Imported heart stents social security can not be fully reimbursed. There are also some out-of-pocket medical expenses, usually deduct the starting standard money and balloon and stent fees, and other costs for hospitalization surgery, medicine, according to the provisions of health insurance, reimbursement at 85% to 90%.
Imported cardiac stents belong to the category of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medical materials in the medical insurance reimbursement. At present, domestic drug stents belong to the material cost, generally at 50% included in the medical insurance reimbursement, imported stents need to be calculated separately.
Expanded information:
Medicare reimbursement for diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and medical materials category.
1, the application of X-ray computed tomography device (CT), stereotactic radiography device (γ-knife, χ-knife), cardiac and angiography X-ray machine (including digital subtraction equipment), magnetic **** vibration imaging device (MEI), single-photon emission electron computerized Scanning device (SPECT), color Doppler, medical linear gas pedal and other large medical equipment for examination, treatment projects;
2, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy;
3, pacemaker, artificial joints, artificial crystals, vascular stents in vivo replacement of artificial organs, in vivo replacement of materials;
4, the provincial price department can be provided for Separate charges for disposable medical materials.