Atmospheric environmental monitoring instruments:
1, atmospheric sampler: for ambient air, workplace sampling of toxic and hazardous gases, formaldehyde, ammonia, TVOC, benzene, etc.
2, particulate matter sampler: capture the ambient atmosphere of the total suspended particles (TSP) and respirable particles (PM10) or fine particles (PM2.5)
3、Atmospheric particulate matter composite sampler: collection of ambient air, indoor air in a variety of harmful gases, capture the ambient atmosphere of the total suspended particulates (TSP) and respirable particles (PM10, PM2.5)
4、Air Fluoride Sampler: used for the environment in the collection of fluoride and heavy metals
5、Volatile Organic Matter (VOC) Sampler: volatile organic matter (VOM) sampling of ambient air, adsorption tube method
5、VOLATILE ORGANIC MATERIALS Sampler: ambient air volatile organic matters Sampling, adsorption tube method
6, precipitation and dust sampler: snowmelt, refrigeration function, dust, water
7, soap film flowmeter: calibration of small flow sampler, the range is optional
Occupational Health Testing Instruments:
1, atmospheric sampler: low-flow, medium-flow, high-flow sampling instruments for different flow requirements
2, Explosion-proof atmospheric sampler: routine instruments for collecting gas samples in explosive gas environments
3, dust sampler: sampling instruments to collect dust in the air at the workplace
4, explosion-proof dust sampler: suitable for dust sampling in the operating environment of the explosive hazardous gases
5, soap film flowmeter: to meet the requirements of the different flow rate sampling
6, radiation thermometer: direct measurement of the temperature of the air in the air, the temperature of the air in the air, the temperature of the air in the air, the temperature of the air in the air. Radiation thermometer: direct measurement of radiant heat temperature, air temperature and skin temperature, directional average radiation temperature
7, illuminance meter: light intensity measurements
8, WBGT index meter: used to evaluate the meteorological conditions of high-temperature workshop, which takes into account the four factors of air temperature, air humidity, wind speed and radiant heat.
9, anemometer: for any place so measure wind speed, temperature and relative humidity
10, dust detector: dust concentration detection instrument
11, explosion-proof dust detector: determination of ambient air concentration of floating dust instrument, used in coal mines and other workplaces containing explosive hazardous gases
Noise Detection Instruments:
1, noise detector: the instrument to test the noise decibel
2, individual noise dosimeter (including explosion-proof): personal acoustic exposure measurements
3, explosion-proof noise detector: petroleum, chemical industry, oil depots, iron and steel, coking, coal and other explosion-proof places of the noise detection
Vibration Detection Instruments: environmental vibration detector, mechanical vibration detector, multi-functional Vibration analyzer, hand-carried vibration tester
Radiation Detection Instruments:
1, electromagnetic field tester: measurement of 1Hz-100kHz electromagnetic field, high-frequency, ultra-high-frequency, microwave equipment
2, field strength meter: mainly used to measure the high-voltage power transmission and transformation system, distribution room, induction furnace, subway, electric locomotive, medical equipment, drying equipment, computers and other places of electromagnetic radiation operations with the magnetic field strength. Electromagnetic radiation workplace magnetic field strength
3, personal dose alarm: used to monitor X-rays and γ-rays
4, neutron dosimeter: used for neutron dose rate detection
5, х γ radiation detector: measurement of high-energy, low-energy γ-rays, but also low-energy X-rays to carry out accurate measurements
6, radon meter: measurement of soil radon, radon, radon concentration and radon in water. Radon concentration and radon precipitation rate in water to meet the new national standard
7, low background αβ meter: αβ meter
8, α β γ surface contamination meter: used for radioactive surface contamination measurements, can be measured at the same time on the α, β, γ rays