We are doing medical equipment, two types of certificates to add that the storage of information do not know how to write, urgent urgent urgent

Warehousing information, that is, write the storage address, storage area and warehouse conditions. It should also be accompanied by a photo of the warehouse.

Warehouse conditions:

1, the warehouse is clean, the doors and windows of the structure is tight, the ground is flat, no gaps, and separated from the business, office areas, no dust, harmful gases, sewage and other serious sources of pollution;

2, there are shelves and dust, pollution, insect and rodent control equipment and facilities, thermometers, hygrometers and other temperature and humidity control equipment;

3, Warehouse lighting, fire, light, moisture, ventilation and other equipment and facilities to meet the requirements and remain intact;

4, the warehouse has a clear sign, set up to be inspected, qualified products area, non-qualified products area, return area and other different areas.