1. China's water environment problems and their influencing factors
China's water environment is facing multiple pressures such as water pollution, water shortage and flooding. Pollution of water bodies has aggravated the shortage of water resources, and the destruction of water ecosystems has prompted frequent floods. According to the 1999 "China's environmental situation bulletin" shows that China's seven major water systems, major lakes, near-shore sea areas and some areas of groundwater are polluted to varying degrees. Rivers are dominated by organic pollution, and the main pollutants are ammonia nitrogen, biochemical oxygen demand, permanganate index and volatile phenols; lakes are characterized by eutrophication, and the main pollution indicators are total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chemical oxygen demand and permanganate index, etc.; and the main pollution indicators of near-shore sea areas are inorganic nitrogen, reactive phosphates and heavy metals. These factors constitute a wide range of impact on the water environment problems, serious harm, governance difficulties and other characteristics. The reasons for China's water environment problems are multifaceted, but mainly due to the influence of human subjective factors. For a long time, China's economic growth mode is rough, enterprises simply pursue economic benefits, ignoring environmental and ecological benefits. In industrial development, water consumption is large and utilization rate is low. Not only is the amount of sewage discharged per unit of output value large, but also the difference in water consumption per 10,000 yuan of output value between provinces and districts is huge.In 1998, the national average water consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP was more than 683m3. Among them, Beijing 161m3, Tianjin 201m3, Shanghai 300m3. However, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Guangxi, Guizhou, Qinghai, Gansu and other provinces and regions are mostly above 1000m3. Ningxia and Xinjiang are around 4000m3. Beijing 1m3 irrigation water can produce 2kg of grain, while Ningxia only produces less than 1kg. at the same time, in the traditional planned economic system, the rough economic growth mode, so that the production and operation of enterprises lack of energy saving and consumption reduction motivation. Enterprise technological transformation is often to expand reproduction for the purpose of backward production processes, slow replacement. With the deepening of the economic system reform, economic growth mode of transformation, as well as the rapid improvement of the level of science and technology, the rational development and utilization of water resources will gradually embark on a scientific management track. However, this transformation requires a long historical process. Another important reason for the seriousness of the water environment problem is the national policy-oriented deviation. For a long time, the national economy and social development focus on the economic growth rate, the output of major products, the growth of urban residents' income and other indicators, without resource consumption and environmental costs into the economic accounting system. To date, the construction of urban environmental infrastructure has remained an "unproductive welfare undertaking". Urban sewage treatment and garbage disposal are taken over by the Government, which is so overburdened that it cannot afford to build environmental infrastructure, and even pollution treatment facilities are difficult to operate normally because of the unresolved problem of sources of funding. In the planned economy, some economic development policies are contrary to environmental protection. Our country once "blossomed" the "15" small enterprises, scattered layout, scale is not economic, backward production processes, resulting in serious environmental pollution and ecological damage.
Regional economic development and regional environmental capacity is not compatible, is also an important cause of water pollution. In the past in determining the direction of regional industrial development, regional productivity layout, often ignoring the regional environmental capacity. China's major rivers appear serious basin water pollution, to a large extent, with the basin industrial structure and layout is not reasonable has a direct relationship. Since the early 80's, the four provinces in the Huaihe River basin have been utilizing local resources to vigorously develop high water-consuming chemical, paper, tannery, thermal power, food and other small-scale industries, and pollutant emissions have exceeded the carrying capacity of the Huaihe River, which has caused a sharp deterioration in the water quality of the Huaihe River basin; due to the lack of scientific certification and scientific management, some water-scarce regions have been developing water-consuming industries blindly, resulting in the decline of the groundwater level; some resource-rich regions have been The development of a single resource-based industry, without the development of processing industries to match, the industrial structure of the same, the formation of serious structural pollution.
The impact of natural factors to a certain extent aggravated the deterioration of water environment problems, increasing the difficulty of water pollution prevention and control. In recent years, due to climate change caused by changes in the distribution of global temperature, humidity, precipitation, so that some countries and regions have frequent disasters. The climate in China's northern regions has also warmed significantly, with the average winter temperature in northern China rising by 2.1°C in the 1990s compared with the 1950s. Rising temperatures reduce surface runoff and increase evaporation, increasing the chances of droughts. in 1997, China's northern region was affected by the El Ni?o phenomenon, with abnormally low precipitation and high temperatures, and the amount of water resources in the Haihe River was only 40% of the multi-year average; and the amount of water resources in the Yellow River was 61% of the multi-year average. Due to the reduction of river runoff, the self-purification capacity of water bodies declined, exacerbating the deterioration of the water environment.In 1998, under the influence of the El Ni?o phenomenon, the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the Nenjiang River and the Songhua River Basin received excessive precipitation, leading to the occurrence of a mega-flood disaster.
