Microwave Chinese medicine auxiliary extraction mechanism is microwave radiation high-frequency electromagnetic waves penetrate the extraction medium, to reach the material's internal vascular bundles and glandular cell system. Due to the absorption of microwave energy, the internal temperature of the cell rises rapidly, so that its intracellular pressure exceeds the expansion capacity of the cell wall, the cell rupture. The active ingredients inside the cells flow out freely, and are captured and dissolved by the extraction medium under lower temperature conditions. Through further filtration and separation, the extracted material is obtained. Microwave energy is a form of energy, it can be transmitted in the process of many substances composed of polar molecules, microwave electromagnetic fields make the molecules of substances produce instantaneous polarization. When we use the frequency of 2450MHz microwave energy for extraction, solute or solvent molecules and to 2.45 billion times / second speed to do the polarity change movement, which produces molecular friction between each other, collision, to promote the molecular active part (polar part) better contact and reaction, and at the same time quickly generate a large amount of heat, prompting the cells to rupture, so that the cellular liquid overflow and diffuse into the solvent. Solvent extraction of active ingredients in Chinese herbal medicine commonly used impregnation, percolation, reflux extraction method and continuous reflux extraction method, etc., from the principle of microwave can be added to assist the extraction, so that it becomes a highly efficient effective extraction of Chinese herbal medicine equipment. 1, the traditional thermal extraction is by heat conduction, thermal radiation, etc., from the outside to the inside, while the microwave-assisted extraction is the inside and outside of the simultaneous heating. There is no high-temperature heat source, eliminating the thermal gradient, which greatly improves the quality of extraction and effectively protects the functional components in food, drugs and other chemical materials; 2. Since microwave can penetrate the heating, the time of extraction is greatly saved. According to a large number of field statistics, conventional multi-functional extraction tank 8 hours to complete the work, with the same size of the microwave dynamic extraction equipment can be completed in just a few minutes. 3, microwave can have extraordinary extraction capacity, the same raw materials with conventional methods need two or three times to lift the net, in the microwave field can be lifted at a time. Greatly simplify the process. 5, microwave extraction without thermal inertia, easy to control, all parameters can be data, and pharmaceutical modernization. 6, microwave extracts of high purity, can be aqueous, alcohol, lipid extraction. Widely used.7, low extraction temperature, not easy to paste, easy to separate, convenient post-treatment. Save energy.8, less solvent (can be less than conventional methods 50% to 90%); 9, microwave equipment is electric equipment, do not need to be equipped with a boiler, non-polluting, safe, belonging to the green project; 10, the production line is composed of a simple, save investment; has been developed microwave extraction equipment is fully adapted to China's various types of large, medium, and small enterprises in the food and pharmaceutical engineering.
Microwave radiation technology in the food industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the chemical industry on the application of research although the start of only a few years of time, but there have been the results of research and application of the results have been sufficient to show its superiority: in the laboratory has been completed in the spices, spices, natural pigments, herbs, cosmetics, health food, beverage preparations, and other products of microwave extraction process research. At present, microwave extraction has been used for a number of Chinese herbal medicine invasion and extraction production line, such as Pueraria Mirifica, tea, ginkgo, and licorice and so on. Microwave-assisted extraction has been listed as one of China's twenty-first century food processing and pharmaceutical modernization of Chinese medicine to promote technology. Research institutes have processed hundreds of natural plants with microwave extraction methods. Whether it is the extraction speed, extraction efficiency or extraction quality are taken than the conventional process much better results.