1. Causes: At present, we can't figure out exactly the mechanism of cancer cell growth, i.e. the law of gene mutation. However, we know some factors leading to gene mutation, such as environmental factors: cigarettes, toxic chemical gases, contaminated water and food, etc.; physical factors: radiation, ultraviolet rays, overheating of food, etc.; mental factors: long-term anxiety, tension, depression, depression, etc.; endocrine and metabolism: endocrine disorders, chemical metabolism in the body, etc., may trigger cancer; heredity is also sometimes the cause of cancer. People who have been exposed to carcinogens for a long period of time have a higher chance of developing pain. There are more than 100 different types of cancer known to date. They have different causes and spread at very different rates. However, environmental and dietary factors remain the two main causes of cancer.
Certain cancers can be treated with chemotherapy, with remarkable success. The side effects of chemotherapy are hair loss, excessive vomiting, fatigue, weakness, infertility, and kidney and heart damage. Some nutritional supplements and health herbs can help the body avoid the damage caused by this treatment.
Some people refer to cancer as the immune system disease ender because it really does affect every part of the immune system. Whether or not the pain can be cured is related to many factors, including the type of cancer, how soon the disease is diagnosed, and the patient's medical history, lifestyle, genetics, and attitude.
Symptoms of cancer vary depending on the location of the infection, but generally include lethargy, weakness, depression, weight loss, pain, and loss of appetite. It is believed that one-third of cancer cases are related to diet, so eating healthy is an excellent way to prevent cancer, and avoiding environmental pollution is a fundamental way to avoid cancer.
2. Symptoms:
(1) Unexplained weight loss, weakness, irregular pain in the epigastric region, decreased appetite, especially anorexia of meat products.
(2) Non-pregnant and breastfeeding women with running nipples or the ability to squeeze out fluid.
(3) Gradually increasing lumps in any part of the body such as the breast, neck or abdomen.
(4) Dry cough, blood in sputum, chest tightness and chest pain that does not go away.
(5) In women above middle age, there is a small amount of vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse, or there is usually irregular vaginal bleeding, or menstruation after several years of menopause, and there is a significant increase in leukorrhea.
(6) Gradually deepening jaundice and epigastric mass without abdominal pain.
(7) Faster enlargement of the liver with pain in the liver region.
(8) Painless hematuria of unknown origin.
(9) Skin ulcers that do not heal for a long time.
(10) Sudden increase in size of a nevus accompanied by burning, itching, ulceration, painful bleeding or loss of hair on the nevus.
(11) Recurrent fever and persistent dental bleeding, subcutaneous bleeding and progressive anemia.
(12) Recurrent unexplained high fever.
(13) Leukoplakia on the oral mucosa, or on the vulva in women or the glans of the penis in men, with rapid expansion and burning discomfort.
(14) Progressive weakness of both lower limbs, sensory abnormalities, movement disorders or incontinence at times.
(15) Fractures of the femur and humerus and other large bones without obvious external force.
(16) Sensation of foreign body obstruction behind the sternum during eating and swallowing, tingling sensation or self-consciousness of slow passage of food.
(17) Nasal congestion, often a small amount of nosebleed or nasal discharge often with blood, accompanied by migraine, dizziness, tinnitus and upper neck below the earlobe before and after the part of the felt enlarged lymph nodes.
(18) Changes in bowel habits, or diarrhea and constipation often alternate, or stools often with pus and blood, or stools become thin and flat.
(19) Gradually worsening headache with sudden and transient visual disturbances and vomiting.
(20) Sharp pain and swelling of the elbow or knee joints in adolescents, which is not treated with antirheumatic drugs or antimicrobials.
3. Treatment:
I. Traditional Chinese medicine
Chinese and western medicine have their own advantages in the treatment of tumors. The advantage of western medicine is that it has quick effect but big side effects. The advantage of Chinese medicine is that it has good long-term efficacy and small side effects, and it targets the pathogen. For example, "Herb Cancer Soup" created by Zhang Zhengtian, a Chinese medical doctor in China, takes musk, wild Cordyceps sinensis, Cordyceps sinensis, whole worm, wild ginseng, etc. as the main medicines, and the treatment is based on the identification of evidence, which can rapidly block the pathological process of cancer. Nowadays, the treatment of tumors generally adopts the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine, early diagnosis and early treatment, early and mid-stage with radical surgery, radiotherapy, combined with traditional Chinese medicine can play the role of reducing toxicity and increasing the effect of the surgery, radiotherapy, and the use of traditional Chinese medicine to prevent recurrence and metastasis after the surgery and radiotherapy. After surgery and radiotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine can be used to prevent recurrence and metastasis. In the late stage, traditional Chinese medicine can be used to strengthen the body, reduce pain and improve the quality of life. Nowadays, the combination of Chinese and Western medicines in the treatment of tumor can make the two advantages complement each other, so as to achieve the purpose of improving the comprehensive therapeutic effect.
