Jiangsu Huangpu Renewable Resources Utilization Co., Ltd. that construction waste recycling machine, how much money ah put in construction waste out of what?
Many of the waste in the construction waste after sorting, elimination or crushing, most of them can be reused as renewable resources such as: waste steel bars, waste wire, waste electric wires and all kinds of waste steel fittings and other metals, after sorting, centralized, and back to the furnace, it can be processed into a variety of specifications of the steel; waste bamboo timber can be used to manufacture artificial wood; brick, stone, concrete and other waste materials after crushing, can be replaced by sand for masonry mortar, plastering mortar, playing concrete bedding, etc., can also be used to make masonry, mortar, concrete pads, etc., and also can be used in the production of masonry. Masonry mortar, plastering mortar, playing concrete bedding, etc., can also be used to make blocks, paving bricks, lattice bricks and other building materials products. As the construction waste pile is more concentrated, the site is more limited, and the transportation is not very convenient, it is recommended to use the mobile crushing plant produced by Yifan. First of all, this equipment is a mobile crushing and screening combine, which can crush all kinds of large and bulky materials in multiple stages. In addition, the mobile crushing plant covers an area of small, flexible, convenient equipment, strong mobility, can save a lot of infrastructure and relocation costs; can be on-site crushing of materials without the need to transport the materials away from the site and then crushing, and can be moved with the advancement of raw material mining surface, thus greatly reducing the cost of transportation of materials. The mobile crushing plant configuration is flexible, according to the actual site design of the modified or special mobile crushing plant, very suitable for construction waste crushing.