Chinese medicine stocks leading stocks ranked top ten

1, Hengrui Medicine - the absolute leader in innovative drugs

2, Fosun Pharmaceuticals - a leading pharmaceutical distribution

3, Kelun Pharmaceuticals - Iontophoresis Healthyuan - leading biopharmaceuticals

5. Renfu Pharmaceuticals - leading in the anesthesia market

6. Drug "small Hengrui"

7, Hualan Bio - blood products leader

8, Anke Biotech - growth hormone drug leader

9, Myriad Medical - a leading medical device

10, Keli Medical - a leading endoscope

What does it mean to be a leading stock?

The leading stock refers to a certain period in the stock market speculation on other stocks in the same industry sector has the influence and appeal of the stock, the leading stock of the rise and fall of other stocks in the same industry sector often play a leading role in guiding and demonstrating the rise and fall of stocks. In the stock market, leading stocks are not static, and the status of leading stocks can often only be maintained for a period of time. Therefore, investors can test whether a stock is a leading stock in the industry or concept by observing the performance of stocks in the industry and concept.

In general, industry leading stocks are strong stocks, often stronger than other stocks in the industry. When the industry sector rises, it will prioritize the stocks to go up. Moreover, the fundamentals of the leading stocks are more stable, and the listed companies have a high market share in their industries. Moreover, the leading stocks will not be too big or too small in terms of shares outstanding, which belongs to the medium range in the industry sector.

Investors in the trading of leading stocks, but also need to pay attention to the market environment for investment, not the leading stocks will necessarily rise. For example, if the stock market is in a "bear market" down stage, the market investors' investment enthusiasm is low, which will lead to leading stocks in the industry by the market impact of the adjustment down, will be leading stocks down adjustment.

How to find and identify leading stocks?

Based on technical analysis, identify which of the many sectors has the highest degree of control and the best chart trend. There is policy support, economic life hotspots, etc., and the plate is in the early stage of the start. Investors can judge the leading stocks based on price, volume, market influence, plate effect, fund flow, media attention, etc. The time to buy is near the opening price of the next day to buy the leading stocks.