Omaha Coast Strategy Omaha Gameplay Tips

1.Omaha Gameplay Tips

Each has its own characteristics.M series has strong firepower, high ballistic trajectory, and good air control.No torpedoes after level 5, suitable for newbies (especially Omaha, level 5).

Current PositionThere is no doubt that Operation Market Garden was a defeat, not only a defeat, but a crushing defeat. Its failure once again put Britain and the United States at a disadvantage in the race for Allied dominance and further prolonged the brutal rule of Fascist Germany. In the following, Benshaw will talk in detail about the cause, process, result and failure of this campaign.

I. Background and reasons for the birth of Operation Market Garden

In June 1944, after the Allies landed in Normandy to open up the second battlefield, in order to defeat Nazi Germany as soon as possible, the Allied 3rd Army led by Patton took the lead in storming out of Normandy on July 25, 1944, and began a great pursuit of the Germans on the French plains. Not to be outdone, Montgomery and Patton engaged in a race to advance into Germany.On August 29, 1944, American forces under Patton captured Chalons-sur-Marne, on September 1 captured Verdun, and on September 7 crossed the Moselle. A second British force liberated Brussels on Sept. 3 and captured the important port of Antwerp on Sept. 4 as far as the Dutch border.

British Field Marshal Montgomery

Just when victory seemed within reach, the Allied momentum had become strong. Beginning in late August 1944, problems with Allied logistical supplies delayed the Allied offensive. The Germans also consolidated their defenses along the border. Solving the logistical supply problem seemed to be the most important thing the Allies should do at this time. The cargo-heavy port of Antwerp had been captured by the British, but the land around the mouth of the river was still controlled by the Germans.

In an effort to bypass the Siegfried Line from the north and strike directly at the German Ruhr in order to end the war before Christmas, Field Marshal Montgomery, a British soldier who had always been known for his caution, came up with a code name Market Garden. Later, Eisenhower and Churchill discussed the Allied battle plans for the Western Front. It was too tempting to end the war before Christmas, and the Allied leaders agreed to the plan. To balance the two armies, Eisenhower agreed to a surprise attack on Holland with British forces as the main force.

Schematic of the Market Garden operation

II. Content and purpose of the Market Garden plan

The purpose of the plan was to allow the Allies to cross the Rhine, the last natural barrier on the German border, after capturing a series of important bridges across the Rhine, Waal, and other rivers, before the Germans could get a firm footing in order to bring Germany's military industry to a standstill, and to prepare for the subsequent advance on the capital Berlin in preparation. The aim was to end the European theater by Christmas 1944.

Confident senior Allied leaders

The overall operation of the Market Garden can be divided into two parts: market action and garden action. Market actions refer to airborne operations. Airborne troops from the 101st U.S. Airborne Division, the 82nd Airborne Division of the 1st Allied Airborne Division, the 1st British Airborne Division, and the Polish Parachute Brigade***35,000 men were airborne in Eindhoven, Nijmegen, and Arnhem using frog jump tactics over a 63-mile battle depth to capture a series of German-controlled bridges over the major rivers of the Netherlands. The ground forces of the British II Corps advanced northward, with the British 30th Corps in the vanguard. Its mission was to break through the enemy American forces defending the narrow forward sector and to use ferries captured by airborne troops to get out of the offensive zone to advance through the river barriers to Eindhoven, Hlavo, Nijmegen and Arnan.

Eisenhower and the American generals.

Thirdly, the Allies would fight.

1. On September 17, 1944, at dawn, hundreds of Allied fighters and bombers took off from British airfields and flew across the English Channel to carry out air raids on German targets to the north of the British 2nd Army Corps, which had already invaded the Netherlands. On the route from Hofen in Einde via Nijmegen to Arnan, Allied bombers hit anti-aircraft gun positions and airfields along the way.

Allied transports

Prepared for aerial firefighting, at 10o a.m. the Allied First Airborne Force took off from 24 airfields in south-central England, including 1,545 transports, 478 towed gliders and 1,131 fighters as cover.

The British 1st Parachute Division, the U.S. 101st Parachute Division and the 82nd Parachute Division landed at Baker, Soane and Groesbeck, Uist, respectively. Their goal was to quickly capture canals and bridges over rivers to pave the way for British ground forces advancing from the south. This corridor ran from Leopold in Belgium to Anam via Walkenswald, Eindhoven, feher, Heravo and Niemeiheng.

