Why the Mayan civilization disappeared

Mayan civilization is the most ancient and full of wisdom of a tribal race, Mayan civilization because of the Indian Maya and named, is the American Indian Maya in isolation from the ancient civilizations of Asia, Africa, Europe, under the conditions of the great civilization created independently, and its ruins are mainly distributed in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras and other places. Maya civilization was born in the 10th century BC, divided into the pre-classical period, the classical period and the post-classical period of three periods, of which the 3rd to 9th century AD for its heyday.

Mayan civilization was an amazing achievement of mankind before Columbus discovered the American continent. It made extremely important contributions in science, agriculture, culture, art and many other aspects. In contrast, the two other major civilizations born on this land in the Western Hemisphere, the Aztec and Inca civilizations, are not comparable to the Mayan civilization.

But what puzzles people is that, as the world's only ancient civilization born in the tropical jungle rather than a large river basin, the Mayan civilization and the miraculous rise and development of the Mayan civilization, its decline and disappearance is full of mysterious colors. The Maya abandoned their highly developed civilization in the 8th century A.D. and migrated in great numbers. Each central city created terminated in new construction, cities were abandoned altogether, and large, bustling cities became deserted. The Mayan civilization disappeared overnight into the tropical jungles of the Americas.

By the late 11th century, Mayan civilization had been partially revived, however, its splendor was long gone relative to its heyday. With the bloody action of capitalist overseas expansion, the Mayan civilization was finally completely destroyed by the Spanish colonizers.