China's water resources are unevenly distributed in the region, the south and north of less, the difference is huge, the distribution of water resources and population, economic and social development layout is extremely uncoordinated. North of the Yellow River, Huaihe River, Haihe River, Songliao River, as well as the inland river five basins, the total population accounts for about 47% of the country, the arable land area accounts for more than 65% of the country's GDP accounted for more than 45% of the country's water resources, but the water resources accounted for only 19% of the country's total water resources, per capita possession of the southern region of the 1 / 3. These factors are also an important aspect of the water environment to lead to outstanding problems.
2. The main problems facing the prevention and control of water pollution in key river basins
Since the Ninth Five-Year Plan, the prevention and control of water pollution in China's key river basins has been spearheaded by the treatment of the Huaihe River, with the Taihu Lake, Chaohu Lake, Dianchi, and the Haihe River and the Liaohe River starting one after another. By adopting end-to-end treatment of industrial pollution sources, as well as in the industrial restructuring and compression of excess productivity, banning, closing, and eliminating backward production processes, obsolete equipment, serious pollution and a series of other measures, the treatment work has achieved certain results. Some waters are close to realizing the pollution prevention and control objectives of the first phase. "Ninth Five-Year" water pollution prevention and control as China's history for the first time large-scale water pollution prevention and control of watersheds, has accumulated a lot of valuable experience, for the development of China's environment and development of the road has a long-term strategic significance. However, on the whole, the progress of water pollution prevention and control in key river basins is still relatively slow, and the results achieved are very fragile. In practice, some of the problems exposed fully illustrates that China's current and future period of water pollution prevention and control of watersheds are still facing serious challenges.
2.1 Yellow River, Yangtze River Basin water environment problems need to be solved
"Ninth Five-Year Plan" during the "Three Rivers and Three Lakes" governance is only the prelude to China's water pollution prevention and control. In the large-scale governance "three rivers and three lakes" at the same time, we must see, the Yellow River, the Yangtze River pollution problems have also reached the degree of non-governable. The Yellow River, the cradle of the Chinese nation, he nourished mankind, but also countless times to bring disaster to mankind. Nowadays, due to the force of human activities, the environmental problems of the Yellow River are getting more and more serious. in 1999, on the 114 key monitoring sections in the Yellow River basin, the water bodies of class V and inferior class V were 70% and 56.2% respectively, and the pollution of the main tributaries of the Yellow River was even more serious, and the pollution of the Yellow River mainly came from the tributaries. At present, the Yellow River has little water, weak self-purification ability, and the water environment is in crisis. In the western development, the economic development of the Yellow River basin will enter a period of faster growth. Water pollution of the Yellow River is bound to make the water shortage along the coast "worse".
The rapid economic and social development and urbanization along the upper reaches of the Yangtze River has accelerated the discharge of pollutants in this area, and the pollution problem has been aggravated, especially the deterioration of the water quality of the Three Gorges Reservoir area and its upper reaches. If effective measures are not taken, it is expected that by 2010, wastewater emissions from key areas in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River will grow at an average annual rate of 4.1%; the amount of domestic garbage entering the river from towns and cities along the river will increase from about 2 million tons in 1995 to 4.67 million tons in 2010; and the self-purification capacity of the water bodies in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area will be greatly reduced.After the completion of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in 2009 with storage of water, the Reservoir Area will be transformed from a river with a fast flow rate and a high flow rate into a river with a high flow rate and a high flow volume, After the completion of storage in 2009, the reservoir area will be changed from a fast-flowing river with a large flow rate to an artificial lake with a slow flow rate, a long retention time and a large area of backwater. The self-purification ability of water body dilution will be reduced, and water pollution will be aggravated. According to the prediction, after the completion of the Three Gorges Project, the concentration of major pollutants in the upstream shoreline pollution zone of the lake area will increase 2-10 times more than before the construction of the dam, and will become a heavily polluted area.
2.2 Urban domestic sewage increased year by year, the construction of sewage treatment facilities seriously lagging behind
Urban infrastructure is the carrier of industrial construction, restricting the scale of industrial construction and development speed. For a long time, China's urban construction inappropriately the carrier status of infrastructure construction is reduced to the general status of industrial appendages, infrastructure development and population, resources, environment and industrial construction is not coordinated, resulting in long-term overloaded infrastructure. In particular, urban environmental protection infrastructure has only begun to be built in recent years. The vast majority of cities in the country's sewage treatment capacity is far from meeting the actual needs.