The U.S. Army's 101st Division was making good progress. In capturing the five planned bridges, only one was met with strong German resistance relying on 88-millimeter antiaircraft guns and machine guns. Still, the 101st Division accomplished its mission. A division of the 2nd Division captured a bridge over the Merzwal Canal, while the main body was stationed on the Groesbeck highway to hold off German reinforcements.

American paratroopers were assembled.

The British 1st Parachute Division was out of luck. Lost a lot of heavy equipment to glider crashes, such as jeeps, and most of its communications equipment was inoperable. What was even more unfortunate was that nearly 10,000 German troops were resting here. After the attack, the 1st and 3rd Battalions of the 1st Brigade were blocked by small groups of Germans. Only the 2nd Battalion reached the north side of the Anan Bridge in order to hold the bridge, but two attempts to capture the bridge were repulsed by the Germans. By nightfall, the British army was largely surrounded.

Allied airborne troops are parachuting in.

Because of poor coordination, it wasn't until 2:35 p.m. that 30th Army turned to the offensive after a brief preparation of airborne fire and artillery readiness. The Army's first echelon of armored divisions broke through the enemy defenses. Two infantry divisions followed. By the end of the first day, the Allies had advanced only 6-8 kilometers, but had failed to meet the 101st Division at Eindhoven as expected.

2. On September 18, 1944, at Anan, the German 9th Armored Division launched a surprise attack on the British troops holding the north side of the bridge, but was repulsed by the British and the German battalion commander was killed in action. The second British airborne troops of the 4th Brigade suffered from intense German anti-aircraft fire as a result of considerable mistakes caused by thick fog. Although three battalions were left behind, the losses were heavy. At nightfall, the remnants of the 1st and 3rd Battalions of the 1st Brigade, less than 200 men, reached Anan, most of the officers and men having been captured.

British airborne troops in action.

The fighting on the southern front did not and does not go well. 505th Regiment of the 82nd Division holds the site of the second parachute drop and succeeds in securing the safe arrival of the second batch of paratroopers (3 infantry battalions, 3 field artillery battalions, and 1 medical battalion), and collects the airdropped supplies. 101st Division control of Xiongnu Bridge is recaptured by the Germans. At noon, the 30th arrived north of Eindhoven and joined the 101st Airborne Division. Engineers then erected a pontoon bridge to ensure a clear passage to Eindhoven, but the plan was two days old.

In two days, the U.S. and British air forces used almost all of their assets, including more than 5,500 transports, 2,596 gliders and more than 8,000 fighters and bombers. At the same time, they successfully airborne more than 35,000 people, 568 artillery pieces, 1,927 military vehicles and 5,230 tons of supplies in three places, launching the largest airborne combat operation in the history of human warfare.

3. On September 19, 1944, the British forces in Anan launched a third attack on the south bank, but were quickly repulsed by German artillery and sniper units. The four battalions, except for the 2nd Battalion, which was left with only 500 men, retreated to the village of Jostbeck. The 600 men of the 2nd Battalion hid in the city buildings on the north bank. The 2nd Battalion held its position despite German troops blowing up house after house. The British 4th Brigade was in a dilemma at the village of Beck in Eustat.

At Nijmegen, the 30th Army met with the U.S. 504th Regiment in the morning and moved into Nijmegen in the afternoon, but was still unable to capture the bridge over the Waal River at Nijmegen, and much of the air-dropped supplies were lost.The 101st Division was slowed down by German reinforcements and could not be withdrawn as scheduled. But the advance of the 30th Army's follow-on units did not go smoothly. In the face of fierce German resistance, the 30th Army had difficulty moving, and the Germans were devastated

4. On September 20, 1944, the 504th Regiment of the 82nd Division, which could t conquer the bridge, forced its way across the Waal River by kayak, but not accustomed to the paddles of the British landing craft, conquered the bridge over the Waal River at a fairly heavy loss. This battle is also known as the Little Omaha Landing because it was as grueling as the Omaha Beach Landing. The 82nd and the rest of the 101st fought hard against German attempts to cut the highway.

