How is cervical spondylosis treated?

1. Proper posture. Don't lie on your side on the sofa watching TV or curling up under the blanket playing with your cell phone at home

2.Appropriate exercise. Swimming is best in breaststroke. Stand up and move around after an hour of work, and pay attention to stretching your neck and tilting your head, and closing your shoulders backward.

3. Suitable pillows. Pillow height should pay attention to, sleep on the back when the pillow height should be equal to stand up fist height, and side lying pillow height should be equal to the height of a fist and a half.

4. Formal treatment products such as: neck raise cervical spine treatment instrument, Helvetica treatment instrument, Longzhijie treatment instrument .......

Note that these products must choose the quasi-nominal or health products, about health, do not buy inferior products.