Second, surgical treatment
Usually includes radical surgery, palliative surgery, exploratory surgery.
(1) Radical surgery
Due to the fast growth of malignant tumors, there is no peripheral membrane on the surface, there is no obvious boundary between it and the normal tissues around, the local infiltration is strong, and it can be metastasized through lymphatic vessels. Therefore, the surgery should completely remove the tumor and a certain range of normal tissues around it as well as the lymph nodes that may be invaded. This kind of surgery is suitable for patients with more limited tumor range, no distant metastasis and good physique.
(2) Palliative surgery
In order to reduce the pain, maintain nutrition and prolong the life of advanced patients with extensive tumor and metastasis who cannot undergo radical surgery, only a part of the tumor can be removed or some symptomatic surgeries, such as fistula, can be performed.
(3) Exploratory surgery
For deep visceral mass, sometimes after various examinations can not determine its nature, need to open the chest, abdomen or cranium to check the shape of the mass, meat with the distinction of its nature or cut a small piece of biopsy rapid frozen section examination, a clear diagnosis and then decide on the surgical and therapeutic options for the exploratory surgery.
Third, radiation therapy
Radiation therapy is referred to as radiotherapy, which is a therapeutic method that utilizes high-energy electromagnetic radiation to act on living organisms to change the structure of biological molecules and achieve the purpose of destroying cancer cells. Radiation can treat cancer because cancer cells are sensitive to radiation. At present, there are two kinds of radiation applied in clinic: X-ray therapy and r-ray therapy.
Whether radiation therapy is effective for cancer depends on many factors, such as the early or late clinical time, the type of tumor pathology and its sensitivity to radiation, the overall condition of the patient, and the surrounding conditions of the tumor.
The sensitivity of a tumor to radiation is directly proportional to the speed of division and growth of tumor cells. The degree of pathological differentiation of the same tumor is inversely proportional to the radiosensitivity, i.e., a low degree of differentiation of tumor cells has high radiosensitivity, while a high degree of differentiation has low radiosensitivity. Therefore, according to the different clinical responses of tumors to different doses of radiation, they can be divided into three categories: one category is radiosensitive tumors, often irradiated with 50-60 gorillas, and the tumors will disappear, such as lymphoma, spermatogonia, anaplastic tumors, and low differentiated squamous epithelial cell carcinoma, small cell undifferentiated lung cancer, etc. Another category is moderately sensitive tumors, and the other category is moderately sensitive tumors. Another category of tumors is moderately sensitive tumors, which will disappear only when irradiated to about 60-70 Gray. Another category is radiation-insensitive tumors, whose irradiation amount is close to or even exceeds the tolerance amount of normal tissues, and the effect of radiation therapy is very poor, such as certain soft tissue sarcomas and tumors of bone. The radiation sensitivity of the tumor is also related to its growth mode. Generally, the tumors with protruding growth, such as papillary, polyp, cauliflower, are more sensitive, while the tumors with infiltrating growth, such as infiltrating and ulcerated tumors, have lower sensitivity.
Radiosensitivity is not directly proportional to radiation cure rate. Although the local curative effect of radiosensitive tumor is high and the tumor disappears quickly, it is difficult to be cured because of its malignant degree and more chances of distant metastasis. The radioactivity of squamous epithelial cancer is medium, but its distant metastasis is less, so the radiation cure rate is higher, such as skin cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, cervical cancer. In addition, it is more sensitive to lymphosarcoma and medulloblastoma. The highly sensitive ones are multiple myeloma, seminoma, ovarian anaplastic cell tumor, Ewing's tumor, nephroblastoma and so on. Highly sensitive tumors can be radiotherapy-based, early cervical cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, tongue cancer, early esophageal cancer, etc. The five-year survival rate of radiotherapy can reach more than 90%. The late radiotherapy of these cancers can sometimes achieve certain curative effect.
Fourth, chemotherapy
Chemotherapy is to bring the drugs to the whole body through the blood vessels, which affects all the cells of the body. This therapy is sometimes called "cytotoxic therapy", because the drugs used are harmful, even with toxicity, the body cells, whether malignant cells, are destroyed.