By this time, the situation at Anan was completely out of Allied control. After the 2nd Battalion held north of the bridge for nearly two days, on the morning of the 21st, the radio sent out a final telegram: out of ammunition, God save my king. Then it fought the Germans physically and was all but wiped out. The village of Jostbeck, where the division was located, had also been encircled, while several other battalions had fewer than 100 men after breaking through the German encirclement to join the main body.

5. On September 21, 1944, in the village of Eusteck, 3,500 British troops defended themselves with light anti-tank guns. A captured French Spitfire tank of the British army was responsible for defending a high ground in the south-west overlooking the Hofthorpe Ferry on the south bank, but the high ground was quickly lost under heavy German attack. The British had to continue to defend the narrow village, but they refused to surrender.

Polish troops who were due to take part in the second drop were delayed until the 21st because of the weather and were airborne on the south bank at Drill. But due to scheduling errors and Luftwaffe obstruction, supplies were airdropped 15 kilometers away. The Poles preparing to cross the river in support of the British forces failed to find the ferry in its original position, but when they did downstream it was badly damaged and unusable. The Poles had to retreat to the village of Diamond for defense.

However, at Nijmegen, the British 30th Army wiped out the remaining enemy forces for another 18 hours before leaving at midnight. And three full days had passed since the scheduled rendezvous with the 1st Division was scheduled for the 18th.

6. On September 22, 1944, the Germans, fearing British anti-tank guns, did not charge the village of Beck in Eustat, but instead used the same method of attacking Anan, going from house to house and blasting. However, with the addition of Polish troops, the Germans had to move 2,400 men to the south bank to deal with the Polish 1st Brigade. In the evening, the 30th Army finally reached Drier and joined the Polish army. Meanwhile, 52 Polish soldiers crossed the Rhine and joined the British army on the north bank. However, the British and Polish armies failed in their attempt to build a pontoon bridge across the river.

7. On September 23-26, 1944, the Germans briefly cut off British-held Route 69, but were quickly expelled from the area. Canadian assault boats delivered 150 Polish soldiers across the Rhine.On the 24th, Allied General Headquarters abandoned its attack on the Anan Bridge and constructed a defensive line at Nijmegen. The British retreat did not begin until the 25th. By the morning of the 26th, the British had withdrawn only 2,398 of the 10,600 men who had been airdropped.

8. On September 27, 1944, the British entered the south bank of the Lower Rhine, but were forced to go on the defensive and failed to take the landings on the north bank.

After 10 days of intense struggle, the Allies were forced to admit that the Market Garden operation had been a complete failure. The Germans suffered only 3,300 casualties in the operation, while the Allies lost more than 17,000. After paying a heavy price, the Allies advanced 45-90 kilometers deep across a 200-kilometer wide front. However, the Germans regained control of Anan, preventing the operation from achieving its ultimate objective. The bridge at Anan is called the Bridge at a Distance.

Far Bridge stills

Fourth, the German response

1. Perhaps it fate. Before the war, the Germans had already deployed two panzer divisions of the 2nd SS Panzer Army and some units of the 1st Army Group airborne in the area where the Allies were scheduled to land.

After the war, the Germans used anti-aircraft guns to kill many Allied soldiers who parachuted from 366 meters to 457 meters. After the landing, the lack of heavy equipment made it difficult to pose a real threat to the Germans.

2. Only two hours after the Allied air attack, General Kurt Student, commander of the 1st German Airborne Army, received an Allied order to fight from a glider. He immediately took this order to G Corps Command

The Germans also reinforced the defenses of all bridges in the hope of eliminating all Allied airborne divisions.The battle of September 20, 1944, was a turning point. The Germans began a powerful attack on the flanks of the 30th Army and the 1st Airborne Division at Anan. A heavy attack was launched against the British ground forces marching on highway 69#3. More than 20,000 Allied vehicles were blocked on the road from Swade and Vorken to Nijmegen. Many of the vehicles were hit by the Germans, sending up thick black smoke, causing the Road to Hell to be in the mouths of the Allies.

Reasons for the failure of the verb (short for verb)

1. Intelligence errors. The Allies launched an airborne attack without even figuring out the distribution of the main German forces. As a result, a lot of them fell on the 2nd SS Panzer Army. And no I didn't fail to notice that there was a crossing on the lower Rhine to bypass the German defenses.

