Handmade small keyboard making method, as follows:
Prepared materials: cardboard, double-sided tape, scissors, markers.
1, prepare a No. 1 cardboard, size 4.5cm * 4.5cm. cardboard color can be selected according to personal preference, you can also use different colors of cardboard to create a different style of keyboard. Use a ruler and pen to draw the dimensions to be cut on the cardstock. Generally, you can draw a square and cut it into 4 small squares. The side length of each small square is 4.5cm.
2. Use scissors or a razor blade to cut along the drawn lines. Be sure to use sharp scissors or a razor blade so that the edges of the strips of paper you cut are flat. Fold the cut small square of cardstock into a small box. Stick both sides together first and then use glue or double sided tape to glue the cardstock together. Make sure the cardstock is firmly folded together and won't come apart.
3. Wait for the cardstock to dry and then start drawing on the center grid. You can use a pencil or marker to draw the desired pattern on the cardstock. You can draw simple patterns such as letters, numbers, symbols, etc.
4. Glue the cardstock into small boxes. Use glue or double-sided tape to glue the cardboard together and make sure that the cardboard is firmly stuck together. You can use your hands or other tools to gently press the cardstock to make it more secure.
Repeat the above steps to make seven of these small boxes in one ****. This will make a complete button.
5. Prepare a 7cm*4.5cm piece of cardboard and cut it into the shape of a spacebar. You can use scissors or a razor blade to do the cutting, and pay attention to make sure the cut out shape is flat. Then follow steps 1-4 above and fold the cardboard into a small box. This will create the small box for the space bar.
6. Prepare two 12cm*1cm strips of cardstock. Use scissors or a razor blade to cut the cardboard into small strips of paper of the desired length. Be careful to ensure that the cut strips of paper are flat and free of burrs. Use glue or double-sided tape to stick the two small strips of paper together. Make sure they are firmly stuck together and won't come apart.
7. Fold the small strips of paper along the edges into the shape of small springs. Make sure the ends are flat when folded and then use double-sided tape to stick the ends together. This will create a simple little spring.
8. Glue one end of one of the springs into the little box of the spacebar. Then glue the end of the other spring to the spring already glued in the box. This will make a complete keyboard.
9. Repeat the above steps to create another keyboard, cut and pasted into the small box.
10.Finally, glue the keys on the keyboard. Use glue or double-sided tape to stick the keys in the appropriate places on the keyboard.
Take care to make sure the keys are flat and not crooked or loose. After finishing the production, the keyboard is finished!