1, storage tanks:
Storage tanks are used to store compressed air; to eliminate pressure fluctuations, buffer pressure, to ensure the continuity of the output airflow, because of the air compressor air pressure fluctuations, the addition of storage tanks, the use of compressed air compressed air pressure at the end of the gas is more stable; to regulate the amount of gas or to prepare for the occurrence of failures and temporary needs for emergency use; Further separation of water and oil in compressed air, part of the water vapor in the air compressed by the compressor has formed liquid water droplets, most of these droplets will be deposited at the bottom of the tank when passing through the tank, there is a drain valve at the bottom of the tank, can be discharged manually or automatically.
2, dryer (refrigerated and adsorption)
Dryer is to further absorb and exclude the compressed air in the moisture, oil, so that it becomes dry air for the quality of the air source for higher requirements of the pneumatic instrumentation, injection components of the system used. At present, China's production and use of compressed air drying device mainly adsorption and freezing two kinds of adsorption is the silica gel, aluminum gel, molecular sieve adsorbent filling in two dryer, when the gas passes through the dryer, adsorption of desiccant will be milled down, so as to achieve the purpose of drying. The freezing type utilizes the form of Freon cooling to separate out the water in the air after condensing, so as to achieve the effect of drying (water removal). The adsorbent of the adsorption drying device needs to be regenerated after work, and the form of regeneration is divided into two kinds: no-heat (self-heat) regeneration and heat regeneration. Heating regeneration is divided into external heating regeneration, internal heat regeneration, residual heat regeneration, micro-heat regeneration and other forms.
3, the filter
Filter to remove the compressed air oil, water and dust and other impurities. Different use of different occasions on the air source filtration requirements, the filter is divided into a primary filter, secondary filter and high efficiency filters. Primary filter, also known as simple filter, placed in the air pressure station after the dryer, commonly used filter, felt, silica gel, coke and other materials to play the role of adsorption filtration, its ash filtering efficiency of 50% to 70%. The secondary filter, also known as water filter, is the most widely used in pneumatic systems, with an ash filtration efficiency of 70% to 90%. High-efficiency filters are precision water-splitting filters with small pore sizes, commonly used in pneumatic sensors and detection devices, etc. They are installed after the secondary filter as the third level of filtration, and their ash filtration efficiency reaches 99%.
After these three post-processing equipment, the gas reaches the right temperature, no water and no oil, and provides compressed gas that can be used directly in the production plant.