There are four clinical applications of chemotherapy:
1. Systemic chemotherapy for advanced or disseminated tumors
Because of the lack of other effective treatments for patients with these tumors, chemotherapy is often used at the outset, with the immediate goal of achieving remission. This chemotherapy is often referred to as induction chemotherapy. If the initial chemotherapy regimen fails, the change to another regimen is called rescue therapy.
2. Adjuvant chemotherapy
refers to the local treatment (surgery or radiotherapy), for the possible existence of small metastatic foci, to prevent the recurrence of metastasis and chemotherapy. For example, postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with osteosarcoma, testicular tumors, and high-risk breast cancer can significantly improve the efficacy of treatment and increase the survival rate or disease-free survival rate.
3. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy
For relatively limited clinical tumors, but surgical resection or radiation therapy has a certain degree of difficulty, chemotherapy can be used before surgery or radiation therapy. The purpose is to hope that the tumor shrinks after chemotherapy, thus reducing the scope of resection and the disability caused by surgery; secondly, chemotherapy can inhibit or eliminate the possible tiny metastasis and improve the survival rate of patients. It has been proved that neoadjuvant chemotherapy can reduce the scope of surgery for bladder cancer, breast cancer, laryngeal cancer, osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma, non-small cell lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and head and neck cancer, or turn the inoperable tumors into removable tumors after chemotherapy.
4. Special route chemotherapy
(1) Intracavitary treatment. Including cancerous intra-thoracic, intra-abdominal and intra-pericardial fluid. Usually the chemotherapeutic drugs (such as mitomycin, cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, bleomycin) are dissolved or diluted with the appropriate amount of fluid and then injected into the body cavities of various lesions through the catheter of drainage, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the malignant body cavity fluid.
(2) Intrathecal chemotherapy. Leukemia and many solid tumors can invade the central nervous system, especially the meninges are most vulnerable. The treatment is, usually, intrathecal administration by thoracic spinal puncture so that there is a high concentration of drugs in the cerebral effusion to achieve the therapeutic purpose. Commonly used intrathecal drugs are methotrexate and cytarabine.
(3) Arterial cannulation chemotherapy. For example, external carotid artery branch cannulation for head and neck cancer, hepatic artery cannulation for primary liver cancer or liver metastatic cancer.
4. Prevention
●Do not hold urine
Research has found that the occurrence of bladder cancer is related to a person's drinking and urination habits. According to the data, people who urinate 5 times a day are more likely to develop bladder cancer than those who urinate more than 6 times. This is mainly because drinking less water and holding urine for a long time will easily concentrate urine, which will be retained in the bladder for a longer period of time, and the chemicals in the urine will stimulate the mucous membrane epithelial cells, which will lead to the occurrence of cancer. Drinking more water and urinating more often can play a role in "flushing" the bladder and eliminating harmful chemicals.
● Quit smoking
Currently, smoking has become a worldwide social evil, seriously threatening human health. A comprehensive study reported that the United States, Britain, Canada, smokers cancer incidence: smokers lung cancer deaths are non-smokers 10.8 times, deaths from laryngeal cancer is 5.4 times.
The U.S. Cancer Agency's report points out that bad habits account for 35% of cancer-causing factors, and smoking accounts for 30%, which adds up to 65%. Smoke is very harmful to the fetus, pregnant women smoking, children after the chances of developing cancer will be more than 50%. With this in mind, it is very important to emphasize that the above precautions will keep the majority of people away from cancer, and it is very important for everyone to start with themselves. Smoking is extremely dangerous and can lead to cancer, no matter what age group you are.
● Drink plenty of vegetable juices
Drink beet juice (made from roots and tops), carrot juice (contains B-carotene), and asparagus juice often. A mixture of fresh kale and carrots is excellent. Grape juice, cherry juice and all dark colored juices, including balsamic corn juice, are excellent nutritious juices, and fresh apple juice is also beneficial. Fruit juices are best consumed in the morning and vegetable juices in the afternoon. Drink only mineral or distilled water.
● Eat more onions and garlic
Onions and garlic are excellent health foods. Eat ten raw almonds a day, they are rich in laetrile and are also an anti-tumor agent. You can eat a lot of sprouts, such as radish seedlings, bean sprouts, preferably raw, or just slightly blanched in boiling water.
● Eat raw radish
Many people know that a drug called "interferon" is often used in hospitals. It is a glycoprotein produced by the body's own white blood cells, and has the effect of inhibiting the rapid division of cancer cells in the body. However, the body produces very little interferon, so scientists have developed a class of drugs called "interferon-inducing agents" to stimulate and induce the body to produce more interferon.
