Stalin's contribution to the Soviet Union
The Fourteenth Congress of the U.S.S.R. in December 1925 adopted the general line of socialist industrialization, deciding to transform the USSR from a backward agrarian country into an advanced socialist industrial power, and from a country that imported machines and equipment into a country that produced machines and equipment. Stalin was keenly aware that without accelerated industrialization, the USSR would be backward and passive, and would not be able to resist the aggression of the imperialist camp. Stalin said, "Without heavy industry, then there will not be all the modern weapons of defense; China has no heavy industry of its own, no military industry of its own, and now it can be ravaged by whoever pleases." For the first time in the history of mankind, the USSR adopted the development of a scientifically rigorous and well-thought-out plan for organized large-scale construction. The USSR implemented three Five-Year Plans prior to the Patriotic War. (The third five-year plan was not completed.) Between 1928 and 1937, the USSR successfully completed the first and second five-year plans, and the focus of socialist construction in the USSR was on the development of heavy industry and defense industry. By the eve of the Patriotic War in 1941, the USSR had built a large number of large-scale, newly equipped and technologically advanced large-scale industrial and mining enterprises. The Soviet Union's iron and steel, machinery manufacturing, electric power, petrochemical, automobile, tractor, aviation, and military industries developed rapidly. The USSR became the first industrial power in Europe and the second in the world. The USSR established an independent and complete national economic system and realized socialist industrialization. The USSR was transformed from a backward agricultural country to a strong industrial country. The Soviet Union's national defense strength was greatly strengthened and a large number of weapons and equipment with advanced performance were developed, laying the material foundation for the subsequent anti-fascist war. The Western bourgeois press described the Soviet Five-Year Plan as "dreamer's nonsense" and "red fantasy". On the road to socialist industrialization, the USSR was indeed faced with unimaginable difficulties, with insufficient capital, construction materials, machinery and experts. Industrialization required enormous sacrifices and efforts on the part of the Soviet people. At that time, the USSR had its own food shortage. Nevertheless, it had to export grain in exchange for the necessary foreign exchange and to purchase Western machinery and equipment. The people also had to deduct a considerable part of their wages for a long period of time from their already modest incomes to buy industrialization bonds. At that time Soviet workers had only half a day's rest per week. Soviet peasants even sold their agricultural products at low prices and bought industrial goods at high prices for the sake of national construction, sacrificing the improvement of their own lives. The people of the Soviet Union worked diligently with a high revolutionary spirit, never fearing difficulties, and created one miracle after another. By the time of the Patriotic War the USSR had established 9,000 large modern enterprises, and investment in the national economy totaled more than 270 billion rubles. The Soviet Union's iron and steel, machine building, large equipment manufacturing, electric power, aviation, defense, petroleum and heavy chemical industries had reached the world's advanced level. in 1940, the Soviet Union's industrial production capacity was 10 times that of 1913. in 1929, during the construction of two iron and steel complexes in Magonitogorsk and Kuznetsk. More than 12,000 young people responded to the call of the **** Youth League and went to the Urals and Siberia. They lived in tents and earthen kilns, ate half-starved, dug foundations with shovels and pickaxes, and worked in shifts day and night. It took only three years for two of the world's largest iron and steel complexes to be built and put into operation. in the spring of 1932. A group of *** youth corps members drove into the primitive forests on the banks of the Amur River, shoveling out the old roots of century-old trees, draining swamps, picking up factories and housing, four years later a new industrial city - *** Qingcheng. Appeared. In the "Second Five-Year Plan" period, the Soviet Union set off a socialist labor competition movement known as the Stakhanov movement. the night of August 30, 1935, the Ukrainian Donbass coal mine of young miners Stakhanov, the use of new and improved technology, digging 102 tons of media in six hours, more than the quota of 13.5 times. People learnt from him and innovated their techniques in production, and all units actively carried out socialist labor competitions, and all kinds of production records were constantly set. The first two five-year plans of the USSR were completed nine months ahead of schedule. 