Rehabilitation Therapy Examination

Rehabilitation Therapeutics major examination direction is mainly focused on: rehabilitation medicine and physical therapy, acupuncture and massage, sports human science, human anatomy and tissue germinology, immunology, etc..

Rehabilitation medicine is an emerging discipline, a new concept that emerged in the mid-20th century. It is a medical discipline that aims to eliminate and alleviate human dysfunction, compensate for and rebuild human functional deficiencies, and seeks to improve and enhance all aspects of human functioning, that is, the prevention, diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, training, and management of dysfunction.

Physical therapy is actually physical therapy. Is with the help of some advanced, complete physical therapy equipment or directly with the human hand concentrated medical qigong massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, medicine cane, medicine canisters in one integrated treatment method, the use of acupuncture and moxibustion tonic and diarrhea, press, moxibustion, push, take, knead, pinch, shivering, playing and other kinds of massage techniques, applied to a variety of acute and chronic illnesses, disabilities, and disability of various evidence of the treatment.

Employment direction: graduates can be in all levels of hospital rehabilitation, physical therapy, acupuncture and massage engaged in medical and scientific research work, can be in the community health service centers, nursing homes, homes for the elderly, rehabilitation institutions, factories, and other health care institutions engaged in medical or rehabilitation care, but also in higher education engaged in teaching, research work.