Causes of poor dust removal effect of the bag filter
There are many reasons for the poor working effect of the bag filter, such as the dust removal system is not well designed, the use of the operating procedures and so on, any of these details may cause the dust removal effect of the bag filter to deteriorate. So enterprises in the bag filter purchase and use of time must pay attention to.
Enterprises in the purchase of bag filter equipment, must be the actual working conditions such as flue gas temperature, corrosivity, etc. Provide details to the bag dust removal equipment manufacturers, different working conditions using the dust removal equipment in the structure and the use of accessories is different. Can not just for the pursuit of cost reduction, zhejiang grinding dust removal equipment, choose a set of unsuitable dust removal equipment. In the acceptance of the bag duster, must be strictly in accordance with the relevant standards for testing, because the working effect of the bag duster, but also by the production process of some of the dust accessories, bag duster manufacturers, such as the accessories of poor quality, box and ash bucket is not sewn together, there may be leakage and thus affecting the effect of dust removal.
If the bag filter in the use of the process, suddenly appeared dust removal effect is not up to standard, this time must be based on the following recommendations for one by one check.
1. Check whether there is a broken bag, or dust collector bag reaches the use of life.
2. Whether there is a problem with the blowing system (pulse valve, cylinder, electric control cabinet).
3. Whether the flue gas conditions have changed, such as increased water content in the flue gas, increased flue gas volume.
When operating the pulse bag filter must be in accordance with the operating procedures provided by the supplier, violation of the operation may damage some accessories, resulting in pulse bag filter dust removal effect is not ideal.
The bag filter to have a good working effect, is a comprehensive effect of the results, in the production process, any link did not pay attention to, will affect the quality of the bag filter. So Michael environmental protection has been very focused on the production line staff training, so that they can quality and quantity to meet the requirements of the major enterprises in the production of dust removal equipment.