My 4G is greater than your 5G! Huawei P50 Pro "Hongmeng + 4G>5G" into?

When the Huawei P50 series is not 5G dust settled, there are two voices filled the network. One is "Huawei did try its best, 4G can be used", and the other is "who was publicizing the Xth generation of 5G cell phones in the first place?" Both views have their own reasons, but now 5G is an unstoppable trend, even the iPhone has launched its first 5G phone last year, Huawei is quite a bit of "backward" meaning.

5G is a "done deal?" img_height="1026" img_width="1000" data-src="//" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg">

Recently, there are Netizens in the Huawei cell phone offline stores (netizens said non-experience stores) found the "Hongmeng + 4G & gt; 5G" slogan, a time when the network debate, that Huawei is challenging the public perception. In that case, we might as well verify whether Hongmeng + 4G can really be greater than 5G.

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< strong> What are the advantages of 5G and 4G respectively?

First of all, we have to make it clear that Yu Chengdong in the Huawei P50 series of the conference did not say Hongmeng + 4G> 5G this kind of words, if the official conclusion that this public opinion may be out of hand. At the launch of the P50 Pro, Yu Chengdong's core point of view is only one: "We can not use 5G, but in the AI heterogeneous communication technology also realized a strong communication performance, low power consumption, and in the case of non-high-flow speed measurement is at worst the same as other cell phones (specifically the iPhone 12 Pro Max)."

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At a glance. Yu Chengdong's statement is not a problem, the role of quad-network concurrency generally refers to the network capacity of dual-band Wi-Fi + dual 4G cards, compared with 5G is really not that big a gap. But what we want to verify this time is simply "whether Hongmeng + 4G is greater than 5G", not a comparison of communication performance between phones.

The advantages of 5G have been publicized by cell phone manufacturers over the past two years, and we can briefly mention them here, but at the consumer level, the only thing you can enjoy is higher network speeds and lower latency. And because common applications do not require high latency, the low-latency effect of 5G networks may not be obvious, in the industrial, driverless, telemedicine and other areas will have a greater role.

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And the advantage of 4G Compared to 5G is relatively low power consumption, mainly from the RF module and antenna module. On the other hand, it's also true that 5G phones use more power on finding signals without smart networks turned on, given the much smaller 5G network coverage. Of course the latter issue was not part of this validation, and is different in every region.

Select Huawei P50 Pro, iPhone 12 Pro Max, Xiaomi 11 Ultra three phones, divided into three different scenarios, from the network speed, latency, two aspects to verify the Hongmeng OS + 4G & gt; 5G this inequality is valid, and in the case of a more stable network, to verify that the "4G power consumption is lower! "

This is the first time I've ever seen a 5G device.

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< This time we went to the open area where we usually test 5G networks, and perhaps because the nearby base stations are used by fewer people and have stronger signals, the 5G network was able to run peak download speeds of around 1000Mbps every time.

Let's look at network speeds first. All three phone cards have been enabled with 5G packages from the same communications carrier (Telecom), and we used Speedtest to measure the speeds on all three phones, and the downlink speeds don't quite match our past experience. The phones, from left to right, are the iPhone 12 Pro Max, Huawei P50 Pro and Xiaomi 11 Ultra, with downlink speeds of just 157Mbps, 9.83Mbps and 104Mbps, respectively, which don't match our regular perceptions of either 5G or 4G network speeds.

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Had to be. We replaced the test with another small square. The results show that the downstream and upstream speeds are significantly improved compared to the previous round of tests, but the downstream speeds of the iPhone 12 Pro Max and Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra still don't exceed 250Mbps, while the upstream is significantly improved. The Huawei P50 Pro's 4G speeds are obviously limited a bit too much, and don't match the "100 megabit" speeds Yu Chengdong said at the launch event. Consulted with the operator, some areas of the current limitations on the 4G network speed is really big, in the use of other 4G cell phone + telecom card combination test, the results are also the same.

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Does this also suggest that 5G networks are still underbuilt today, or that it's still a small number of locations that are capable of 1000Mbps speed tests, and still only around 300Mbps in most cases? Of course, on the other hand, we also need to recognize that today's telecom operators are getting more and more restrictive on 4G networks in order to push 5G, which puts the Huawei P50 Pro in an even more difficult position.

