What are the hardware tool production equipment Hardware processing is what

We all know that the real estate industry is very good, but the hardware industry is also very popular, because in our life many things are our usual life must be used. If there is no hardware, there is no way to make a lot of things, there is no way to use them, what are the hardware tool production equipment? Hardware processing is what?

We all know that the real estate industry is very good, but the hardware industry is also very popular, because a lot of things in our life is our normal life must be used. If there is no hardware, a lot of things there is no way to make, there is no way to use, home no matter what place needs to carry out repairs, we have to use hardware, so now many places have hardware stores. However, for friends with different hardware, they will encounter some problems when choosing. Let's first understand what are the hardware tool production equipment? What is hardware processing?

What are the hardware tool production equipment

Hardware tool production equipment has a punch press, hand beer machine, polishing equipment, die-casting machines and so on, only complete equipment hardware can be produced.

1. Punching machine, that is, the prototype of the accessories out of the machine. Artificial one-legged operation, with electricity.

2. hand beer machine, similar to some small parts, punch can not complete the process, or the cost of punch when the high and must use the small machine. No electricity, full manual operation.

3. Polishing equipment, electricity, specializing in polishing equipment available for sale.

4. Die-casting machine, the main production of alloy products machine. To burn oil and electricity.

What is hardware processing

Hardware processing is the raw materials (stainless steel, copper, aluminum, iron.).

Hardware machining is to process raw materials (stainless steel, copper, aluminum, iron...), milling machine, drilling machine, lathe, polishing and other machinery according to the customer's drawings or samples to become a variety of parts, such as: screws, motor shafts, model car parts, fishing accessories, speakers, mobile power shells, etc..

Surface processing of hardware parts:

1. Paint spraying: Hardware factories use paint spraying in the production of large pieces of finished hardware products to avoid rusting, such as: electrical appliances shells, daily necessities, handicrafts and so on.

2. Electroplating: Electroplating is one of the most common processing techniques in hardware processing, through modern technology, the surface of the hardware is plated to ensure that the product is not mildewed and embroidered for a long period of time, and the common ones in electroplating processing are: screws, stampings, battery plates, car parts, trinkets, and so on.

3. Turning cylindrical surface is the basic method of hardware processing in the cylindrical surface processing, the equipment used is a lathe. In general, in the machine shop, lathes account for about 40% of the total number of machine tools. Turning is the main method of roughing and semi-finishing of the external surface of a variety of materials, is not suitable for grinding a variety of materials of the final finishing method.

4. surface polishing process: surface polishing process is generally used in daily necessities more long, through the hardware products for surface burr processing such as: we produce a comb, comb is through the stamping of hardware, then stamped out of the comb corners are very sharp, we have to be through the polishing of the corners of the sharp part of the cast into a smooth face, so that in the process of use will not cause harm to the human body. cause harm.

5. Turning cylindrical surface features: simple tools, manufacturing, sharpening and easy to install; the cutting process is smooth, small fluctuations in cutting force, is conducive to the use of high cutting speeds, improve productivity; machine tool versatility is good, can be processed in a clamping out of the outer circle, the end face, the bore, threads and chamfering, etc. The mutual positional accuracy between the surfaces is easy. Mutual positional accuracy between the surfaces is easy to ensure; suitable for finishing non-ferrous metal parts.

6. Single piece of small batch production, turning cylindrical surface is generally carried out in the ordinary lathe. Mass production, the extensive use of multi-tool semi-automatic lathe or automatic lathe. Large disk parts should be processed on a vertical lathe. Large long shaft parts need to be processed on heavy-duty horizontal lathes.

What are the hardware tool production equipment? Hardware tool production equipment includes a lot of content, which is more important is the above described in these. What is hardware machining? Hardware processing is not so simple, can be said to do a hardware part or hardware tools, is the need for a lot of processes, is not a simple thing, for hardware tools you should now be almost understand it.