How to treat astigmatism

There are various treatment methods for astigmatism, first of all, optical correction treatment can be carried out, mainly wearing frame astigmatism glasses or contact lenses for correction, but before wearing them, all need to be adjusted vigorously enough, so as not to aggravate the symptoms of astigmatism. In addition, you can also take home treatment, which includes warm water eye wash method and eye breathing condensation method, which has a certain effect on assisting in the treatment of astigmatism.

For children and adolescents with astigmatism, frame toric lenses are needed for correction. Astigmatism lenses contain column lenses, both eyes astigmatism in the correction process, the two astigmatic lenses in the column lenses will produce spatial visual effects. However, before wearing frame astigmatism lenses, it is important to make sufficient trial adjustments, otherwise spatial distortion of the object may occur, and the patient will feel a tilt in the ground after wearing the glasses, which may lead to failure of astigmatism correction.

Contact lens correction is also known as rigid corneal contact lenses, the principle of correction is mainly through the contact lens and corneal surface contact, so that the inner fluid filling corneal astigmatism on the corneal surface, but the lens surface does not have astigmatism, so that the purpose of correction can be achieved. Most patients can get good results with contact lens correction, especially for patients with high astigmatism and oblique axis astigmatism. If the patient has irregular eye astigmatism, a combination of RGP and bifocal frames will be needed, which can correct multiple problems in both eyes at the same time.

Patients with astigmatism can take warm water to wash their eyes in daily life to improve the symptoms of astigmatism. First of all, you need to sterilize the basin and pour in warm water, adjust to the most comfortable temperature, then put your face into the water, eyes in the water and slowly open. Rotate the eyeballs nine times in an up-and-down, left-and-right manner, and then nine times in a clockwise and counterclockwise direction. In this way, the dirt in the eyes can be washed out, which can play a role in assisting the treatment of astigmatism.

Before wearing a mirror should be optometry vision of children and adolescents should be dilated pupil optometry, there is a high degree of astigmatism, can not be suitable for frame glasses can choose corneal contact lenses to correct, irregular astigmatism, with the lens is not easy to correct you can wear corneal contact lenses to correct the visual acuity, and then you can carry out surgical treatment, is mainly used for congenital or due to the eye surgery, such as cataract corneal transplantation caused by a high degree of astigmatism, the eye can not be used for the treatment of astigmatism. After the cataract corneal transplantation caused by a high degree of astigmatism, you can use excimer laser, refractive corneal surgery, and then laser corneal thermoplasty, keratotomy.