With the rapid increase in population and people's standard of living is improving, the amount of domestic sewage production has increased significantly. In recent years, the proportion of urban sewage and industrial wastewater discharge has been close to equal. However, the construction of urban sewage treatment plant is far from being able to adapt to the needs of economic and social development. In general, the construction cycle of urban sewage treatment plants is three years. Judging from the current construction progress, it will take quite a long time to realize the requirement that cities with a population of 500,000 have to build centralized sewage treatment plants during the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" period. Taking the Huaihe River as an example, according to the planning, by 2000, the four provinces in the Huaihe River Basin need to build 52 urban sewage treatment plants, with a total investment of 6.08 billion yuan, forming a sewage treatment capacity of 3.52 million l/d. By June 1999, only three sewage treatment plants had been built, with a sewage treatment capacity of only 440,000 l/d. The reason for the slow construction of centralized sewage treatment facilities is that, in addition to the lack of funds, the existing management and operation mechanisms are also constrained, making the construction of centralized sewage treatment facilities in urban cities very slow. The constraints of the existing management and operation mechanism also make the construction and operation of urban sewage treatment plants in a difficult situation. Due to the lack of real implementation of the "polluter pays" policy, the local financial inability to pay for sewage treatment costs, often after the completion of the sewage treatment plant can not operate normally, environmental protection investment can not effectively play the environmental benefits.
2.3 A large number of surface pollution problems have not yet found a solution
At present, the country's industrial pollution has begun to get effective control. By the end of 2000, all industrial pollution sources in the country will have achieved standard discharge. Urban sewage treatment is gradually picking up pace. However, the pesticides, fertilizers and livestock and poultry breeding pollution brought about by rural economic development is large in volume and extensive, and there is a certain degree of difficulty in treating it. From the 1950s to the 1990s, China's pesticide application has increased nearly 100 times, becoming the world's largest pesticide country. The number of people poisoned by pesticides in China each year accounts for 50% of the number of people poisoned by similar accidents in the world. And due to the massive loss of pesticides, resulting in serious water pollution. The use of chemical fertilizers in the country is also increasing exponentially, and in 1995 it was four times as much as in 1978. At present, the partial application of chemical nitrogen fertilizers, so that the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium imbalance phenomenon is more serious. And the utilization rate of chemical fertilizers is only about 30%, a large number of chemical fertilizers are lost into rivers, oceans, lakes, and become the main source of water decent source pollution. At the same time, due to the use of large quantities of chemical fertilizer, the agricultural use of rural livestock and poultry manure is reduced, and the degree of intensification of the livestock and poultry industry is increased, aggravating the disconnection between farming and planting. The rate of return of livestock and poultry manure to the field is only 30% or so, and most of it is not utilized. in 1998, the amount of livestock and poultry manure generated nationwide was 3.4 times the amount of industrial solid waste generated nationwide in that year. Most of this livestock and poultry manure is discharged directly into rivers, lakes and seas without treatment. Meanwhile, as an important part of the rural economy, the development of township and village enterprises has also been a major problem plaguing the rural environment. According to the two national township industrial pollution sources survey in 1991 and 1997, the township industry sulfur dioxide, soot, chemical oxygen consumption and solid waste emissions increased by 22.6%, 56.5%, 246.6% and 552%; in the country's major industrial pollutants under control of the total amount of emissions, the township enterprise emissions are growing, which will pose a serious threat to the water environment.
2.4 Economic policy mismatch, pollution control funds are in serious shortage
Under the planned economic system, China's pollution prevention and control funds are dominated by the state budget funds. With the establishment of the market economic system, completely relying on administrative means to manage the environment can no longer be effective. However, due to the market economic conditions of the environmental economic policy system has not yet been established, diversified environmental protection investment system is difficult to form. The sewage charging system, which is an important economic instrument for promoting pollution prevention and control, is still very imperfect. The main problem is that the sewage charges are too low to play the role of stimulating pollution prevention and control. Excessive discharge of sewage charges as the main body of sewage charges, the charge is less than half of the operating costs of pollution treatment facilities; sewage discharge charges up to a maximum of no more than 0.5 yuan / l; sewage charges project is incomplete, the main object of large and medium-sized enterprises and some of the institutions, urban sewage treatment fees are only levied in a small number of cities, and the charges are low, "polluter pays "The principle of the polluter pays is not fully realized; the transfer payment mechanism of sewage charges has not yet been established, and there is a lack of interest compensation policy between upstream and downstream in the basin, and the development, utilization and protection of water resources are not coordinated, resulting in the waste of water resources.
