Can I fly with a pacemaker?

Dr. Geng Zhaohua of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Xinqiao Hospital of the Third Military Medical University: Generally speaking,

heart disease patients with pacemakers will not be affected by flying,

because the cabin of an airplane has strong electromagnetic shielding,

which won't interfere with the normal work of the pacemaker. However, if an older person has an underlying heart condition,

especially after a pacemaker has been placed,

the function of the patient's heart is still somewhat different compared to the function of a healthy person's heart.

Heart disease patients should make sure that their major vital signs, such as blood pressure, pulse rate,

oxygen saturation, etc., are within the normal range before traveling on an airplane,

so that the probability of having an accident during an airplane flight will be very low.

So before you need to travel by air, seniors with pacemakers

are encouraged to check the above indicators in the hospital

to make sure the heart is working well with the help of the pacemaker

and to take advice from a cardiologist.