In the daily diet, there are some foods that can induce the production of interferon, and the most effective of them is white radish. Research has proved that from the radish can be separated from the active ingredient of the interferon inducer - double-stranded ribonucleic acid, on the esophagus, stomach, nasopharyngeal cancer and cervical cancer cancer cancer cells, have obvious inhibition effect. However, because this active ingredient is not heat-resistant, if it is cooked, it will be destroyed during the heating process, so eating raw radish is beneficial to cancer prevention.
● Limit the high-fat diet
Studies have shown that a fat-rich diet, compared with a low-fat diet, dramatically increases the incidence of colon and breast cancer. A high-fat diet is a cancer booster.
The goal of cancer prevention is to reduce the incidence of cancer. This includes reducing exposure to carcinogens, changing diet and lifestyle, or advances in medical technology (early detection, ultrasound, MRT or CT scans).
Many of the ideas for cancer prevention are based on epidemiological studies that analyze patient data and find that lifestyle or exposure to certain environmental risk factors are indeed associated with the incidence of specific cancers. There is a growing body of evidence that suggests that improvements based on the recommendations of epidemiologic studies can indeed lead to a reduction in cancer incidence and mortality.
Examples of increased cancer risk due to exposure to risk factors include alcohol consumption (which increases the risk of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, breast, etc.), smoking - but about 20% of women who get lung cancer have never smoked, compared to only 10% of men who get lung cancer and are non-smokers, and it is hypothesized that the difference is due to kitchen fumes or inhaling other smoke in the home. This difference is currently hypothesized to be due to kitchen fumes or secondhand smoke from other smoking men in the home. The most common causes of lung cancer are physical inactivity (associated with colon, breast, or other cancers), and obesity (associated with colon, breast, endometrial, and other possible cancers). Based on epidemiologic studies, it is hypothesized that avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, exercising regularly, and maintaining an appropriate body weight do help reduce the risk of certain cancers. However, the impact of these factors is much smaller than the cancer risk associated with smoking. Other factors known to affect cancer risk (for better or worse) are sexually transmitted diseases, hormone use, ionizing radiation, ultraviolet light, chemicals, and certain infectious diseases.
Genetic testing for people at high risk for cancer, such as those with a family history of the disease or those who are exposed to environmental contaminants (such as residents of radioactive housing), allows for more in-depth analysis and the administration of preventive medications. People who are identified as having a cancer-related gene mutation can have preventive surgery to reduce their chances of getting cancer.
● Selenium - the king of anti-cancer
Scientific research has found that the level of blood selenium is closely related to the occurrence of cancer. A large amount of research data shows that the level of selenium in food and soil in a region has a direct relationship with the incidence of cancer. At present, the use of selenium adjuvant therapy in cancer treatment is very common. Commonly used selenium supplementation preparations include Xin Rare Bao, Selenium Vikang and so on.
5, this problem and the last similar: what kind of people easy to get cancer
What kind of people easy to get cancer, this is people are very concerned about the matter, although so far on the cause of cancer is still unclear, but after years of domestic and foreign medical and other disciplines of experts, found that the following types of people are prone to cancer:
1, allergic to the body: the U.S. scientists American scientists investigated nearly 40,000 people and found that those who are allergic to drugs or chemical reagents are more likely to develop cancer than those who have no history of allergy. For example, the risk of breast cancer in women with a history of allergy is 30% higher than normal, and the chance of prostate cancer in men with a history of allergy is 41% higher than normal.
2, often stay up late: Although the mystery of the development of cancer has not yet been completely clarified, but one thing is certain, that is, poor sleep is a risk factor. Because cancer cells are formed in the process of normal cell fission and mutation, and the night is the most vigorous period of cell fission. If you do not sleep well, it is difficult for your body to control the mutation of cells and they may mutate into cancer cells. The people who stay up all night smoking and drinking coffee in order to refresh themselves will also make more carcinogenic substances invade the body.
3, obese: Columbia University research data show that the risk of colon cancer in obese women is two times higher than that of average women. The U.S. Cancer Center reported that the likelihood of breast cancer in women who are particularly obese above the waist is 4-5 times higher than that of normal people.
