Which industries will 5G technology have a greater impact on? How do the pros and cons manifest themselves?

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5G enables smart everything to be connected, enabling large-scale machines to communicate with each other, which gives us unlimited reverie. So in the foreseeable future, what changes will 5G bring to various industries, and how will it affect the transformation of various fields? And whether the industries pay attention to 5G?

5G will use computing to solve communication problems, and communication to solve computing problems, in order to support the interconnection of massive devices and massive data transmission and processing. 5G is not only about cell phones and computers, but also about drones, virtual reality, smart homes, smart cities, and other forward-looking application areas. It is not only an evolution of communication technology, but also has a broader ecosystem than the wireless communication industry. And 5G will have applicability to hotspot high-capacity scenarios, low-power large-connection scenarios, and low-latency high-reliability scenarios.

In the future, the level of application of cell phones and computers will no longer be limited by the configuration of the device itself, but can draw on the cloud for more powerful processing power. These new 5G applications, including industrial control and drones, will also benefit from the multiplier effect brought about by the convergence of computing and communications.5G will empower and multiply economic development. It will also bring huge environmental and social benefits, allowing users to enjoy exciting experiences like never before.

In the driverless space, 5G will enable driverless cars to use cloud-based artificial intelligence and data, and to "communicate" in near-real time with other cars on the road and with transportation infrastructure such as streetlights. This will improve traffic congestion and lead to a safer, more efficient and easier driving experience.

The combination of electric vehicles and ****enjoyable driverless cars will greatly reduce carbon emissions, which is of great environmental and social significance, and the Chinese government is actively accelerating the deployment of zero-emission and driverless cars. The industry's Baidu driverless, Google driverless, and the driverless programs of various car companies have laid out 5G, and we will see key results in the next 3-5 years.

Smart cities. As the construction of 5G advances, its ability to connect hundreds of millions of IoT devices and make smart cities a reality will bring environmental (energy efficiency, air quality, clean water) and social benefits (drones for emergency response, security of the urban fabric). China is planning over 285 smart city projects to improve and enhance the quality of life for its citizens.

Gaming. Make network latency, the "instability factor" of e-sports, a thing of the past; make game characters in augmented reality smarter and more agile; and bring the computing power of cloud computing to virtual reality to reduce the cost burden of virtual reality gaming for avid gamers. As for VR/AR games, its future will be in the cloud for animation rendering and other computationally intensive work, and to prevent VR games from creating a sense of vertigo, MTP (Motion To Photons, the time from head movement to displaying the corresponding screen) needs to be less than 20ms. in cloud VR scenarios, the transmission delay of the communication network is required to be less than 10ms, and 5G will fulfill all these needs.

In addition to these areas, 5G will also play a huge role in intelligent manufacturing, remote control, etc. 5G is bringing mankind to a wider world, but 5G to better serve the user, the industry, it requires the whole field of synergy.