2. The Allies were unlucky. Two hours after the start of the battle they were intercepted by the Germans. Commander-in-Chief Modell responded appropriately.

Modell commanded the battle.

3. The Allies' own political games led to this risky action. In order to expand Britain Montgomery hastily launched such a risky military operation for his own honor and that of the British army, and Eisenhower for the balance of the Allies. Just to win the possibility of being the first to enter or even defeat Germany.

2. Late Night Omaha Gameplay

GSE announced that it was developed by BlackMatterPtyLtd and sold out worldwide. The Chinese physical version of Hell on Earth, a multiplayer strategic war game set in World War II, is coming to PS5 this winter to experience the turmoil of war like never before with your comrades. In this 50 vs 50 large-scale simulation of the World War II battlefield, players will be in a variety of highly reproduced real history of the war scene, such as Cannes, Fuwa, Omaha Beach and so on. Team up with your teammates and emerge victorious in a huge, ever-changing battlefield.

Players can choose the right rank among infantry, scout and armored units to become officers, scouts, machine gunners, medic, engineers, tank commanders and 14 other colors. They can freely manipulate the exclusive machinery, weaponry and equipment of each rank and explore every detail and landing on the battlefield.

3. The Omaha Game

Buffett's 10 Best Books from the 2007 Berkshire Shareholder's MeetingAt the meeting, a young man from San Francisco asked Buffett what was the best way to become a good investor. Buffett's answer was to read. When I was 10 years old, he said, I read every book on investing I could find in the Omaha public **** library. Many of the books I read twice. You have to put all sorts of ideas into your head and identify which ones make sense over time.

Once you've done that, it's time to get in the water (and try). Buffett went on to say that at 19 years old he read a book and developed a basic way of thinking about investing. I I'm 76 now and the way I think about investing is based on that book I got when I was 19. (VALUE #8) What book did Warren Buffett read when he was 19? This book had such an important impact on him. In "Thus Spoke Warren Buffett" edited by Janet Lowe, there is a passage that says: I do everything. I collect charts and read all kinds of technical knowledge books. I listen to all kinds of insider information. Then I read Graham, The Intelligent Investor, and it was like seeing the light. Buffett also said: I read this book back in 1950 when it was first published, when I was 19 years old. At the time I thought it was the greatest investment book ever written. I still think so. Buffett praises Graham highly, calling him the greatest teacher in the history of finance, and is determined to take the investment philosophy he learned from him forward. Buffett said it was worth it, even if doing so would create a formidable competitor for Berkshire. Graham's other classic book, Security Analysis, is known as the investor's bible. Buffett believes every investor should read the book more than ten times. Another huge influence on Buffett's investment philosophy is Phil Fisher. Fisher's most classic book is Ordinary Stocks, Extraordinary Profits, which Warren Buffett speaks highly of. After reading Ordinary Stocks, Extraordinary Profits, find Phil Fisher. When I met him, he impressed me as much as his ideas. With Fischer a thorough understanding of the skills of Corporate America can lead a person to make wise investments. In the investment world, besides Warren Buffett, people are familiar with Peter Lynch. They can be said to admire each other. In Lynch's work in the United States, I often read a few words about Buffett. Buffett also admires Lynch's talent. For Lynch's Learning to be Rich, Buffett made the suggestion that if you want to give your grandson a birthday present, Learning to be Rich is the best. Peter also wrote several other books, such as "Beat Wall Street", "Peter Lynch's successful investment" and so on. All are influential classics in the investment world. As a value investor, it is necessary to analyze the company and its management. For managers, Buffett most appreciated Dick Welch's work, Buffett introduced to The Autobiography of Jack Welch:; Jack is the Tiger Woods of the management world, and all CEOs want to follow his example. Although they can if they listen carefully to what he says they can get closer to him. For Winning, Buffett said: with Winning, there is no need for any other management work. Is it really so fascinating to do Jack Welch's work? You win unless you see it, I don't know. Warren Buffett once said that his job is to read. To promote reading, a special program was created at the annual shareholders meeting. The meeting is a big market stall selling some discounted books or CD-ROMs, which actually recommend some good works. For example, at the 2007 annual shareholders' meeting, Buffett recommended for the first time Franklin's famous book, Poor Man's Charlie's Almanac. Then there's In Search of Wisdom - From Darwin to Munger by ReterBevelin and Where Are the Clients' Yachts by Fred Schweb. Regarding Where the Client's Yacht Is, Buffett says it was first published in 1940 and is the best book on the subject of investing ever published. It wisely explains many insights on the subject of investing. Buffett has not he hasn't written any books, but he writes a letter to shareholders every year summarizing the successes and failures of the past year. Lawrence A. Cunningham, an American law professor, was commissioned by him to compile these letters into a book called Buffett's Letters to Shareholders: A Tutorial for Stock Companies. The translator, Chen Xin, says in the preface that Buffett himself thinks this book is better than any biography of him to date. If he had to pick one to read, it would be this one. ("Warren Buffett: from 10 to 16 billion" Chinese translation of the foreword) with Warren Buffett recommended ten books: 1. "The Intelligent Investor" (Graham). Graham is written specifically for amateur investors, Warren Buffett called the greatest investment book of all time.2, "securities analysis" (Graham Dodd).