7. Collectivization of agriculture: In order to make more food and agricultural products available to factories and cities, the USSR implemented large-scale collectivization of agriculture in the 1930s, but the collectivization experienced some twists and turns. By 1940 the Soviet Union had completed the collectivization of agriculture and the socialist transformation of agriculture. Collective farms and state-run tractor stations were widely established in the USSR, which changed the backwardness of Soviet agriculture and rapidly increased the level of mechanization. The collectivization of agriculture ensured the realization of industrialization. However, the collectivization of agriculture suffered from the problems of being too coarse, too hasty and against the farmers' will. Because of insufficient investment in agriculture, the development of agriculture in the USSR was relatively slow. 8. The superiority of the socialist system: The great achievements of the national economy and social life in the USSR showed the great advantages of socialism. The level of socialist culture in the USSR was also a brilliant achievement, with the emergence of a large number of world-renowned writers and artists, and the birth of a large number of outstanding literary and artistic works, which greatly enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the people. The level of culture, education and science in the USSR was greatly improved. All kinds of crimes were greatly reduced, and such social evils as pornography, gambling, drug addiction and blackness were completely eliminated. The propaganda and education on the spirit of ****productivism were vigorously promoted. People's moral outlook was positive.9. Establishment of the Soviet Socialist Model (Stalin Model): The Soviet Union adopted a new constitution in 1936, announcing the elimination of exploitation and private ownership and the establishment of the socialist system in the USSR. The Stalin Constitution marked the formation of a highly centralized political and economic system in the USSR. Soviet socialism the first socialist system system of mankind. It was formed under the special circumstances of the USSR being surrounded by imperialism, relatively backward in domestic economy and culture, isolated in the international situation and dangerous at home. Positive effects: (1) The achievements of socialist construction in the USSR were brilliant. It took the Soviet Union only ten years or so to complete the road taken by the western capitalist countries for hundreds of years, to realize socialist industrialization, to become the first in Europe and the second in the world as a powerful industrial country, and to lay a strong material foundation for the victory in the anti-fascist war. (2) The USSR rapidly got rid of its backwardness, the lives of the vast number of working people were improved, social welfare such as culture, education and health were effectively guaranteed, and for the first time the masses of the people were able to lead a dignified and secure life. The USSR built a brand-new society that truly eliminated class exploitation and oppression and eliminated serious social evils. Negative effects: Priority was given to the development of heavy industry leading to a serious imbalance in the proportion of the national economy, and agriculture and light industry were in a state of long-term backwardness, affecting the improvement of the people's life; industrialization deprived the peasants too much, harmed their interests, and discouraged them from producing; economic development was sloppy focusing on quantitative growth, and paying little attention to quality, variety, and efficiency; the mode of economic growth was sloppy and economically ineffective; the politics was highly centralized, the Serious bureaucracy and lack of supervision by the people; lagging behind in the construction of democracy and legal system. Evaluation of the socialist construction of the USSR: Stalin led the people of the USSR to build the first socialist country in the world by uniting the strength of the whole party and the whole nation. The socialist construction of the USSR made great and brilliant achievements, laid the material foundation for the victory in the anti-fascist war, and embodied the superiority of socialism. But there were also serious shortcomings and mistakes in the socialist construction of the USSR. Stalin's greatest contribution to the USSR was to succeed Lenin's cause and complete the socialist transformation of the USSR. Stalin's greatest contribution to the USSR was that he succeeded Lenin and completed the socialist transformation of the USSR. Not only that, but he also: 1) organized and led the Battle of Tsaritsyn before he came to power, defeating the White Guards, defending Soviet Russia, and creating the USSR together with Lenin; 2) used the Stalinist model in the first and middle periods of his rule to make the USSR complete the socialist industrialization very quickly, and become the second largest industrialized country in the world; and 3) in the latter period of his rule, he led the people of USSR in the War of Patriotism, defeating Nazi Germany, and liberating the Eastern European region, and making USSR a superpower. On June 22, 1941, the German fascists launched an attack on the USSR. In the time of danger for the motherland, Stalin, as the supreme leader of the Soviet Union, quickly sobered up from the shock and assumed the important responsibility of leading the people to fight against the fascists. on July 3, the twelfth day after the start of the war, Stalin made a radio speech, in which he called upon the Red Army, the Red Navy, and all the citizens to safeguard each and every inch of Soviet land and to fight for the defense of the motherland to the last drop of the earth. defend