What is the status of medical device entrepreneurship?

The outlook is very good, the market is broad, and the profit is big, according to the Prospect Industry Research Institute, "2016-2021 China Medical Device Industry Market Prospecting and Investment Prediction Analysis Report", with the people's health consciousness continues to improve, people's self-care awareness of the enhancement of the new health care reform policy of the medical equipment has been given enough attention. The entire medical device industry market is also developing rapidly, and the growth of total profit is much higher than the average level of the pharmaceutical industry. The report shows that in 2011, China's national medical device market reached 17.66 billion yuan, an increase of 28.3% over the same period of the previous year, with an average compound annual growth rate of 29.8% from 2006 to 2011. But on the other hand, China's national medical devices accounted for a relatively low share of the medical device industry, only 13% in 2011, far lower than the global level of 25%, with huge growth potential. It is expected that by 2013, China's national medical device market will reach 29 billion yuan.