Bilingual teaching practice of Instrumental Analysis: final summary of Instrumental Analysis Techniques

Abstract:Summarize the measures and means in the practice of bilingual teaching of Instrumental Analysis, and briefly describe the experience of bilingual teaching.  Keywords: Instrumental Analysis, Bilingual Teaching, Teaching Measures, Classification Number: G712, Literature Identification Number: A, Article Number: 1672-3791(2012)05(a)-0211-01

1 The Background and Teaching Content of Bilingual Teaching in Instrumental Analysis

In order to implement the "Opinions of the Ministry of Education on Further Deepening the Reform of Undergraduate Teaching and Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Teaching" (2012), a number of opinions on further deepening the reform of undergraduate teaching and improving the quality of teaching are summarized in this paper.

In order to implement the "Opinions on Further Deepening the Undergraduate Teaching Reform and Comprehensively Improving the Teaching Quality" of the Ministry of Education (No. 2, 2007), and to explore the bilingual teaching mode that meets the actual situation of our university and has certain exemplary features, the School of Materials Engineering of Jinling College of Science and Technology has taken the course of "Instrumental Analysis" as a pilot, and has implemented the bilingual teaching for the two administrative classes of the majoring in Materials Science and Engineering in the first semester of the year of 2011~2012.

The main purpose of bilingual teaching is not the learning and application of language, but the mastery of professional knowledge. Therefore, the determination of the teaching content is mainly based on the materials science and engineering professional training program, and take into account the consistency with the previous basic courses (such as inorganic and analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, etc.) and subsequent professional courses (such as materials analysis methods, etc.). Instrumental analysis is an analytical method based on the physical and physicochemical properties of substances, such as light, electricity, heat, magnetism and chemical reactions. According to the principle of measurement and signal characteristics, instrumental analysis can be broadly divided into four categories: electrochemical analysis, optical analysis, chromatography and other instrumental analysis. The teaching content and schedule of the bilingual course "Instrumental Analysis" are completely consistent with the previous Chinese lectures, using the same syllabus and the same teaching schedule with the Chinese lectures, and the progress of the experimental courses is in line with the progress of the theoretical lectures.

2 Selection of Bilingual Textbooks

Classroom Textbooks: After a comparative study of similar textbooks published at home and abroad, Analytical Chemistry (Bilingual Edition), edited by Analytical Chemistry Teaching and Research Department of Dalian University of Technology, was selected as a textbook for classroom use. The textbook is written in English with reference to a variety of original foreign textbooks, with a summary of key points in each chapter in Chinese, and a list of Chinese explanations of major terms used in each chapter at the end of each chapter, making the textbook exhaustive and highly practical.

Chinese and English bibliography: (1) Instrumental Analysis, Wuhan University, Department of Chemistry, Higher Education Press, 2001. (2) "Instrumental Analysis Experiment", Yang Sunkai, Su Zhuanrong, Lin Zhuguang, edited by Xiamen University Press, 2000. (3) Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (8th ed), Douglas A. Skoog et al, Thomson Learning Brooks/Cole. 2004. (4) Undergraduate Instrumental Analysis (Six edition),James W.Robinson,Eileen M.Skelly Frame,George M.Frame II Marcel Dekker Press 2005.

3 Teaching Measures and Means

The key to the implementation of bilingual teaching is to grasp correctly the The systematic and scientific nature of the theory, the transfer of basic skills and the cultivation of students' English thinking ability are the focus of bilingual teaching. In the practice of bilingual teaching, the author has taken the following measures and means.

(1) Combination of Chinese and English: Considering the listening and speaking ability of the students in our school, we can't teach them all in English at the beginning, so we take the teaching method that memorization knowledge is mainly in English and comprehension knowledge is mainly in Chinese.

