rare disease, he has seen it and left the appropriate experience.

One of my classmates, a college entrance medical examination, is an old doctor, when measuring cardiopulmonary function, listened to a few times, and then just switched to the other side to listen

. This student was quite surprised, he is a mirror image of the person, the position of the organs and the normal person is reversed, the average young doctor, listening to half a day, and then will suspect that the stethoscope

broken until he told the doctor that he is a mirror image of the person.?

And the oldest doctor should have seen this before, not being able to hear on the left and rushing to switch to the right, rather than suspecting a broken stethoscope.

Stethoscopes don't break easily, and this should also be a lesson learned by the boss man after decades of listening. I remember back when we were in law school, the criminal law paper tested a very cold, out-of-the-way offense, and people generally didn't answer


Some students were disgruntled and complained that the professors were too biased in their papers. This is because when everyone studied before the exam, they only reviewed the key offenses, which were

those common offenses, and didn't pay much attention to the uncommon offenses.

One, everyone defaulted to the fact that the exam would not be taken. As a result, this exam was


The criminal law professor may also be aware of this problem, but also specifically in the classroom to explain.

He said, when you later become judges, prosecutors, lawyers, you will know that criminals, will not specifically pick the heavy

points you are familiar with the crime. The students were dumbfounded by this. The professor's words also make sense, in the law school classroom, we learn all the key crimes, key legal provisions, non-key crimes, provisions

passed over, but in practice, criminals will not specifically pick key crimes, the parties will not pick the key law as the basis of the

right to hire a lawyer, as a legal professional, you must have an understanding of each and every crime, otherwise you will not be able to make a judgment in the first place. As a legal professional, you must know every single charge, otherwise you can't make a judgment in the first time


With the growth of practical experience, senior legal professionals, his knowledge of the law, the breadth and depth of legal knowledge, has been far from

is a law school students and fledgling people can compare.

Much of their mastery of the law and knowledge of the law is not taught in law school classes, but is often used in practice. That's the advantage they have over their

fledgling counterparts.

Also, anyone who has been around the legal profession for a long time knows that we have two sets of laws in this country, one that is written in black and white, and one that is tucked away in

practice. Both sets of laws are in play, and people who are new to the profession often learn only the former, not the latter. Older lawyers

masters, on the other hand, know both.

This is also known as the traditional professions such as lawyers becoming more and more popular the older they get.

Two, I've heard a joke before.

A law firm recruited a driver, a monthly salary of three thousand, recruiting a long time can not recruit. later changed to recruit paralegals, monthly salary of one thousand, need to have a driver's license, a group of people to the great.

This is the reason ah.

Recruitment of physician's assistants, do not require assistant license, college education, hard work and good learning can be, always have to give people a five thousand toward the top of the salary.

You can see that imaging technicians are paid tens of thousands of dollars a month.

Recruitment of regulatory students, monthly salary of three or four thousand outside the queue to go.

I've heard teachers complain that they have to be at school at 7:00 a.m., and that they have to sit in classes without classes, and that they have evening study halls at night.

Students three years of high school, he felt that his high school thirty years, do not want to do.

Finish or play hard to do, don't ask, ask is to simmer, simmer to senior teacher direct pension.?

I said senior teacher by what pension ah, he said to see what you can do, really capable of jumping ship, a wide range of contacts upward, want to continue to bring students

can also bring.

But the most important thing is that you can rely on the seniority, refused to substitute, refused to be a classroom teacher, anyway, the salary is there, less with a little class is not


The older you get, the better you eat, because there are young people eating shit.

The more young people who are eating the shang, the more flavorful they will be when they get old.

Of course, I can't guarantee that there will be as many young people eating the shanghai when you're old. There are other careers that are up and down and are more obviously affected by policy. For example, the trust industry, before the new regulations on capital management came out, do channel earn

flying up; and then the brokerage, bull market bear market difference is very big. This kind of industry is very dependent on the timing.

Three, and like lawyers in this industry, its curve is gently rising. In addition to some of the red circle, the industry's income starting point is very low, but this track is in line with Warren Buffett's "snowball" theory, it is long enough track, the compound interest effect is very obvious. Experience, connections, and influence have a strong positive correlation with years of practice. For the vast majority of people, lawyers can't get rich and famous

, but it's good for steady growth. The saying "the older you get, the better you get" is a popular description of your career path. Objectively speaking, the decline in energy and stamina that comes with age is unavoidable for the human species. So if you're just looking at the

technical side of things. The most important thing to remember is that the prime of your life is the golden period of your career, when you have accumulated enough experience, and at the same time, your physical strength and energy are not

decreasing too much. The fact is that the most important thing is that you can't do anything that you don't want to do, and you can't do anything that you don't want to do.

Four, but people this thing right... I'm not sure how much I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do it. For example, in the 1970s-90s, medical resources

were extremely scarce. After medical students graduated from medical school, the hospital immediately pulled you on the operating table to see one, follow one, do

one, this is the common thing in those days. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a new one, and you'll be able to do that. There's not a lot of time for you to do that, and that's exactly the kind of people that are in the major

hospitals now. These people are so touch and go, 22 years old graduate, 30 years old is the top of the department, 40 years old is

specialist, and then all the way down so expert.

The teacher's profession is similar, and the teachers in the upper 50s don't have the energy to take one or two classes seriously.

These teachers, who have become

famous, are either on TV, doing some lectures. Or take a key class in a school where the students themselves would have

been able to learn, and not be classroom teachers. The technical industry is impossible to exist the older the more popular. Only the financial kind that relies on human resources has an age advantage. I saw someone mention earlier that some older doctors have seen many rare cases and therefore have more experience than younger doctors. The truth is that old doctors

students simply can't keep up with the pace of updating medical knowledge, and even the medication habits of many old doctors are still stuck in the last century. And there's no point in looking at cases that you don't even see once a year

. Individual patient differences completely cancel out the ****ing homogeneity of the disease