"Ninth Five-Year Plan" period of China's environmental protection investment has increased substantially, especially the country to take a positive fiscal policy, in expanding domestic demand in the environmental protection as a key investment areas, some of the key projects for the prevention and control of water pollution to get the support of the national bond funds. However, due to the narrow channels of environmental protection funds, the small amount of investment, the problem of shortage of funds for pollution control is still very prominent. According to the plan, the "Three Rivers and Three Lakes" water pollution prevention and control needs about 126 billion yuan of funds, but the funds that have already been implemented are far from the demand. 1998, the State issued additional financial bonds and bank loans for infrastructure construction, and allocated 1 billion yuan of financial bond funds to the Huaihe River Basin for the construction of urban sewage treatment plants. However, these funds were only 16.5% of the total investment in the Huaihe River urban sewage treatment plant, and there were as many as 34 investment projects. Due to the lack of local supporting funds, many projects started, but due to the lack of funds for the construction of construction progress is slow, many projects so far investment has not been settled.
3. Policy recommendations on the prevention and control of water pollution
China is in the economic and technological backwardness of the situation to achieve rapid economic development. With a large population base and few resources per capita, the prevention and control of environmental pollution and ecological damage will be a long-term strategic task. In particular, the water environment pollution problem can not be solved overnight, need to go through a difficult process of governance. Therefore, we must seriously summarize the "Ninth Five-Year" period of water pollution prevention and control on the basis of lessons learned, drawing on all the world's successful experience, combined with the specific conditions of our country, and continue to strengthen the policy innovation, institutional innovation and technological innovation, and gradually come out of a water pollution prevention and control of the road with Chinese characteristics.
3.1 In the decision-making to control new water environmental problems
National and local governments at all levels, in determining the rate of economic development, the formulation of national economic and social development plans, resource development plans, regional development plans, as well as the formulation of economic and technological policies, major economic decisions, should be the implementation of the environmental impact of these decisions may be made to make a scientific evaluation of the evaluation of conclusions as the basis for decision-making at all levels. The conclusions of the evaluation shall be used as the basis for decision-making at all levels. In decision-making, environmental, economic and social factors should be taken into account in a comprehensive manner, so as to minimize the impact of development on the environment. A scientific evaluation index system should be established, a special evaluation and deliberation body should be set up, and the system should be legalized, so as to gradually set up an operational mechanism for decision-making in accordance with the law.
The development of regional economy should give full consideration to the protection of water resources. Restrict the development of water-consuming industries in water-scarce areas, adjust the industrial structure of water-scarce areas, and strictly control construction projects that are highly water-consuming, energy-consuming and polluting. In the near future, emphasis should be placed on adjusting the industrial structure of water-scarce areas in the north to prevent the problem of water shortage from further aggravating. Economic development in areas with fragile ecological environments should consider leaving room for ecological water use, so as to prevent the shrinking of rivers and lakes, land sanding and ecological degradation in downstream areas due to overdevelopment. In the water source area, guide and organize the construction of ecological economic system in the water source area to avoid economic development in the water source area leading to downstream urban water pollution.
3.2 The development and utilization of resources should adhere to the policy of both open source and flow saving
Vigorously carry out water-saving activities and take effective measures to reduce water consumption. Organized implementation of water conservation, efficient agricultural irrigation technology; improve scientific agricultural water management measures, as soon as possible to change the situation of agricultural production of large amounts of water consumption. Formulate water consumption quotas per unit of product and water reuse assessment indicators, and establish an assessment system for industrial water use; clearly stipulate that industrial wastewater, such as cooling water and process water, must be recycled and reclaimed; and vigorously develop the closed-circuit recycling of water to minimize wastewater emissions.
While carrying out water conservation and solving the shortage of water resources in China, we will comprehensively strengthen the prevention and control of water pollution, especially in key watersheds. Basin management focuses on urban, urban industrial wastewater and domestic sewage management, to take the centralized and decentralized management combined and wastewater resource road. Construction of sewage treatment facilities according to local conditions, treated sewage should be used for industrial cooling water, urban landscape and garden green water.
3.3 Establish and improve the system of compensated use of resources and price system
The relevant state departments should urgently organize and carry out research on resource pricing, and systematically formulate a classification of important resources and scarce resources related to national economy and people's livelihoods to guide the pricing policy, and to change the "resource priceless" as soon as possible, the unreasonable situation of low price of resource products. The unreasonable situation of "no price for resources" and low price for resource products as soon as possible, so that the price of water resources reflects the value of resources, resource utilization and pollution prevention and control costs. At the same time, actively promote the asset-based management of water resources, strengthen the study of resource accounting system, and gradually incorporate water accounting into the national economic accounting system to create conditions.