Grahamclassic, a must-read for professional investors, Buffett believes that every investor should read this book more than ten times.3, "How to choose growth stocks" (Fisher). Buffett called his investment strategy 85% Graham and 15% Fisher. By using Fisher's skills, he says, you can learn about the industry and help make smart investment decisions.4. Learn to be Rich (Peter Lynch) (Learn to be Rich would be the best birthday present for a grandchild.5. The Autobiography of Jack Welch (by Jack Welch) (Welch is the man that all of Tiger Woods's chief executives would like to model their lives after. Though they can if they listen carefully to what he says they can get closer to him.) 6, Winning (by Jack Welch). (With Winning, there is no need for any other management book. 7. Poor Man's Charlie's Almanac (Franklin) (An unfortunate soul asked Charlie last year, what would I do if I could Idon't I feel the pleasure of reading this book? The answer he got was - no problem, please give this book to a wiser person). 8, "In Search of Wisdom - From Darwin to Munger〉〉" (by ReterBevelin) 9, "Where are the Clients' Yachts" (by Fred Schweb) (This is the best book published on the subject of investing, which wisely explains many insights on the subject of investing.) 10, Warren Buffett's Letters to Shareholders: a Tutorial for Stock Companies. This book collects and organizes Warren Buffett this is more than 20 years of letters to shareholders in the United States. Buffett thinks this book is a first-class work to sort out his investment philosophy.

4. Omaha Tutorial

I. Biographies

1. The best biography of Warren Buffett - "Warren Buffett's Biography - The Making of an American Capitalist"

2. The most detailed official biography of Warren Buffett -. -The Rolling Snowball - A Biography of Warren Buffett

3. Putting together the best Warren Buffett system

4. The best Warren Buffett documentary, The Barman Show (video)

II. Letters from Shareholders

5. The Best Warren Buffett Letter to Shareholders - Becoming Warren Buffett

6. The Most Complete Warren Buffett Letter to Shareholders - Warren Buffett's Letters to Shareholders: a Tutorial for Investors and Corporate Executives

7. The most complete Warren Buffett's letters to shareholders - Warren Buffett's Letters to Shareholders (1957-2021) (Taiwan Regional Edition)

8. The easiest and most readable Warren Buffett's Letters to Shareholders "Poksha University (1986-2015)

9. The most comprehensive Q&A . Warren Buffett's U.S. Shareholder Meeting "Inside Warren Buffett and Munger's Speech" (Poundland)

10. The Most Comprehensive Q&A. Buffett U.S. Shareholder Meeting - "Buffett Shareholder Meeting Q&A (1994-2021)" (video)

Third, speeches

1. The most comprehensive Buffett speeches over the years - "Buffett Shareholder Meeting 1994-2021 (Chinese-English subtitles)

12. The most authoritative interviews of Warren Buffett - "Warren Buffett's speeches through the years (1951 - years)

13. The best official collection of Warren Buffett's essays and reports-. - "Tap Dancing to Work" (Taiwan Regional Edition)

