"Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" life expectancy per capita increased by another year, why the average life expectancy of human beings will increase?

In fact, it has to be said that the average life expectancy of human beings will increase,on the one hand, because of the improvement of the medical level, resulting in a lot of people's diseases can be cured by medical means, on the other hand, with the increase in the level of the society, it will also lead to the quality of people's clothing, food, housing and transportation is getting higher and higher, so people's lives will also be healthier, and therefore life expectancy will be increased, so it can be seen from these Several aspects to consider the problem.

1, the modern world to peace as the theme, now the country's social stability, but also because of the good external foundation, most can live in peace and work happily, naturally lead to life expectancy increased.

The modern world to peace and prosperity as the theme, but also because of this, the country is also prosperous and stable, with such a good external foundation platform, the people also naturally live in peace and work in contentment, so it is precisely because of such a foundation, which will lead to the majority of the people are also able to be free from war, so life expectancy has also been extended.

2, in the development of society today, the level of science and technology continues to change day by day, the level of medical care is also more and more high, the average life expectancy of the people will also naturally increase.

Uh, it must be said that in the social development today, science and technology is constantly changing day by day, and it is precisely because of this that the level of medical care will then progress, and some of the diseases of the people can be effectively prevented and treated, which will naturally prolong the life expectancy of the people, resulting in an increase in the average life expectancy of the people.

3, human civilization has reached a new stage, productivity is also to be unprecedented, and because of this, people's food, clothing, housing and transportation also get a such an enhancement, the description of the natural will also increase.

In fact, it must be said, compared with the ancient times, people's quality of life has been a significant improvement, but also because of so most, people's clothing, food, housing and transportation level is also increasing, enjoy a better life, treatment than the ancient people are also able to live a better life, so this leads to the average life expectancy per capita of the modern people will continue to increase.

In fact, for us, the average life expectancy of human beings will increase, on the one hand, because the world in the context of the world to advocate peace and stability, and it is precisely because of this for the external environment provides a stable space, on the other hand, the development of science and technology, medical care will be higher and higher levels of productivity will be more and more powerful, resulting in a significant increase in the standard of living of the people, so people The life expectancy per capita is also increasing.