The latency problem occurs mainly in game scenarios, so we mainly use game scenarios to verify. Before that, we download the "Tencent hand gas pedal", using the software built-in function, the "peace elite" this game delay test, can quickly get the current network delay high and low. You can see that the three phones, iPhone 12 Pro Max latency is the lowest, only 43ms; millet 11 Ultra 48ms, and Huawei P50 Pro fluctuation is relatively large, latency reached 70ms. because it is the Tencent's official software, so the results of the results on the individual that should be more accurate.

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Here it is. The iPhone 12 Pro Max shows up as "Mobile (4G)", but the icon shows that it's still a 5G network, so you can assume it's a little "bug" caused by a different version of the software.

Then we opened the game "Peaceful Elite" to compare the delay effect within the game. Three cell phone game quality are set to "smooth", the lower left corner of the current delay data. Huawei P50 Pro's overall latency is between 60ms-124ms, and because the latency icon turns yellow after 124ms, the physical sensation will be more obvious. This is not uncommon as far as the video display is concerned, and most of the time it's around 80ms.

5G is "a done deal?" img_height="554" img_width="1000" data-src="//" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg"> 5G "Success?" img_height="554" img_width="1000" data-src="//" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg">

iPhone 12 Pro Max's latency is comparatively going to be lower, fluctuating between 32ms-44ms overall, which is in the more stable category. In open areas, the iPhone 12 Pro Max's signaling issues can be effectively mitigated.

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Xiaomi 11 Ultra performance is similar to the iPhone 12 Pro Max, fluctuating between 36ms-44ms, which is better overall.

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From this link We can see that the latency of the 5G phone does perform better in the open than the Huawei P50 Pro, which has a lot of its communication technology going on the strength of the signal, so it might perform better in weak signal scenarios.

But at least as of now, the combination of Hongmeng + 4G does not beat 5G.

Poor signal underground garage level 3

We have all met when the signal is not good, sometimes we will say that the phone signal is poor, which refers to the sound of the dialing sound intermittent or even directly off; and the network signal is poor is the network speed drop, delay increases and so on. What we want to verify is that the three phones in the underground garage, elevator and such common weak signal space network speed and delay effect, with industry-leading communications technology Huawei P50 Pro, can use the combination of Hongmeng + 4G over 5G.

Still according to the previous steps, prioritize the test network speed. As you can see, all three phones in this session of the test results are significantly lower, 5G phones can only switch to 4G signal, which Xiaomi 11 Ultra although the display is 5G, but look at the network rate is obviously the level of 4G network.

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With Tencent handheld game Gas pedal to test the delay, the worst signal performance of the iPhone 12 Pro Max delay increased nearly double, came to 84ms. huawei P50 Pro and millet 11 Ultra delay similar, respectively only 71ms and 70ms. if put in the game, this is a very common handheld game latency, just like the "peace elite" game itself shows, in the A latency of less than 120ms will have little effect on the physical experience.

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First, let's look at the latency

The highest iPhone 12 Pro Max in the game within the specific performance, latency can be up to 128ms, the low is also 80ms, it looks as if with the Huawei P50 Pro in the open area of the performance is similar?

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The Xiaomi 11 Ultra's latency has also gone up, with frame-by-frame studies of the video telling us that 124ms is the peak of its latency.

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Huawei P50 Pro is relatively smoother, staying at around 72ms latency for a long time. This reminds us of the latency data from the open field test, which is contrary to the software test, and is not consistent with Huawei's "strong signal" advantage, so we can say that it was just an accident.

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In the weaker signal During the session, all phones switched to 4G network signals, and of course there was no way to validate the claim of Hongmeng+4G>5G. But like Yu said, at least everyone is at the same level, and there's no noticeable difference.

Does a high-speed car matter?

We usually go out on trips and often experience signal degradation, such as going through tunnels is usually no signal, and on the highway it's usually a weak signal. Even within the city, in the car because of high speed, the base station coverage also has a certain weakness, which will have an impact on the use of 4G/5G network? According to the Huawei P50 Pro launch event, this phone will have a greater advantage in this situation.