4, vitamin deficiency: Swiss experts believe that the body of protective vitamins low people prone to cancer. For example, the risk of stomach cancer increases by 3.5 times in people with vitamin A deficiency, and the risk of other cancers increases by more than 2 times; the risk of bladder, esophageal and adrenal cancers increases by 2 times in people with vitamin C deficiency; in people with insufficient vitamin E, the prevalence of lip cancer, oral cancer, pharyngeal cancer, skin cancer, cervical cancer, gastric cancer, intestinal cancer, and lung cancer all increase.
5, cholesterol is too low: high cholesterol will cause coronary heart disease or stroke is almost a well-known, so many people mistakenly think that the lower it is the better. In fact, cholesterol is one of the body's indispensable nutrients, but also resistance to disease forces, not the lower the better, but must be maintained at normal levels. British researchers report that a major risk factor for death in middle-aged and elderly women is low cholesterol, especially below 5 millimoles per liter of blood is the greatest risk.
6, often drink hot strong tea: many people have the habit of drinking hot and strong tea, in fact, the body is not beneficial. Medical research has found that frequent drinking of high temperature (80C° or more) tea may scald the esophagus, and impurities in the tea can be deposited in the damaged area, constantly stimulating the esophageal epithelial cells, so that the mutation of mutant cells can become cancerous after a large number of proliferation.
7, hypertensive patients: the United States of more than 300,000 men's clinical research shows that hypertensive patients with cancer rates and mortality rates for blood pressure normal people more than 2 times, and predicted that the next 10 years of cancer mortality rate may be proportional to the elevation of blood pressure. Of course, it is not that high blood pressure directly lead to cancer, but the occurrence of the two diseases have some **** the same mechanism, such as obesity, alcoholism, eat too much salt, etc., both can contribute to the increase in blood pressure, but also can be induced cancer.
8, hold back the stool: a considerable part of the people because of work tension and other reasons, accustomed to hold urine and feces. This is also a bad habit. There is a carcinogenic substance in urine, which can attack the muscle fibers of the bladder and promote cancer. Therefore, experts advocate urinating once every hour to reduce or avoid bladder cancer. Harmful substances in stool, such as indole, hydrogen sulfide and other carcinogens, often stimulate the intestinal mucosa can also lead to cancer. The precautionary action is to defecate regularly every day, and constipation should be actively treated to keep the bowels free.
9, refusing to drink yogurt: yogurt contains highly active lactic acid bacteria and Streptococcus thermophilus, which can reduce the body's absorption of fat. Drinking yogurt every day can increase the number of human immunoglobulins, improve the body's nutritional level, so that the body's immune function can be strengthened, thus reducing the incidence of breast cancer.
10, A-type blood: According to oncologists' investigation, there is a certain relationship between blood type and cancer. A-type blood has the greatest possibility of cancer, and O-type blood has the smallest risk of cancer.
11, C-type personality: this character is characterized by excessive restraint, repression of their own sadness, anger, bitterness and other malignant emotions, do not let it vent. The bad mood of the long-term role in the brain will lead to endocrine disorders, reduce the body's immune function, thus giving cancer to take advantage of the opportunity. Medical experts to the English CAncer (cancer) of the first letter C for this character name, called C-type personality. Survey data show that the C-type personality cancer risk is more than three times higher than the average person.
12, partial meat eaters: too much animal fat is the mastermind of some cancers. Harvard University experts found that every day to pigs, cows, sheep and other livestock meat as the main food women, the proportion of intestinal cancer than those who only eat a few times a month meat 2.5 times higher. The Japanese are now consuming four times more fat per day than they did in the 1950s, and this has been accompanied by a rise in the incidence of cancer.
13, genetic history: the incidence of cancer and heredity has a certain relationship, such as researchers found that in the esophageal cancer, liver cancer and other high incidence of the phenomenon of family aggregation sometimes occurs, that is to say, a family of people can be successively appear in the cancer patients, in particular * * * with the same life and blood relations of people with a high incidence of liver cancer. The same is true for gastric cancer, for example, the higher incidence of gastric cancer in Japan may be related to diet, but the Japanese migrated to Hawaii, despite the adoption of a Western diet, the incidence of gastric cancer does not decrease.
14, Smokers: A large number of surveys show that long-term smoking is closely related to the occurrence of cancer, especially lung cancer and stomach cancer. The longer the smoking time, the larger the amount, and the younger the age of starting smoking, the higher the morbidity and mortality. The duration of smoking is more important than the amount of smoking.
15, salty: research found that salt is not only related to high blood pressure, but also one of the exogenous triggers of certain cancers, such as residents of countries with a lot of salt, the incidence of stomach cancer is high.
As noted above, readers can compare their own situation, to prevent.
Finally, I'm done!