3.4 Improvement of environmental economic policies
To grasp the formulation of environmental economic policies conducive to environmental protection, and further strengthen the market economic system of environmental economic instruments. As soon as possible to raise the standard of sewage charges, so that it is higher than the cost of pollution control; the development of policies related to the prevention and control of water pollution, and the establishment of a compensation mechanism for the renewal of resources; the full realization of the principle of "polluter pays", in the charges for the use of water, a general increase in sewage charges, as the operating costs of urban sewage treatment plants; environmental protection as the The State should strengthen industrial policy support for environmental protection as a "market failure" area, especially for research and development of environmental science and technology, and construction of environmental protection infrastructure. At the same time, encourage and promote the corporatization of environmental protection infrastructure construction and management.
Actively establish an environmental tax system. Expand the scope of resource tax, and levy resource tax on scarce resources such as groundwater; levy fixed asset investment direction adjustment tax on new pollution projects to control structural pollution; analyze the pros and cons of the existing sewage charges and fee-to-tax conversion, and explore the levying of a pollution surtax; implement a zero-percentage tax rate for enterprises engaging in municipal sewage treatment; and tax relief should be given to the production of renewable energy resources and the products produced by utilizing renewable energy resources
3.5 Vigorously implement cleaner production
The industrial sector should speed up industrial restructuring, rationalize industrial layout, and promote the development of high-tech industries with low resource consumption and high efficiency. Combined with technological transformation to clean raw materials, clean production processes and clean products as the main content of cleaner production. Cleaner production should be regarded as a comprehensive transformation of industrial enterprises under the guidance of the sustainable development strategy, and cleaner production should be implemented in all industrial enterprises nationwide. Through the strengthening of environmental management audits and the establishment of a scientific management system, we will promote the transfer of our industry to a new technological base, improve quality in an intensive manner, reduce consumption and increase economic efficiency. And on this basis to gradually establish China's resource-saving eco-industrial production system.
3.6 Strengthen the prevention and control of rural surface pollution
Rural areas should be implemented to improve the agro-ecological environment, accelerate the development of the rural economy as the main content of the ecological agricultural production system. Comprehensive promotion of planting, breeding, processing industry, the rational allocation of the "big agriculture" production model, focusing on agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, sideline, the comprehensive development of various industries, agriculture, industry and business integrated management. Organic combination of modern science and technology and the essence of traditional agriculture, gradually increase the use of organic fertilizers, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Develop bio-pesticide technology, and promote the use of bacteria to cure insects and insects to cure biological technology to replace pesticides. At present, there are more than 2,000 pilot projects of ecological agriculture in China, and on the basis of summarizing the experience, the implementation of ecological agriculture should be taken as a revolution in the development of the rural economy, which will be carried out generally in the countryside of the whole country. Gradually transfer the surplus rural labor force from the polluting township industries to the construction of ecological agriculture. County and township governments to develop eco-agriculture construction planning, the relevant state departments to strengthen the technical promotion, planned in the national townships and villages to train a number of technical backbone, to guide farmers to develop eco-agriculture.
3.7 Accelerate the construction of urban sewage treatment plants, and vigorously develop environmental protection industry
Reform the existing urban sewage treatment system, and realize the socialization, marketization and corporatization of the construction and operation of sewage treatment plants. The construction of sewage treatment plants to introduce competitive mechanisms, in accordance with the "who invests who owns, who manages who benefits" principle, the establishment of diversified investment and construction, entrepreneurial operation and management, social *** with the burden of the cost, the government to give the necessary policy support model. Actively explore urban water supply and drainage construction and operation of an integrated management system. Gradually make the government from the direct management of sewage treatment facilities in the construction and operation of the release, so that sewage treatment to the market.
The development of environmental protection industry should become a new growth point of the national economy. The state should formulate economic policies to support the development of environmental protection industry, investment, credit, tax concessions; to encourage a part of the product surplus enterprises to turn to environmental protection products and services; the formation of environmental protection industry group, as soon as possible to form the scale of the industry; grasp the cultivation of the environmental protection market, the original government-managed environmental protection services business to the market. At the same time, to strengthen environmental scientific research, organizations to carry out high-concentration organic wastewater treatment and other urgently needed key water treatment technology research; accelerate the pollution prevention and control and ecological engineering equipment localization, to change the status quo of China's environmental protection industry backwardness to adapt to China's pollution prevention and control needs.
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