the motherland to the last drop of blood. The Soviet system quickly shifted to a wartime track, and most of the businesses threatened by the Germans in the west were moved thousands of kilometers to the east. As the German fascists approached Moscow and the party and government offices were evacuated to Gubishev, Stalin decided to stay in Moscow. This spirit of fearlessness in the face of danger and tenacity of the supreme commander greatly inspired the people of the Soviet Union. The defense of Moscow was fought under the direct leadership of Stalin, with General Zhukov as commander of the Western Front defending Moscow, and on November 7, Stalin inspected the troops in Moscow's Red Square and delivered an inspiring speech as thousands of heavily armed Soviet soldiers marched directly from the Red Square to the front. Stalin was adept at influencing national public opinion and mastering and dominating the mood of the people. Especially at the moment when the Soviet Union was losing badly at the beginning of the war and many people had no confidence in victory, the parade in Red Square played a great role in boosting the confidence of the people. It aroused great patriotic fervor in the nation, inspired the Soviet people to build heroic feats on the front and in the rear, and strengthened the people's confidence in defeating fascism. The Soviet Red Army fighters showed a tenacious fighting spirit, causing the German army to meet the most stubborn resistance since the beginning of the Second World War. According to Zhukov's statistics, from June to December 1941, the German army lost only 9,000 men on the battlefields outside of the Soviet Union, whereas in the first two months of the war against the Soviet Union, the German army had already lost about 400,000 men, and when the war effort ended in the summer and the fall, the enemy's elite troops and regiments suffered nearly 800,000 casualties on the Soviet-German battlefields***. [1] The Soviet Union was the mainstay of the fight against the German Army, resisting more than 70% of German divisions and the mainstay of the effort to destroy German fascism. "On the Soviet-German battlefield German troops were killed, wounded, and captured by 10 million people (more than 73% of their total losses of 13.6 million in the war). The Soviets destroyed most of Germany's military equipment: more than 70,000 airplanes (more than 75 percent), 50,000 tanks and mortars (up to 75 percent), 167,000 artillery pieces (74 percent) and more than 2,500 ships of all kinds." [2] Stalin also became a military man during the war, knowing his men well and using four Chiefs of the General Staff, Zhukov, Shaposhnikov, Vasilevsky, and Antonov, each with their own specialties. He was good at learning, and in the course of the war gradually learned to fight modern wars, and became a more mature militarist, especially after the Battle of Stalingrad, when deciding on major battles, Stalin no longer made any major mistakes, he had mastered the art of commanding modern wars, and commanded the Red Army to begin a victorious counter-offensive. This was fully recognized by Zhukov and Vasilevsky, who called Stalin a well-deserved commander-in-chief. During the war, Stalin spent several hours a day dealing with economic and organizational problems, in addition to focusing on purely military issues. The Soviet economy quickly shifted to a wartime track. By January 1942, 1,523 enterprises in the west threatened by the Germans, 1,360 of which were defense plants, were relocated thousands of kilometers to the east and quickly went into production. The defense industry still produced 12,000 combat aircraft, 6,500 tanks, and nearly 16,000 artillery pieces and mortars in 1941. The feats established by the Soviet people in the wartime dismantling of factories and the restoration of production rivaled those of the greatest battles of the Second World War in terms of their magnitude and significance for the fate of the motherland. Stalin was also adept at inspiring patriotism in his people, and he "did not go into battle as a ****producer or as the leader of the proletarian vanguard; he left ideology behind and defended Holy Russia as a nationalist and a patriot" [3]. Stalin knew how to combine the Russian tradition of fighting with the glorification of the heroic achievements of the people in order to stimulate the spirit of patriotism and national self-consciousness of the people, to inspire them to sacrifice and fight in defense of honor and dignity. As soon as the war began, Stalin ordered portraits of Suvorov and Kutuzov to be hung on the walls of his office in the Kremlin. His speech at the Red Square parade also suggested: "Let our great forefathers - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitriy Kutuzov and Dmitriy Kutuzov - be honored. Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma. Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Pozharsky. Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Mukhayev. Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov. Kutuzov, inspire you in this war! Let the victorious banner of the great Lenin guide you!" [4] On Stalin's initiative, a memorial was established in honor of Alexander Nevsky, Suvorov, and Mikhail Kutuzov. Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan? Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Nakhimov and other national heroes of history. Stalin was able to reward those who had established meritorious service in a timely manner, and 36,000 people were honored with various orders and medals for the victory in the defense of Moscow. After the Battle of Stalingrad, the system of shoulder insignia for officers was restored, and the uniforms of officers became more splendid, which enhanced the pride of soldiers. Contributions: led the industrialization and collectivization of agriculture in the USSR , led the Soviet Union to victory in the Patriotic War , aided the international ****productivist movement and fostered the socialist camp. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (1878.12.18-1953.03.05; note: Stalin's official birthday during his reign was December 21, 1879, but historians have confirmed it as December 18, 1878), formerly known as Dzhugashvili, was a Georgian, Soviet politician, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the USSR ****production party, and Chairman of the Central Committee of the USSR. General Secretary of the USSR, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR (Premier of the USSR), and Grand Marshal of the USSR, was the Soviet Union's longest-ruling (1924-1953) Supreme Leader. had a profound impact on the Soviet Union and the world in the twentieth century. The Soviet battlefield was the main battlefield against German fascism and the main battlefield of World War II in Europe, and was an important part of the World War Against Fascism.On June 22, 1941, Germany tore up the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact and launched a surprise attack on the Soviet Union. From then on, the Soviet Union began the grueling "Patriotic War". From the loss in the early stages of the war, to the battle of Stalingrad, then turned into a counter-offensive, and then conquered Berlin, the Soviet army and people experienced 1418 days and nights of brutal war, blood and life in exchange for the victory in the Patriotic War, wrote the most brilliant page in the history of the USSR. According to materials published in Russia, during the Patriotic War from 1941 to 1945, 27 million people in the USSR*** died heroically, including 8,668,400 servicemen; material losses amounted to 679 billion rubles at 1941 prices. The Soviet-German war had a profound impact on the world anti-fascist theater. The vast majority of Soviet and Russian scholars and many Western scholars agreed after the war that without the tenacious resistance of the Soviet Union, the outcome of the Second World War would have been unpredictable. In the Second World War, the Chinese battlefield was the main battlefield for the fight against Japanese fascism and the main battlefield in the East in the world anti-fascist war. The Chinese people endured great national sacrifices and made indelible contributions to the victory of the world anti-fascist war. The Chinese people's war of resistance against Japan began in September 1931 and ended in August 1945, lasting 14 years. The Japanese fascist invasion of China was not only for the purpose of destroying China, but more importantly, it was to use China as a "base" and "springboard" for invading the Soviet Union in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the south, as well as for further foreign expansion and hegemony in Asia and even in the world. Japanese fascism is not only the enemy of the Chinese people, but also the enemy of the people of the entire Asia-Pacific region and even of all countries in the world. According to incomplete statistics, during the war, China's military and civilian casualties amounted to more than 35 million, of which 21 million died. According to the 1937 ratio conversion, China's direct economic losses of more than 100 billion U.S. dollars, indirect economic losses of more than 500 billion U.S. dollars. The Chinese battlefield*** eliminated 1.5 million Japanese troops, accounting for about 70% of the Japanese dead and wounded in World War II, playing a decisive role in the complete destruction of the Japanese invaders and playing a major role in strategic support for the victory of the anti-fascist war in other parts of the world. Stalin, the leader of the USSR, said that only when the hands and feet of the Japanese invaders were tied could we avoid fighting on two fronts when the German invaders attacked our country.1. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin: After the October Revolution on November 7, 1917, the Bolsheviks, under Lenin's leadership, gained power in Russia, and then withdrew from the First World War by signing the Peace of Brest with Germany. In the following years, the Red Army under the command of Leon Trotsky defeated the White Army and the Allied intervention through a brutal civil war. Lenin established the ***Productive International, and on December 30, 1922, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Transcaucasian Federation*** joined together to form the Soviet Union. Lenin, the founder of the USSR, died in 1924.2. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin :In order to gain power, he purged all his political opponents by brutal means, pursued the policy of collectivization of agriculture, and at the same time launched a major purge of the leaders of the party, the state and the army by means of purges. Although Stalin was regarded by the West and some Soviets as a tyrant who slaughtered people of all nationalities, he succeeded in transforming the USSR into an industrial and military power. Under Stalin's leadership, the Soviet ****production party overhauled the Soviet Union's economy and methods of production, and the Soviet Union's military was many times stronger than before. In 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed between the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, which led to the formation of a seemingly incompatible alliance and the secret division of their spheres of influence in Poland, the Baltic States, Finland and Romania. The USSR adopted a pro-German policy, hostile to Britain, France and the other Allies, and worked to undermine their war against Germany. on June 22, 1941, Adolf Hitler launched a surprise attack on the USSR. With the help of the Allies, the Soviet Red Army and the Allies conquered all of Nazi Germany in 1945 and won World War II. After World War II, Stalin and the other socialist allies established the Warsaw Pact to fight against the United States and NATO, and the Cold War began. 1953 Stalin died. 3. Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev: After several years of political struggle between the top leaders of the Soviet ****production party, Khrushchev came to power. His secret report to the 21st Congress of the USSR in 1956 criticized Stalin and the serious consequences of his cult, and the political struggle in the USSR shifted to a more humane approach. As a result of ideological differences, a series of debates and quarrels between the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party began in 1959, and Khrushchev stepped down in 1964.4. Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev: Brezhnev gained power in 1964. During the Cultural Revolution, Sino-Soviet relations were at a low ebb, with only nominal diplomatic relations and border clashes such as the Jumbo Island Incident and the Terekheti Incident. 1968 saw the Soviet Union invade Czechoslovakia. 1979 saw the Soviet Union invade Afghanistan. Both actions were unanimously condemned by the international community. During the Brezhnev era, the USSR pursued an expansionist policy, including Vietnam, South Yemen, Cuba, Angola, and Ethiopia, in addition to the Eastern Bloc and Mongolia, or establishing military bases in these countries. Brezhnev put forward the "limited sovereignty theory", which believed that the sovereignty of socialist countries was limited, and in fact he put forward this theory in order to deprive other socialist countries of their sovereignty and to turn them into vassals of the USSR. 1980 Moscow Olympics was regarded as the showcase of socialism for the USSR to show to the world but it was turned into the most dangerous event ever in the history of the Soviet Union due to the invasion of Afghanistan, which turned into the worst disaster in the world. Afghanistan, it turned out to be the most boycotted Olympics ever.5. Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev:In 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev, a reformist figure in the ****production party, took over the reins of power. He changed many old stereotypes. Gorbachev tried to improve his political and economic methods of governance, to introduce reforms and openness in the country, and to liquidate historical mistakes. He tried to build "democratic and humane socialism" in the USSR. On the other hand, his reforms had unintended consequences. With the decentralization of the central government, the leaders of the Union*** and the states began to seek greater autonomy. With the deepening of "openness", the historical problems and crimes of the Soviet **** were exposed, which led to the loss of popular support. Especially in 1989, the accumulated political and economic errors of ****productivism broke out, and the ****productivist party and its political goals became increasingly unpopular in the Eastern European countries, where the ****productivist regimes fell one after another. The governments of the Soviet Union's member **** and countries also followed the example of the Eastern European countries, intending to become independent from the Soviet Union. On August 19, 1991, the conservatives in the Soviet **** staged an unsuccessful coup d'état in an attempt to take back the powers delegated to the franchises **** and states, and at the same time put an end to the unsuccessful economic reforms. However, the coup failed after only three days in the face of combined opposition from the people, the army, and most members of the Soviet ****. Russian President Boris Yeltsin ordered that the SU*** be declared an illegal organization and that its activities within the Soviet Union be restricted. At the end of 1991, he signed a contract with the presidents of Belarus and Ukraine in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, to form the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), a Commonwealth-like structure to replace the Soviet Union. The other states of the USSR responded by leaving the USSR, and the USSR ceased to exist in name only on December 25, 1991, when Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev announced his resignation and the transfer of state power to the President of Russia. The Soviet Union officially ceased to exist as a sovereign state. There should be a general statement about Stalin. History has proved that the theory of "no faults, no merits", treating Stalin as an enemy, or portraying Stalin as a "perfect man" with "no faults, no merits", as Andreeva and