Since the comparison is with 5G phones, too remote will lose the significance of the comparison, so we are in the city "circle", which ensures a certain strength of the signal, but also to ensure that each phone is covered by the same signal, the performance of how to look at the "technology". "

We still have a lot to do.

We still prioritize the network test, you can see that the Xiaomi 11 Ultra downlink speed can come to 264Mbps, uplink 78.7Mbps, compared to the iPhone 12 Pro Max is slightly inferior, only 169Mbps and 56.3Mbps, and the Huawei P50 Pro is a normal performance, slower downlink and higher uplink speeds. higher uplink speeds.

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In fact here We can also find another problem: today's communication carriers, both 4G and 5G, speed limit problems are more serious. One of the more obvious points is that generally speaking, cellular networks or broadband are much faster downstream than upstream, while in the 4G data tested by Huawei P50 Pro, the upstream is about twice as fast as the downstream, which is obviously problematic.

As for latency, Huawei P50 Pro 73ms, Xiaomi 11 Ultra and iPhone 12 Pro Max are the same, all 48ms. in the case of 5G network can be used normally, you can see that the latency of the 5G network is indeed lower than the 4G network. Of course, in the actual game, the delay has more complex formation reasons.

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Latency within games , Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra is similar to the test data, most of the time stably maintained at 48ms, and a small number of time above 60ms.

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Huawei P50 Pro's latency was carefully confirmed to be between 60ms-80ms most of the time, and did not override the results of previous software tests.

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iPhone The 12 Pro Max has even lower latency, with a 28ms-32ms performance that makes you wonder if this is really an iPhone.

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Summary: These three The results of the link, in fact, can already tell us the answer, the advantages of the 5G network can not be erased by the software and hardware on the terminal equipment, otherwise why would the phone need to use 5G baseband? In terms of latency and network speed, 5G networks are clearly superior to 4G networks, and the inequality of Hongmeng+4G>5G does not hold.

Of course, 5G networks also have many problems. For example, the signal penetration effect is not good, in some environments can only be switched to 4G use, such as the current speed limit is still relatively serious. This may be one of the reasons why 4G networks are still the mainstream of course, and this may also be the main reason why Huawei P50 Pro is still crazy by users after the launch - 5G is not just necessary to the point of necessarily abandoning 4G at the moment.

Power consumption, no doubt 4G is better

On the issue of power consumption, we use the most common test model to model test: using a cellular network to play a 1080p video online, keep the phone maximum brightness and maximum volume, and clear the background continuous playback. The Huawei P50 Pro uses a 4G network, and the iPhone 12 Pro Max and Xiaomi Mi 11 Ultra use a 5G network.

The recorded playback times are as follows.

5G "Becoming?" img_height="290" img_width="1000" data-src="//" src="/a2020/img/data-img.jpg">

What can be seen is that The two 5G phones consume a lot more power per minute than the Huawei P50 Pro's 4G network, especially the Xiaomi 11 Ultra is more than twice as much as the Huawei P50 Pro. These three phones have similar screen resolutions, all of which are close to 2K FHD+ resolution, and the refresh rate doesn't have a significant impact on power consumption when playing video, so the 4G network does have an advantage over 5G.

We also need to understand another point, in fact, the cellular network of the phone under the power consumption mostly from the radio frequency and receive signals, especially in the 5G network signal is not as stable as the 4G network, if the slightest fluctuation will appear a lot of power consumption. This is also the disadvantage of today's 5G network, in the outdoor use of the scene, if the 5G signal is not stable enough, then 5G cell phone battery life will be lower than the indoor will be a few percent.

Writing in the end

Of course, we still have to go back to the very beginning of the question: Is Hongmeng + 4G greater than 5G?

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This inequality If you look at the most common consumer perceptions, guided by the results of our tests, it clearly doesn't hold true, and the Honolulu OS isn't good enough to erase the hardware gap - bearing in mind that the superior experience of today's 5G networks is, for the most part, built on its high downlink speeds.

But if you look at the combined experience, as Yu Chengdong said at the launch of Huawei's P50 series, it's entirely up to you to judge it based on your own usage scenarios. The author's personal feeling is that the inequality is of course impossible to establish, but if we talk about the experience, Hongmeng + 4G is not much worse than 5G.