What is the principle of ANDROID cell phone camera heart rate measurement?

Accurate heart rate software for cell phones requires a certain amount of hardware support. The monitoring function of the sensor is embedded in the smartphone, while the phone is placed in different locations on the body. Users can carry the phone in their pocket or bag, and can use it while watching a video or listening to a voice conversation.

The goal of the project for the heart rate detection software for cell phones is to develop a method that automatically recovers pulse and respiration waveforms in accordance with previous methods for obtaining the normal heart and respiration rates of the human body. The accuracy of such a method rivals that of devices approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to monitor electrocardiograms (ECGs) and respiration.

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Heart-rate monitoring software for cell phones equipped with implantable heart detectors holds promise for diagnosing patients with unexplained syncope and palpitations. This arrhythmia detection technology has important clinical applications.

With the progress of technology, the miniaturization and multifunctionality of the transplanted heart detection equipment gradually developed, can help patients clinically, especially the elderly, mobility, access to medical care is difficult for the elderly family community health monitoring and early warning and diagnosis and treatment of the progress of the aging society in the field of medical and health care management.