Ultraviolet light is harmful to the human body.
The main types of skin damage caused by excessive UV exposure are sun erythema, sun tanning, and photo-aging. Prolonged exposure to UV-A and UV-B rays may be a cause of eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and keratitis. Even in the absence of direct sunlight, UV rays that are not visible to the naked eye (are still present and can cause some damage to eye health.
Gong Yeqing, deputy chief physician of the Laser Physiotherapy Department at the Guangzhou Institute of Dermatology, said improper exposure to ultraviolet rays can cause skin aging, wrinkles and even bring about skin cancer and lupus erythematosus.
Medium and long-wave ultraviolet light can cause skin tanning, but also directly to the dermis of the skin, destroying collagen and elastic fibers, resulting in photo-aging, and this effect is superimposable, cumulative, and the role of the skin caused by lasting tanning and aging.
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