Summer continues to appear hot and muggy weather, in order to further strengthen the safety management of nursing institutions, to ensure that the elderly in the hot summer season, nursing institutions should effectively do a good job in the summer summer heat, food safety, fire safety and other management work, to ensure that the elderly are safe, comfortable, and healthy to spend the hot summer.
The correct use of summer air conditioning in nursing institutions
The use of air conditioning in nursing institutions for the elderly in the summer and winter seasons is more frequent, the use of air conditioning in the summer for the elderly can eliminate the indoor hot conditions, bring cool, and in winter, can help the elderly to remove cold, but if the elderly can not be used properly, it will be detrimental to the health of the elderly factors. The elderly health factors, the following for the elderly use of air conditioning methods are described in detail.
The use of air conditioning for the elderly in nursing homes should not be too long and the temperature should not be too high or too low, pay attention to open the windows at any time to ventilate the room and pay attention to indoor hygiene. Through the correct use of air conditioning, the disease can be eliminated.
Elderly people should not use air conditioning temperature difference is too large
Elderly people in nursing homes to use air conditioning in the summer, it is not appropriate to open too low, and in winter, elderly people should not use air conditioning temperature is too high, so that the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, it will result in the elderly for a moment to adapt to the old age when the elderly people in nursing homes to leave the air conditioning environment, the body will not be able to adjust to the old age. When the elderly leave the air-conditioned environment, the body of the elderly can not adjust in time, gastrointestinal diseases. It is easy to cause the elderly to suffer from colds,
The elderly use of air conditioning time should not be too long
Due to the hot weather or the influence of cold factors, the elderly use of air-conditioning institutions should not be too long, and can not be used overnight, if the elderly elderly institutions to stay in air-conditioned rooms for a long time, will cause the elderly immunity to decline, and thus lose the ability to resist the outside world. The environment of the ability to resist.
It is not advisable to close the doors and windows for too long
Because the elderly in the nursing home when the use of air conditioning, it is a long time closed space, isolated from the outside world to maintain a constant temperature, and reduce the outside air convection, so in the daytime, nursing home caregivers should be elderly living room attention to the ventilation, air conditioning of the old people's room.
Health of the indoor environment for the elderly
When the elderly use air conditioning in nursing homes, special attention should be paid to the cleanliness and hygiene of the indoor environment. Therefore, when the nursing home adopts the characteristics of integrated care, the cleanliness and hygiene in the air-conditioned rooms are guaranteed as much as possible to reduce the contamination of diseases, and at the same time, the caregivers of the nursing homes will turn on the air-conditioning at the right time as necessary and it is inappropriate to turn on the air-conditioning too often to avoid aggravating the condition of the elderly. The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a clean and hygienic air conditioning room to minimize contamination.
Summer Food Safety in Pension Institutions
The summer weather is hot, high temperature, high humidity, pathogenic microorganisms reproduce faster, food is easy to rot and deteriorate, the occurrence of bacterial food poisoning and intestinal infectious diseases, so the pension institutions should be highly attentive to the safety of food hygiene, to guard against food poisoning and other food-borne illnesses of the elderly.
Summer food safety knowledge
1. Purchase of food to carefully check the factory name, factory address, production date, shelf life, etc., as far as possible to choose fresh, short storage time of the food, do not buy "three no" food and expired food. The first thing you need to do is to look for the right way to get to the right place.
2. Don't buy uninspected meat, poultry and aquatic products with unknown cause of death. Don't buy cooked meat, coleslaw, cold cuts and other foods sold by "unlicensed" roadside vendors.
3. In summer, the food safety risk of eating raw aquatic products is higher, so eat less or not eat drunken shrimps, drunken crabs and other raw aquatic products.
4. Processed coleslaw vegetables and fruits must be washed and sterilized, and now eat. The fruits and vegetables that you eat directly should be washed thoroughly in clean water and peeled as much as possible.
5. Summer temperatures are high , eat cold drinks need to be appropriate, the right amount, should not be too much to eat cold drinks, should not be in a lot of sweat, before and after meals, after drinking hot drinks, etc. eat cold drinks. When choosing a cold drink, you should carefully check the production date and shelf life, and try to choose a product with a closer factory date; do not drink unclean water or unboiled tap water.
6. In the event of suspected food poisoning, stop eating the suspected food immediately, organize treatment as soon as possible, and report the incident in a timely manner so that it can be investigated and handled promptly to avoid delaying the identification of the food poisoning incident.
Daily food safety in summer
1. Food shopping should pay attention to should choose the better storage conditions, meet the hygiene requirements of the regular shopping malls, supermarkets and markets, to buy the sensory normal food or food ingredients, to observe whether it is fresh, whether it is in the shelf life, whether the packaging is complete and undamaged, no bulging, and whether it is not a good idea to buy the food. Observe whether it is fresh, whether it is within the shelf life, whether the package is intact, whether there are bulging bags (rising bags, fat hear) and other phenomena.