others have done, are not tenable. It is not tenable. "It is difficult to explain certain important historical facts and is not easily recognized. The theory of "faults outweighing merits" is obviously one-sided. It seems that, in studying the issue, there is no need to argue over the proportion of Stalin's merits and demerits, but rather, under the basic premise of recognizing his lifelong struggle for the cause of ****anism and his leadership of socialism in the USSR for 30 years, emphasis should be placed on the specific analysis of specific problems and the summing up of lessons learned. Of course, there should also be a general evaluation of Stalin. In the author's opinion, Stalin was a figure of great historical achievements, a figure of extraordinary leadership, a figure of serious mistakes and sins, a figure of fatal character flaws, and, therefore, a figure of both merits and demerits, which inevitably gave rise to long-term controversy. The Contemporary World 200304 Certain ****sense has developed about Stalin both within and outside the country. First, Stalin is an important historical figure, and his evaluation is a matter not only for his own country but for the world. Secondly, Stalin had his merits and faults, his contributions were enormous and his mistakes were serious, or, in the words of some scholars, "his merits were outstanding, but his mistakes were extremely serious". Whether the merits outweigh the faults or the faults outweigh the merits is a matter of disagreement. Thirdly, Stalin's main merits: 1. After Lenin, he led the Party and people of the USSR to resist the pressure of the capitalist encirclement and establish socialism in one country of the USSR, and provided an example and support for the victory of socialism in other countries; 2. Within a short period of years, he led the people of the USSR to realize the industrialization of the country, set up a system of social security, and gradually improve the life of the people, and then quickly restored the economy, comprehensive national power and international status after the war. After the war, the Soviet Union rapidly recovered its economy, and its comprehensive national strength and international status improved as never before, showing the vitality and superiority of the socialist system; 3. Defeating German fascism and achieving a great victory in the Patriotic War, which promoted the cause of peace and progress in the world. Fourthly, Stalin's major mistakes: 1. Accepting and encouraging personal superstitions, exercising personal dictatorship, and abusing dictatorial means in internal struggles, which led to the serious destruction of the rule of law and the suppression of a large number of innocent cadres; 2. The model of socialism of the USSR, which was formed under the specific historical conditions in the 1930s, as well as some of the theories closely related to it, were subjected to dogmatization, absolutism, and became increasingly rigid; 3. 3. By virtue of its status as a large country and party, the USSR has established its self-centeredness, giving orders to the outside world and promoting chauvinism, in essence seeking hegemony. These mistakes were caused by historical conditions, by the management system and by personal qualities. Khrushchev also talked about Stalin's merits and demerits, but because he was based on "condemnation", he often used harsh language and gave people the impression that he was totally denying Stalin. Khrushchev said in the secret report of the twentieth Congress of the Soviet Union in 1956 that the report did not want to make a comprehensive assessment of Stalin's life story because his merits had been sufficiently studied, saying that "Stalin's role in the preparation for and realization of the socialist revolution, as well as in the struggle for the completion of socialism in our country, is well known to all". ". The report focused on the accusation of turning Stalin "into some kind of superhuman figure, that he had extraordinary qualities like a god, that he seemed to know everything, to see everything, to be able to think for everyone, to be able to do everything, and that there was not a single point in his behavior that was wrong". Khrushchev, in his report to the 22nd Congress of the Soviet Union in 1961, simply emphasized the need to publicly denounce "the errors and distortions committed" during the period of Stalin's personal superstition and "to abandon the methods of leadership of the Party and the State which have become an obstacle to progress". The words do not mean that the Party and the country are not going to be able to move forward. These words and phrases do not lead to the conclusion of a "total rejection" of Stalin. During the Great Polemic, the "Second Commentary" "On Stalin" quoted Khrushchev's abusive words about Stalin, which reflected that Khrushchev hated Stalin in his heart. Fifth, from Brezhnev to Gorbachev, the Soviet Union in later periods less comment on Stalin, out of pragmatism, talk about timely condemnation and affirmation. Every anniversary of the victory in the Patriotic War, can not avoid Stalin, more or less to mention Stalin's achievements. The usual argument is: during the war years, Stalin showed great political will, purposefulness and firmness, good at organizing people and make them disciplined, played its own role in achieving victory; Stalin's role in the Patriotic War can not be written off, and so on.