14. Buffett's Best Collected U.S. Quotes - "The Oracle of Warren Buffett, God of the Stocks"

15. The Life of Warren Buffett's Most Complete Wisdom (Video)

IV. Investment Strategies

6. Buffett's Book of Enlightenment -- "Thus Spoke Warren Buffett"

17. Summary of the Best Buffett Stock Picking Principles -- "The Intelligent Investor"

18. --The Buffett Way (Taiwan Region Edition)

9. Best Buffett Portfolio - The Buffett Way

20. Interpretation of the best Warren Buffett companies analyzing the practice of Warren Buffett's Portfolio, Warren Buffett's Moat"

Verb (abbreviation of verb) case interpretation

21.The most detailed interpretation of Buffett's U.S. case - "The Investor's Moat"

22.Interpretation of the best Buffett case - the Buffett Valuation Logic"

23.Interpretation of the best Buffett valuation analysis practice - "Buffett Investment Casebook"

Interpretation of intransitive verb relatives

24.Buffett's best financial analysis - "The The True Rules of the Stock Market"

25.The Best Buffett Practical Rules - "Buffett Teaches You to Read Earnings Reports", "Buffett's Laws", "The New Buffett's Laws"

VII. Domestic bull interpretation

26. Buffett's earliest interpretation - "Buffett's Practical Rules" "Buffett's 10 strokes of stock selection"

27. The largest fund manager interpretation - "How Warren Buffett chooses superstar stocks" (spelling DuoDuo)

28.Interpretation of the greatest people "Zhang Kun investment ideas collection" (Poundland)

29.Favorite authors to interpret the Tang Dynasty "Duan Yongping investment Q&A book"

VIII. Financial and Business Education

30. Best Financial Education "Value Investing Practical Manual"

5. Omaha Playbook Tips and Tricks

Value - Cigar Butt Investing, discovering those that are undervalued.

If you have an economic castle, people will take it and drive you out, so you better have a moat. Warren Buffett No.

Buffett didn't Idon'I didn't really like going to college because he thought the boring theories in school would make me lose interest. He didn't make much money for himself. However, he surprised everyone with his performance. In order to graduate as soon as possible, Buffett studied all the time and arrived at the exam center 15 minutes early for every exam, so he got enough credits in only three years. After graduation, Buffett applied to Harvard Business School, hoping to learn more about business. After only a 10-minute interview, the interviewer said forget it, you weren't not accepted, but Buffett thought it was the best opportunity he'd ever had.

After that, Buffett wrote a letter to Prof. Dodd at Columbia University saying how much he was looking forward to studying at Columbia, and then he was accepted. Professor Benjamin Graham was a big influence on Buffett. The investment philosophy. Buffett learned two of the most important things from Prof. Graham. One of them is Buffett's two main principles American investing: rule number one, Don't lose money; rule number two, Don't forget rule number one. The other most important thing is that Prof. Graham is the founder of the value investing philosophy, looking for companies that are undervalued, which is different from trend investing. Value holds that stock prices revolve around intrinsic value and that investment opportunities exist when stock prices are below intrinsic value. Trend investing is based on the rise and fall of stocks.

In 1956, Buffett returned to his hometown of Omaha. A few months later, Buffett formed a partnership with members of his family. Buffett filled out every check, filed 11 income tax returns, bought stock for various businesses and spent money on lots of cheap tradable securities. In one of his speeches, Buffett once said that you look all over for cigar butts, and finally you find a soggy, disgusting one that looks like you could smoke one. You pick it up, take the last puff, throw it away, and look for the next one. It doesn't sound elegant at all, but if you. You're looking for a free cigar, it this thing is worth doing. That value far outweighs the security of the price, and that's what Benjamin Graham Academic Essentials Cigar Ass Investments is all about.

If you choose, even if you go through a lot of battles, it is inevitable that you will fail, and good word of mouth will help you out.

The trick to investing is to sit there and watch the pitch and wait for the ball in the best hitting area. The Warren Buffett

It is not easy to sift through thousands of stocks because you need to consider a lot of things. So how does Warren Buffett screen stocks? Ted Williams is the only baseball player in the last 70 years to hit 400 hits in a single season. In The Warren Buffett Mystery Club, he explains his technique: he divides the hitting zone into squares the size of 77 baseballs, and he only swings when the ball flies into the area where he can get a hit, even though he might because swinging at those differential squares would greatly reduce his success rate. In all companies, you won't not need to identify every one of them, just a few of them. Buffett says