2. Summer to pay special attention to food preservation need to be refrigerated or frozen food, purchased as soon as possible after the purchase of the refrigerator to save, to avoid exposure to room temperature for too long lead to corruption and deterioration. The refrigerator should not be overfilled with food and should be defrosted regularly. Vegetables and fruits should be refrigerated for freshness and kept separately from raw meat and fish. Listening, bottled, canned, Tetra Pak, vacuum-packed and other packaged foods, ready to use, should be promptly refrigerated after opening and should not be stored for a long time. Cooked food room temperature storage time should not exceed 2 hours ; leftovers, leftovers, etc. should be refrigerated in a timely manner, the best use of plastic wrap wrapped in cold storage time should not be more than 24 hours , and again before eating to be thoroughly heated, and to confirm that there is no deterioration of the food before eating.
3. The food preparation process should pay attention to the cleanliness and hygiene of the food ingredients should be washed, the cutlery and utensils used to cut and serve the food should be separated from the raw and cooked food.
Heated cooking food should be cooked through;
Cold dishes should be eaten now, can be added to the appropriate amount of raw garlic or vinegar sterilization.
Scientific processing of food: protein-rich meat, eggs and egg products, aquatic products, etc. should be cooked through;
Four seasons of soybean food should be stir-fried evenly, cooked, stewed;
processed cooked food should be consumed within 2 hours, more than 2 hours to consume, should be sufficiently warmed up before consumption;
do not eat or eat less raw aquatic products;
processed coleslaw vegetables should be eaten now, can add raw garlic or vinegar sterilization.
4. Pay attention to meal hygiene, use chopsticks as much as possible when eating, and advocate sharing meals. When eating, you should pay attention to distinguish whether the food is spoiled, whether there is a foreign body, do not eat prohibited food, and do not overeat.
5. Adopt good personal hygiene habits We should pay attention to environmental hygiene, food hygiene and personal hygiene. Pay attention to cleanliness and hygiene inside and outside the home. Don't drink raw water, don't eat cold food, wash your hands before and after meals, and keep the indoor air circulating.
Summer Food Safety Tips
1. Wash vegetables have requirements to prevent pesticide residue poisoning, need to pay attention to three links. First, it is best to buy green leafy vegetables to go to the regular market. Secondly, if the edible part of the vegetable is broken, it should be eaten immediately, do not store, so as to avoid the broken part of the reaction after a long time to produce toxic substances such as nitrite. Third, if you are using fruits and vegetables special detergent cleaning, according to the detergent product instructions can be used. If it is cleaned with water, it is recommended to wash three times. It should be reminded that before cleaning to soak 20~30 minutes. In addition, washing vegetables with rice water can effectively remove pesticide residues.
2. Even if not overnight, it is not advisable to keep leftovers at room temperature in the hot weather, for the meals that are not finished, be sure to refrigerate them in time, not at room temperature. In summer, the time between lunch and dinner is long, if stored at room temperature, it will create conditions for the growth and reproduction of germs and the release of toxins. Therefore, leftovers must be promptly refrigerated. For meat dishes and meat soup, heat and boil after consumption, and put it into the refrigerator after cooling.
3. Avoid cross contamination of raw and cooked food cooking operation knife, plate and other food tools and food containers should be separated from raw and cooked food, refrigerator storage of food, pay attention to do not mix raw and cooked.
Summer Fire Safety in Nursing Institutions
The elderly are the weakest in society, they are not mobile, fire safety awareness is relatively weak, in the event of a fire, it is easy to cause large casualties. Nursing homes, orphanages and other institutions of the fire safety has been a major problem, and the summer heat is the high incidence of fire, how to do a good job of fire safety has become the top priority of the nursing home institutions.
Common causes of fires in nursing homes
How to do a good job of preventing fires in nursing homes
1. Nursing homes should implement the responsibility of fire safety, strengthen the day-to-day management of fire safety, fire prevention inspections. Regularly organize staff training, with the ability to fight incipient fires and organize the evacuation of people, should be regularly organized to carry out evacuation drills, patients with self-care ability, the elderly should have the necessary knowledge of escape and self-help.
2. Nursing homes should set up a micro-fire station , once an emergency occurs, can be the first time to organize into a small combatants to fight the initial fire and evacuation of people.
3. The hot summer is the peak of electricity consumption nursing homes should pay particular attention to increase the wire line, electrical inspection and maintenance, to prevent line aging and overloaded electricity , so as not to cause electrical line fire accidents.
4. To inform the elderly of the correct way to use fire , electricity, education, do not bed smoking.
5. Nursing homes in the event of a fire accident, in the dial 119 alarm phone at the same time, the staff should try to guide the evacuation, for the escapees to point out a variety of evacuation routes, and at the same time to use a calm tone of voice shouting, persuade everyone to eliminate the panic mentality, and evacuate in an orderly manner. In particular, once the fire, some patients with limited mobility, old and frail, bedridden, no self-care ability of the elderly to focus on rescue, and a timely headcount.
