Multiple Choice Questions
1. The following are not degenerations: ()
A. vitreous lesion
B. fibrillar lesion
C. amyloid lesion
D. mucoid lesion
2. Myocardial fatty infiltration refers to: ()
A. tiger heart
B. fatty heart
C. Choroidal heart
D. Flask heart
3. Cerebral softening due to atherosclerosis is characterized by: ()
A. Liquefying necrosis
B. Coagulative necrosis
C. Caseous necrosis
D. Fibrinoid necrosis
4. Mucopolysaccharides are found in the following: ()
4. > A. amyloidosis
B. vitreous lesions
C. mucoid lesions
D. ballooning lesions
5. The following are necrotic deaths: ()
A. fibrinoid lesions
B. pathologic pigmentation
C. cellular edema progressing to a polarized state
D. pathologic calcification
6. The following is not cell death: ()
A. Pathological pigmentation
B. Apoptotic vesicle formation
C. Fibrinoid degeneration
D. Dissolutional necrosis
Reference Answer and Analysis
1. A: Fibrinoid lesions, also known as fibrinoid necrosis, are necrosis rather than reversible cellular damage.
2. Answer B: Myocardial fatty infiltration is called fatty heart. Myocardial steatosis is called tiger heart. Fibrinous epicarditis leads to fibrinogen exudation due to the constant beating of the heart the two layers of the pericardial wall constantly friction, pulling the formation of a fluffy appearance called fluffy heart. Flask heart is seen in patients with pericardial effusion.
3. Reference answer A. Explanation: Atherosclerosis involves the cerebral arteries, resulting in narrowing of the lumen of the cerebral arteries, followed by liquefaction necrosis of brain tissue due to ischemia and hypoxia. Coagulative necrosis is seen in the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and other parenchymal organs. Caseous necrosis is a special type of coagulative necrosis mostly seen in tuberculosis. Fibrinoid necrosis is seen in certain allergic diseases such as crescentic glomerulonephritis, acute hypertension and so on.
4. Refer to answer A. Explanation: Amyloidosis has accumulation of amyloid protein and mucopolysaccharide complexes. Vitreous humor is an intracellular or interstitial accumulation of translucent packed proteins. Mucoidosis is an accumulation of intracellular mucopolysaccharides and proteins. Ballooning, also known as cellular edema, is a pathological change in which mitochondria swell and the endoplasmic reticulum expands.
5. Answer A. Explanation: Fibrinosis, also known as fibrinoid necrosis, is one of the pathological changes of cell death. Pathologic pigmentation and pathologic calcification are reversible cell damage. The development of cellular edema to a polarized state called ballooning still belongs to the category of reversible cellular edema damage.
6. A. Explanation: Cell death is divided into necrosis and apoptosis. Necrosis is divided into coagulative necrosis, liquefaction necrosis, fibrinoid necrosis, caseous necrosis, fat necrosis and gangrene. The pathomorphologic change of apoptosis is apoptotic vesicle formation. Pathologic hyperpigmentation is a reversible cellular injury.