Kai Chuang Industrial Park belongs to which district

Enterprises know the data show that the Kai Chuang Industrial Park is located in Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province (Longgang District, Shenzhen City, Pinghu Street, Auxiliary City Au community, No. 37, Changlong West Road), as of now, there are 15 enterprises in the park ****, including the Ness Medical Packaging Technology (Shenzhen) Limited, Shenzhen City, Shenzhen Special Printing Trade Limited, Shenzhen City, such as the Pincheng Agricultural and Specialty Products Company Limited.

Twenty percent of the enterprises in KCCIP are located in the business service industry and 20% in the rubber and plastic products industry. Among them, enterprises with registered capital of more than 10 million yuan include Ness Medical Packaging Technology (Shenzhen) Co.

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