How many years do you need lung lavage for underground work

Hello, I am a resident physician of lung lavage center of Ping coal occupational disease hospital, according to my personal experience I think your question should be different from person to person, if you are engaged in underground dust catching work for a long period of time, it is necessary to do the lung lavage treatment, especially the 0+ stage effect is good and the risk is small, so the timely treatment is very necessary. Generally, after lung lavage treatment, the dust particles attached to the walls of the trachea and bronchus have been cleaned, so if you want to continue to work as a dust catcher, it is ideal to have another treatment before you retire. As for your comment about washing every two or three years it is not really necessary.

Our hospital not only receives patients with coal workers' pneumoconiosis within the group, but also receives patients with pneumoconiosis from other provinces for a long time. Lung lavage is in fact a double-lung simultaneous high-capacity lavage, and there are indications and contraindications for any surgery, and lung lavage is no exception, as it is close to the pleural diameter of more than the alveolus, severe emphysema, pulmonary heart disease, active pulmonary tuberculosis, and is accompanied with hemoptysis and pneumothorax in the near future. Serious cardiovascular disease, blood disease with obvious bleeding tendency or liver, kidney, brain and other organic diseases; or trachea and main bronchial deformity, preventing the double-lumen bronchial intubation correctly seated are contraindicated for surgery. Therefore, the lungs should be treated in time when there is no serious lesion. It is recommended that you check the high kV chest frontal and lateral X-ray and chest CT scan first after determining the intention of treatment, and find a professional doctor to make a preliminary judgment of the lungs. It is recommended to find a regular occupational disease hospitals have dust lung diagnosis qualifications of doctors!

The surgery is performed with intravenous general anesthesia, which is basically painless, and the preoperative catheterization is a bit uncomfortable, but it can be tolerated.

The surgery is safe and effective, I have a very early information here, you can take a look, by the end of 1997, more than 30 medical units in the country have completed more than 3,500 cases of large-volume lung lavage treatment, and there has not yet been a report of fatal cases, the clinical effect is certain and safe. Complications such as transient hypoxemia and leakage of ventilated lungs may occur during and after the operation, the incidence of which is less than 4%, and with the skillful technique and perfect measures, it has rarely occurred. Animal experiments have shown that the alveolar basement membrane can show slight reversible transient congestive changes, which return to normal in 24-48 hours. Through the cooperation with Xuzhou Medical College, the loss, replenishment, and replacement of lung surface active substances (PS) during lung lavage were studied, and the recovered fluid of thirty cases of lung lavage was analyzed, and it was initially observed that each side of the lung lavage lost 125 to 200 mg, which accounted for 15% - 20% of the PS of the whole lung, and it was proved to be a safe and effective new technology in practice.

I would also like to emphasize that lung lavage is a preventive treatment, it is not a radical surgery, that is to say, it is to play a role in preventing the progress of silicosis delay, protect lung function, improve respiratory symptoms, rather than to give you a complete cure for silicosis, because silicosis nodules are like the formation of scarring in the lungs, and it is not possible to remove them by lavage, and as far as the medical treatment goes, no hospital in the world can do it. There is no hospital in the world that can do a "complete cure", but the long-term effect of the surgery is very good, and our hospital has completed more than 1,000 cases of this surgery, and we are absolutely sure of the effect of the post-operative follow-up!

We wish you a speedy recovery!