Analysis of the current situation of China's cold storage

Policy to promote the construction of China's cold storage industry

From China's cold storage industry-related policies in the past two years, the main points of the policy in the increase in the number of cold storage, as well as improve the level of cold storage facilities. Which mentioned an appropriate increase in the number of designated cold storage, focus on supporting the construction of ventilated storage, mechanical cold storage, air-conditioned storage, as well as pre-cooling facilities and ancillary facilities and equipment. From this point of view, China's cold storage industry construction of more supportive policies, cold storage industry is expected to usher in further development.

China's total cold storage annual growth rate remained at about 10%

Cold storage is the hub and important node of the cold chain logistics system. According to the statistics of the 2021 edition of the National Cold Chain Logistics Enterprise Distribution Map by China Cold Storage Alliance, from 2017 to 2021, China's cold storage capacity grew from 36.09 million tons to 52.24 million tons, with a compound annual growth rate of 9.7%, which maintains a stable growth rate. With the guidance of the cold chain infrastructure policy and the improvement of enterprise layout, the national library capacity base is larger, and the growth rate in the past three years is lower than 10% for the first time.

National cold storage network is still accelerating layout

According to the incomplete statistics of Chain Storehouse Network and the Cold Chain Committee of China Federation of Materials and Services, the capacity of cold storage under construction/commissioning in 2021 will reach 1.20969 million tons, which is equivalent to 604,800 square meters.

According to the incomplete statistics of Chain Storehouse Network and CPC Cold Chain Committee, relatively mature logistics real estate and warehousing enterprises, such as Yaleng, Wanwei Cold Chain, Meiku, Wanxin Cold Chain, Puleng International, Tianhuan Cold Chain, etc. are still accelerating the layout of the national cold storage network, and starting to build/reconstruct the high standard multi-temperature warehouses with the land across the country. Under the background of normalization of epidemic and tightening of national regulatory policies, the demand for high-standard cold storage is surging, and the 2.0 version of cold chain parks and cold storage with both multi-temperature zone, intensive and ****-enjoyment features will become the preferred target of customers.Some of China's cold storage projects that will be under construction or put into production in 2022 are as follows:

China's pain points in the development of the cold storage industry

Combined with China's cold storage industry development and construction of the current situation, although the policy and other favorable factors to promote the construction of cold storage projects in China has been accelerated, but there are still certain shortcomings, mainly reflected in the infrastructure imbalance, policy enactment time ahead or lagging behind, etc.. Specific content is as follows:

-- More research and analysis of this industry is detailed in the Prospect Industry Research Institute China Cold Storage Industry Market Outlook and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis Report