From the results of the fifth national health service survey, China's health service needs, health service demand, health service utilization of the three have what relationship

From the results of the Fifth National Health Service Survey China's residents' need for health services continues to increase, the prevalence of chronic diseases is rising rapidly;,health service demand and health service utilization grows along with it, and the economic reasons hindering the utilization of health services have been alleviated.

Theoretically, if people's needs for health services can be transformed into demand, the demand may be satisfied through the actual utilization of health services, but the reality is not so. On the one hand, people may not seek to utilize health services because they cannot transform their needs into demands due to the aforementioned subjective and objective reasons, such as limited affordability;

On the other hand, in fact, due to the limited and irrational allocation of health resources, there exists the phenomenon of poor quality of services, low efficiency, wastage of resources, as well as the phenomenon of over-utilization and over-consumption of health services by patients who are entitled to publicly-funded and labor-insured health care.

When the supply is greater than the demand (supply exceeds demand), the demand will be satisfied, but the oversupply will often lead to underutilization of health resources, such as personnel, beds, equipment, etc., idle, inefficient utilization; when the supply is less than the demand (supply exceeds demand), the demand can not be fully satisfied, waiting for medical treatment, hospitalization and failure to get the proper service phenomenon. The ideal state of supply and demand is a rough balance between supply and demand, with supply slightly exceeding demand to maximize the satisfaction of people's necessary needs.


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1, outpatient service utilization indicators

(1) two-week consultation rate = the number of patient visits (times) within the previous two weeks / the number of people surveyed × 100% or 1,000 per thousand

(2) two-week patient consultation rate = the number of patient visits (times) within the previous two weeks / two weeks of the total number of cases of patients × 100%

(3) two-week patient failure rate = the number of patients who did not consult within the previous two weeks (times) / the total number of cases of two-week patients × 100%

2, inpatient hospitalization service utilization indicators

(1) hospitalization rate = the total number of hospitalized persons (times) / the number of people surveyed within the previous year × 100% or 1000 per thousand

(2) per capita inpatient days = the total number of inpatient days / the total hospitalized (times) )

(3) Unhospitalized rate=Number of patients who need to be hospitalized but have not been hospitalized/number of patients who need to be hospitalized×100%

Baidu Encyclopedia-Health Services Utilization