What are the tax incentives for imported equipment

Foreign investment projects in line with the "Industrial Guidance Catalog for Foreign Investment" encouraging and restricting category B, and the transfer of technology, equipment imported for self-use within the total amount of investment, in addition to the "foreign investment projects are not exempted from the import of goods listed in the catalog", exempted from tariffs and import-related value-added tax. _ foreign government loans and international financial organizations loan projects imported equipment for their own use, processing trade equipment supplied by foreigners without price, cf. the implementation of the above paragraph, that is, in addition to the "foreign investment projects are not duty-free imported goods catalog" of goods, exempted from tariffs and import-related value-added tax.

The equipment imported for self-use within the total investment amount of the domestic investment projects conforming to the Catalogue of Industries, Products and Technologies Currently Encouraged by the State, shall be exempted from tariffs and import-related value-added taxes, except for the commodities listed in the Catalogue of Imported Commodities Not Exempted from Tariffs and Taxes for Domestic Investment Projects.

What is exempted from personal income tax:

1. Prizes awarded by provincial people's governments, ministries and commissions of the State Council and the People's Liberation Army (PLA) above the military level, as well as by foreign organizations and international organizations in the fields of science, education, technology, culture, health, sports and environmental protection;

2. Interests on treasury bonds and state-issued financial debentures;

3. Subsidies and allowances granted in accordance with uniform regulations;

4. Welfare payments, pensions, and relief payments;

5. Insurance claims;

6. Military personnel's rehabilitation, demobilization, and retirement payments;

7. Settlement payments, severance payments, basic pensions, or retirement, retirement, and retirement subsistence allowance payments granted to cadres and employees in accordance with uniform regulations;


8, the income of diplomatic representatives, consular officers and other personnel of embassies and consulates of various countries in China, which shall be exempted from tax in accordance with the provisions of the relevant laws;

9, the income exempted from tax as stipulated in the international conventions and agreements entered into by the Chinese government;

10, the other exempted income as stipulated by the State Council. The tenth exemption provision of the preceding paragraph shall be reported by the State Council to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record.

Legal Basis:

Provisional Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Value-added Tax (VAT)

Article 15

The following items are exempted from value-added tax (VAT):

(1) Agricultural producers' sales of self-produced agricultural products;

(2) Contraceptive medicines and appliances;

(iii) Antique books;

(iv) Imported instruments and equipment directly used for scientific research, scientific experiments and teaching;

(v) Imported goods and equipment freely assisted by foreign governments and international organizations;

(vi) Goods directly imported by organizations of disabled persons for the exclusive use of disabled persons;

(vii) Goods for sale for their own use.

Except for the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the tax exemptions and reductions of value-added tax shall be prescribed by the State Council. No region or department shall prescribe tax-exempted or tax-reduced items.