8 days 6 boards of big bull stock tips risk! Important shareholders even threw the plan to reduce holdings

Because of the "intelligent oxygen chamber" concept, Wei Ao shares out of the 8 days 6 board a wave of powerful rising market, become the recent market of hot bull stocks.

November 17 evening, the company released stock trading abnormal fluctuations and risk reminder announcement that the company is concerned about the micro hyperbaric oxygen cabin related reports, due to the company's oxygen-enriched health capsule series of products is 2022 before the official market, so at present the proportion of sales is not too high. "As of now, the sales of this product will not have a significant impact on the company's performance."

As of the close of trading on Nov. 17, the shares of Wei Ao were trading at 11.86 yuan per share, with a total market capitalization of 4.66 billion yuan, and a turnover rate of 20.62 percent on that day.

Short-term increase of more than 80%

Announcement shows that the Wei Ao shares in November 16, 2022, November 17 for 2 consecutive trading days within the closing price increase deviation value of more than 20%, constituting "Shanghai Stock Exchange trading rules" of the stock trading abnormal volatility situation.November 17 the company's stock The closing price of 11.86 yuan / share, compared with the closing price of the company's shares on November 2, the cumulative increase in share price of 81.07%, while the same period the Shenwan Railway Equipment Index rose 5.93%, the company's share price increase is relatively large.

According to the November 17th Wei Ao shares of the LHQ data show that during November 16th to November 17th, the list of business seats total turnover of 194 million yuan, of which the amount of 106 million yuan to buy, sell amount of 87.5814 million yuan, a total net buy 18.6227 million yuan.

Specifically, the Yangtze River Securities Jingzhou Beijing West Road Securities Department, Huatai Securities headquarters bought 23.6095 million yuan, 23.394 million yuan; selling, Huatai Securities Beijing Dongsanhuan Beilu Securities Department, Yongxing Securities Company Limited, Beijing Branch sold 26.3177 million yuan, 16.7125 million yuan.

In response to the abnormal fluctuation of the company's stock, the company has verified the relevant matters and asked the company's controlling shareholders and actual controllers. After self-examination, the company's current operating conditions have not undergone significant changes, the company's business activities are normal, the market environment, industry policies have not undergone significant adjustments, production and sales and other conditions have not fluctuated significantly, the internal order of production and operation is normal, there is no significant matters affecting the abnormal fluctuations in the trading price of the company's shares, and there is no disclosure of undisclosed material information that should be disclosed.

In response to recent media reports and market rumors, the announcement said: "The company is concerned about the micro hyperbaric oxygen chamber related reports. As the company's oxygen-enriched health cabin series products will be formally introduced to the market only in 2022, the current sales share is not too high. As of the third quarter of 2022, the product realized an operating income of more than 7.6 million yuan, accounting for approximately 2% of the total operating income for the period. As of today, the sales of this product will not have a significant impact on the Company's performance."

The person in charge of the company told China Securities Journal that the company's oxygen-enriched health cabin is a civilian micro hyperbaric chamber for the consumer market, which is not a medical device. "Oxygen-rich health cabin products in the oxygen module is external procurement, the company is not currently engaged in the manufacture of oxygen equipment." The person in charge said.

Currently there are 2 plans to reduce holdings

Shares soared at the same time, some shareholders also put forward plans to reduce holdings. The announcement said, the company currently exists in 2 on-going reduction plan, the total proposed reduction of shares of not more than 7,555,521,000 shares, accounting for 1.92% of the company's total share capital ratio of 1.92%.

On November 11, 2022, the company disclosed the shareholders of Ulanqab Taicang Equity Investment Fund (Limited Partnership) ("Ulanqab Taicang") plan to reduce its shareholding, Ulanqab Taicang intends to reduce its shareholding of the shares held by Ulanqab Taicang during the period of November 16, 2022 to May 15, 2023 by means of centralized bidding or block trading. The total number of shares of the company held by Ulanqab Taicang will be reduced by centralized bidding or bulk trading during the period from November 16, 2022 to May 15, 2023, which will not exceed 3,625,021,000 shares in total, not exceeding 0.92% of the total share capital of the company.

On November 12, 2022, the Company disclosed the share reduction plan of another shareholder, Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area Jiujing II New Energy Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Ningbo Jiujing"), which intends to reduce its shareholding in the Company by means of centralized bidding or bulk trading during the period of November 17, 2022 to May 16, 2023, with a total of not more than 3,625,021,000 shares, not exceeding 0.92% of the total share capital of the Company. Centralized bidding transactions or bulk trading way to reduce its holdings of the company's shares, not more than 3.93 million shares in total, not more than 1% of the company's total share capital.

The reporter noted that the above two major shareholders have reduced their holdings of the company's shares by 10,166,179,000 shares and 1,850,000 shares respectively since the beginning of this year, which accounted for 2.59% and 0.47% of the company's total share capital

The company hinted that if shareholders Ulaanchabu Taicheng and Ningbo Jiujiying reduce their shareholding during the period of reducing their shareholding, it may have a certain effect on the stock price of the company. .

Decline in performance is large

Since 2020, the company's performance growth is sluggish.

Data shows that the company's main business is to provide supporting products and services for the new construction and overhaul of high-speed railcars.In the year of 2021, the company realized an operating income of 615 million yuan, a decrease of 47.12% compared with the same period of the previous year, and net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company amounted to -206 million yuan, a decrease of 224.84% compared with the same period of the previous year.In the first three quarters of 2022, the company achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was -110 million yuan.

Weio shares are also trying to seek new business growth points. The reporter recently learned in the company's research, the company's oxygen chamber products are currently the sales model for direct sales, has now realized the batch production and delivery. "Oxygen capsule products are suitable for multiple types of customers, involving application scenarios including plateau special needs protection, plateau tourism, pension rehabilitation health care, folk health care clubs and private high-end customization and other fields." The relevant person in charge of the company introduced.

In November this year, the company's plateau pressurization protection cabin off-line ceremony held in the KEDA oxygen cabin production workshop, the product is intended to solve the plateau reaction of the plateau area, plateau construction protection, plateau border guards to protect the problem, is a low-pressure, oxygen-poor areas of the immediate needs of the product.

The company recently said on the interactive platform, has been planning to expand overseas markets, and has made positive progress, and strive to make O2arK intelligent oxygen cabin service to global users. At present, there are overseas customers intend to purchase o2arK oxygen cabin, the company will actively approach Amazon and other overseas cooperation opportunities.