The latest standards for setting up a level II hospital are as follows:
I. Beds:
The total number of inpatient beds is 100 to 499.
Second, the department set up:
1. Clinical departments: at least an emergency department, internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology, dermatology, anesthesiology, infectious diseases, preventive health care, of which ophthalmology, otolaryngology, stomatology can be combined with the establishment of a department, the dermatology department may be merged with the Department of Internal Medicine or Surgery, the nearby There has been a hospital for infectious diseases, according to the local "medical institutions set up planning" may not set up infectious diseases;
2. Medical and technical departments: at least have a pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, operating room, pathology, blood bank (can be set up jointly with the test department), physical therapy, disinfection and supply room, patient case room.
Three, personnel:
1. At least 0.88 health technicians per bed;
2. At least 0.4 nurses per bed;
3. At least 3 physicians with the title of associate physician or above;
4. At least 1 physician with the title of attending physician or above in each specialized department;
5. At least 1 physician with the title of attending physician or above in each specialized department. Physician with the title of attending physician or above.
Four, housing:
1. Floor area per bed of not less than 45 square meters;
2. Ward net usable area per bed of not less than 5 square meters;
3. Daily average of outpatient visits per person accounted for the outpatient clinic floor area of not less than 3 square meters.
V. Equipment:
1. Basic equipment:
Oxygen delivery device ventilator, electric suction, automatic gastric lavage machine, electrocardiograph, cardiac defibrillator, electrocardiographic monitor, multifunctional resuscitation beds, universal surgical beds, shadowless lamps, anesthesia machines, gastroscopes, gynecological examination beds, douche trolleys, universal birthing beds, baby warming box, labor and delivery monitor, slit lamp, dental treatment chair, turbine,, dental drilling machine, silver mercury mixer, microscope, refrigerator.
Thermostat, analytical balance, X-ray machine, centrifuge, potassium-sodium-chlorine analyzer, urine analyzer, ultrasound, frozen section machine, paraffin section machine, dressing cabinet, washing machine, instrument cabinet, ultraviolet lamp, glove drying and powdering machine, distillers, autoclave sterilizing equipment,, under the collection of under the delivery of confined car, constant water,, disinfection sterilization of the confined cabinet of the heat source monitoring equipment (thermostat, purification table, drying box), etc..
2. Ward per bed unit equipment: in addition to increasing the bedside signal lamp 1, the other with a general hospital.
3. There are other equipment corresponding to the diagnostic and treatment subjects carried out.