(2) Combination of pre-study before class, in-class discussion and after-class review: this teaching method is impossible to implement in the theoretical class, because the theoretical class is a large class, time does not allow, but the implementation of the experimental class is feasible, because the content of each experimental class is equivalent to a small topic, the content of the relative concentration; each experimental class is only 8 students, there is a possibility of realizing the "in-class discussion", the students will be able to learn English in the laboratory. "Discussion in class". Our practice is: after an experiment, the English names of the instruments and chemical reagents that will be encountered in the next experiment are assigned to the students for pre-study, and at the same time they are asked to briefly write the basic principles of the next experiment. With the pre-class study, students come to the laboratory class is prepared, so that in the class under the guidance of the teacher to discuss in English, after the class in English to write a laboratory report, of course, do also need to be done according to their ability, according to the individual.

(3) Combination of text and multimedia courseware: the principle of instrumentation, structure and operation of more multimedia courseware show, intuitive, clear and time-saving; encountered a more complex derivation of formulas, it is explained through the text, so that students can keep up with the teacher's derivation and analysis in a timely manner, to understand the whole ins and outs of the formula.

(4) classroom lectures and teacher-student interaction: to allow students to have the opportunity to use English for oral presentation, if the classroom opportunity is not much, can be used in the exercise class oral reports, group discussions, experimental classes on the way to exercise in the English discussion. For example, we so allocate the instrumental analysis of the experimental class hours: each time before the experiment to let the students themselves to the podium to teach the experimental principles, the students can be based on their own degree of preparation and English level to determine the amount of the use of English, 1 to 2 minutes per person, the teacher to guide the students to ask questions for 1 minute per person so that the eight students 24 minutes, the teacher summed up the time of 5-6 minutes, the entire theoretical discussion of the experiments in the part of the total * * * 30 minutes. The total time for the theoretical discussion part of the experiment is 30 minutes. In these 30 minutes, not only can the students master the basic principles of the experiment, but also exercise the students to think in English, the ability to express the problem.

(5) assessment (examination) method: 10% of the usual (mainly homework), 35% of the midterm exam, 50% of the final exam, oral reports or papers 5%. Assignments are in both Chinese and English, and the examination paper is 50% in English and 50% in Chinese, allowing students to answer questions in Chinese and encouraging them to answer questions in English. This kind of assessment effectively lifts some students' worries and resistance to bilingual teaching, enhances students' subjective initiative in learning, and thus creates a virtuous cycle of teaching and learning.

4 Experience and Suggestions

(1) The author has conducted a questionnaire survey on the students' English ability and their understanding of bilingual teaching. Among the surveyed students, only 15% of them think that their English ability is "good" or "excellent", and in fact, the pass rate of English 4 examination of the surveyed students is about 50%. This kind of self-assessment of the students shows that even though their English proficiency has reached the prescribed English level for university students, they are still very unconfident about their foreign language ability. Therefore, in the process of bilingual teaching, it is necessary to eliminate the students' fear of learning professional courses in English, improve their basic and professional English levels while learning professional knowledge, and develop the awareness and habit of using English actively.

(2) Although most of the students doubt their English ability, almost all of them think that "it is necessary" and "it is very necessary" to carry out bilingual teaching. "It is clear that the students are eager to have more exposure to bilingual education. It can be seen that the students are eager to have more contact with foreign language teaching and hope to advance their foreign language learning to the practical stage as soon as possible, and this demand of the students deserves teachers' attention.

(3) Teachers should be actively exposed to foreign advanced teaching materials, which can not only further improve their own foreign language proficiency, but also expand their own professional knowledge; through the comparison of Chinese and foreign teaching materials, and learn from the strengths of others, summarize a set of teaching methods suitable for our students.

(4) In the process of teaching, we should "take care of professionalism and language, and give priority to professionalism". In view of the foreign language ability of our students, if one-sided emphasis on all foreign language teaching, it is easy to turn a bilingual class into a foreign language competition; on the other hand, if too much teaching in the mother tongue, interpretation of doubts, contrary to the original meaning of bilingual teaching. It should be emphasized that, for the bilingual teaching of Instrumental Analysis, English is used as a language tool to teach students the knowledge of instrumental analysis, that is to say, bilingual teaching, rather than teaching bilingualism, bilingual teaching contrary to this principle will put the cart before the horse, into the study of professional English.