What is the detailed process of going to the hospital?

Going to the hospital is a simple matter, mainly divided into four steps: register, see the doctor, do the examination, and conclude whether hospitalization is required. You can ask the nurses at the outpatient clinic for help.

1, after arriving at the hospital, the first thing to do is to register, but also to fill out a small book (name, age, etc.), at the same time to bring the patient's ID card, fill out the documents of the small book, the registration fee to the registration window, and wait for you to register successfully, and then will give you a registration card.

2, with the registration card in accordance with the hospital outpatient department prompts, to find the appropriate department doctor, waiting in line to see a doctor.

3, hand your registration card to the doctor and tell him what's wrong with you, in as much detail as possible.

4, if the doctor asks the patient to go for a checkup, bring your registration card and the bill issued by the doctor and go to the payment window to pay the bill.

5, get the bill, according to the hospital prompts to find their own place to do the examination, waiting for the examination.

6, after the examination, bring the report card to find the outpatient doctor, continue to see the doctor.

7, if the body is not serious, according to the doctor's instructions, with the registration card, the bill, to pay for the medicine.

8, if the doctor recommends hospitalization, bring the certificate of hospitalization issued by the doctor, identity documents, etc., and go to the hospitalization department for hospitalization.


1, while registering, you need to submit social security card, medical card, etc., write your name, gender and age in the medical record book, and if you are not clear about the route, you can ask the hospital work volunteers, who will be enthusiastic to help you solve the problem.

2, the fee collector in the outpatient management under the registration management or outpatient pricing and charging interface click on the registration button, enter the patient's basic information, registration level, collect registration fees, and print the bill to the patient.

3, the hospital admission registration and discharge registration and settlement can be an independent space, can also be set up in different locations in the hospital. For the convenience of different types of patients, independent medical insurance window, non-medical insurance window and new rural cooperative window, etc. can be set up.