The so-called water purifier, water purifier, drinking water machine, water electrolysis, water purifier, filter, this kind of designation is the manufacturer of their products a call. There are some differences in emphasis between them, the difference is only in the perception of consumers, does not represent the judgment of the competent body:
1, water purifier - a more general, common saying.
2, water purifier - RO membrane (reverse osmosis membrane) as the core component of water treatment equipment.
3, direct drinking machine - this call is to highlight the product treatment of water can be directly drinkable, in fact, as long as the Ministry of Health did not indicate that the finished water is not suitable for raw drinking machine, the theory allows are drinkable.
4, electrolytic water - membrane (anionic membrane, cationic membrane, neutral membrane) for diaphragm DC electrolysis, the purified water is divided into acidic and alkaline two traits to reach a certain target (pH value of less than 2.7, redox potential greater than 1050 millivolts) of acidic water (without salt electrolysis is generally not reached) said acidic Oxidation potential water, is a national disinfection technical specifications recognized disinfection water. Alkaline part of the drinking water, such as to promote the role of health care treatment needs to be approved by another two types of medical equipment approvals.
5, water purifier - and water purifier is only a word difference, but gives a sense of equipment, as if larger, or more complex.
6, filter - is a relatively simple, casual name.