Rescue helicopters save bodies?

Rescue helicopters save bodies.

1, rescue helicopters, used on land, water search and rescue due to aircraft crashes or hit parachute flight personnel and other people in distress helicopter. Usually converted to light and medium helicopters. The helicopter is equipped with medical personnel, a certain number of stretchers and medicines, instruments and devices for medical care of the sick and wounded on board. Some ambulance helicopters are also equipped with search and rescue devices for searching and rescuing people in distress.

2, can be airborne in the war zone, sick area or the accident sudden place to implement emergency rescue. With a wide range of search, maneuverability and flexibility, fast evacuation speed, on-site rescue in a timely manner, vertical takeoff and landing and can hover to transport the injured and other characteristics. Ambulance helicopters are usually equipped with ambulance equipment, search and rescue devices. Ambulance equipment mainly includes first-aid kit, first-aid box, surgical instruments, infusion device, oxygen supply device, stretcher and stretcher fixation device. Search and rescue devices are navigation, positioning, directional instruments, night vision equipment and life rafts, winches, ladders, chairs, baskets, personnel and apparatus recovery devices.