Equipment Life Cycle Management

The equipment life cycle is the same as the human life cycle, birth, survival, death, equipment to go through the procurement, operation and end-of-life.

Procurement is the same as before we get pregnant, we have to prepare some scientific knowledge or some basic knowledge. This is the software part of the purchase of equipment as we have to prepare the URS, prepare some technical parameters. Then I work out to strengthen our hardware, which of course already includes our genes. This is like the quality and reliability of the equipment, we compare different manufacturers, in fact, is to compare the quality and reliability.

Then we have to do a pregnancy test, just like FAT, to find some problems and optimize, and SAT, just like when a child is born, to do some tests to make sure that it's functioning properly.

Then we get to the use phase, which is divided into three stages: break-in period, smooth period, and failure-prone period.

The break-in period is like a child's childhood, you have to love him more, observe his character more, and cultivate him more. Equipment is to be more maintenance and adjustment, more observation, more parameter optimization.

Stabilization period, like a child adult, he began to have output, and is stable and reliable output. Stable period to do the basic part is to clean, lubrication, fastening. The professional means is overhaul and overhaul.

Fault-prone period, mainly characterized by the aging of the electrical original, the core mechanical parts aging. At this time, what can be done is to upgrade the system and overhaul thoroughly. Or directly into the end-of-life stage.

End-of-life period to do a good job of file collection, computer systems to do a good job of data backup and computer system decommissioning management.

To summarize, first, the quality and reliability of the equipment procurement stage has been decided, and FAT, SAT, IOPQ has nothing to do. In terms of equipment quality, imported equipment can be used for more than 20 years, domestic equipment about 10 years. Reliability, embodied in the accuracy and repeatability, domestic equipment will appear about the maintenance of the more unreliable phenomenon. Secondly, the reliability of the smooth phase of the use of equipment is determined by the overhaul or overhaul. Before the mechanical parts wear and tear to replace spare parts in advance.