Modern intensive care unit (intensivecareunit,icu) is an essential medical unit in hospitals. Since the 1940s, the establishment of post-operative recovery ward, especially in 62 years the establishment of the coronary heart disease critical care unit, in the rescue work to achieve remarkable results, leading to critical care (criticalcare) concept applied to the acute life-threatening diseases and syndromes of various diseases and patients in the rescue, treatment and care work. The development of high-tech medical instruments and equipment has also provided a strong foundation for the leap in medical research and clinical diagnosis and treatment technology. According to the requirements of medical modernization and the law of hospital development, hospitals must set up icu, focusing on critically ill patients, and the use of high-tech technology and medical equipment for monitoring and diagnosis, treatment.
Critical care is defined as a mode of medical care that maximizes the survival of the patient and the subsequent quality of life and takes timely, high-quality and extensive medical care.
All ICUs have the following characteristics: treating extremely critical patients, possessing highly advanced technology and expensive medical equipment, and having a specialized team of medical practitioners who are skilled in mastering these modern instruments and equipment.
From the development of recent years, due to the improvement of the health insurance system, China has entered a universal medical peak, the development of ICU is obvious, there is no clinical department without ICU.
The development of the ICU is also the development of the medical system.