How to save yourself in case of fire in a nursing home
Supplemental summer safety special self-check sheet
Special self-check sheet for nursing home safety in summer
Name of the organization: Checker: Date of checking. Date of Inspection: Month, Year
Serial Number
Supervision Content
The person responsible for the unit's safety management and the safety administrator is licensed
Requirements should be held with a certificate of safety training
Summer safety education (training)
Whether to carry out the summer safety education (training) in the near future
Organization of thematic safety inspections
Whether to organize thematic safety inspections
Recent unit Whether to carry out thematic safety inspections
Kitchen set up gas leakage alarm device
Gas alarm device test inspection records and system on the wall
Kitchen set up fire extinguishing sprinklers or equipped with fire extinguishing blankets
1. National standard document on May 1, 2015
2. Fire extinguishing blankets must be be available
Kitchen using gas to meet the requirements
1. Pipes need to be open pipe, pipe without cracks (aging conditions).
2. Pipes can not be flammable and explosive within 1 meter around.
3. The stove can not leave a small fire.
4. The exhaust hood should be cleaned in time (check the cleanliness of the exhaust hood)
5. When the kitchen is not in use, except for the refrigerator, the power supply should be turned off.
50 KG liquefied petroleum gas cylinder storage room set up and use to meet the requirements
1. Missing items will not be scored
2. 20cm from the ground in the storage room should be ventilation equipment (shutters)
3. There can not be flammable and explosive substances around
4. Light switch outside the door, and have a sign
5. There are fire fighting facilities around the warehouse
Distribution room set up to meet the requirements
1. Can not be stacked flammable and explosive substances,
2. Hanging "no smoking", "no one is allowed to enter the" sign.
Fire control room set up in accordance with the requirements
1. Can be set up in the fire control room or duty room, can also be used with the security room.
2. To be licensed (at least 2, at least 1 holds a fire four certificate), the prominent position to hang duty duties and operating specifications, alarm system, fire suppression system, fire extinguishing linkage device is not less than 12 square meters, the power supply should be independent.
3. To have an outside telephone line, do not pile up flammable products (quilt, wooden cabinets are not allowed), wooden doors are not in line with the regulations.
Safety signs set up to meet the requirements
1. Check the main entrances and exits with or without safety entrance and exit signs, lighted evacuation indicator signs should be located in the corridor 1 meter below the spacing of 20 meters, the turn should be turned around signs,
2. There should be accessibility signs, wheelchair signs, staircase signs, step signs (steps start and end of a different color instructions),
3. See if the emergency lighting is on after a power failure.
Evacuation routes are clear
1. There are no piles of objects at the exits,
2. There must be two exits, and the outside of the routes must be clear and free of obstructions, and the general doors are not locked, and the doors of the areas of the demented elderly can be locked, but the staff on duty can open them at the first time.
Medical oxygen cylinder storage room set up to meet the requirements
1. Non-internal "missing items"
2. Check the internal medical institutions, whether it is specifically placed, need to be placed in an upright position, the temperature is less than 35 degrees, equipped with fire extinguishers, sand buckets, explosion-proof switches, "Empty" "full" logo,
3. 10 meters around the perimeter can not have an open fire, can not have flammable and explosive products.
Fire inspection and rectification of the implementation of the situation in line with the requirements
Check the blue list of recent inspections, identified problems have been rectified. (Focus on whether there are exposed wires and whether small appliances are used in the rooms of the elderly)
Electrical use
1. No exposed wires
2. Strictly prohibit indiscriminate connection of wires
3. Use of leakage protection devices
4. The elderly bring their own electrical appliances need to be agreed upon by the organization (check the agreement), and the use of electric stoves, electric heaters and other potentially hazardous safety devices is strictly prohibited. The use of electric stoves, electric heaters and other appliances with potential safety hazards is strictly prohibited; the use of electrical appliances must be under the control of the home (especially electric blankets)
Open fire
1. No burning of objects (branches or other objects) in the home
2. If a Buddhist temple is set up, it is necessary to use incense, equipped with fire extinguishers, and open-flame incense is not allowed to be used.
3. The construction of the courtyard for welding, gas welding and other open-flame operations must be approved by the relevant departments and the implementation of on-site guardian; and configure fire extinguishing equipment.
4. The elderly are strictly prohibited to use candles, alcohol stoves, fire heating
5. Set up a smoking room or smoking area, smoking area or smoking room should be equipped with fire extinguishers
Indoor use of oxygen absorbing devices
Away from the heat source, power supply, flammable and explosive substances
Gas shower, Elderly hot water bag, boiling water stove
Whether controlled, whether there are safety measures
1. The perimeter of the courtyard wall, roof terrace, etc. can not be piled up flammable materials
2. Battery charging whether the system is in place, whether the order of the system
3. Whether there are wires in the dormitories of the staff and the use of electrical appliances hidden p> p>